2012年5月12日 星期六

16. SubsectionNo. 2012054 recommends TERA Power Leveling 16. SubsectionNo. 2012054 recommends - ZR

129810460593437500_190[Meng De] 12,054th shuangse Qiu period recommended: blue ball looked at 13, 14 Trend from 012 road, 1: 3 awards out of the number, 1-0-3, respectively, the award out of the 3, 04, 22, 25, are rewen. Late departure to focus on back-end cold cross number, number next to 1-2. 2: 3 awards out of the number, 3-3-0, respectively, prizes, the number dropped to freezing point, depart this award wow cd-key, there is no。 Focus in the late 23-32 cold. Award number, 2, note to cover. 0: number, 3 awards out of the 2-3-3 pattern, flat number, award, this award out of the 3, 15, 27, 33, mainly dominated by warm. No award to anti-6, in the late period, key, repeat. About number of anti-1-2.Blue ball: duplicate issue 04, 1-channel number. 012, nearly 10 period is 4:3:3 ratio respectively. Blue balls out of the number 0 Road, late-2 blue balls look good. From the perspective of size, about 10 smaller than 5:5, blue number equal in size. Blue balls, blue, still need to prepare for departure in the near future. Five yards surrounding blue focus 08, 12, 13, 14 TERA Gold, 16. SubsectionNo. 2012054 recommends: bile yards, 15, 27, 33. Blue ball, 13, 14. Red Balls: 09, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31 TERA Power Leveling, 33. Others:

