2012年5月17日 星期四

contains natural protection of faith Diablo 3 CD-KEY contains natural protection of faith - GJCR

129809647304430000_649Origin of religion as a regional phenomenon, very early for geographers the attention. With the development of cultural geography, geography of religion attracted more attention. D.E. Soffer published book the geography of religion in 1967, 1981 publication of the geography and religion, religious and geographical research laid the Foundation for establishing the content of. The religious distributionReligious faith is one of human social life, gathered by religious beliefs of social group occupies some space on the planet, thus becoming a regional phenomenon. Current beliefs of various religions in the world over 2.6 billion, accounted for 60% of the world's population. About 1 billion people to Christianity, divided into Catholic and Protestant (or known as Protestant, Protestantism), Eastern Orthodox; To Islam about 600 million people, divided into Sonny melancio, Shiye two sects; Buddhism of about 260 million people, divided into Mahayana Buddhism and Buddhism in small squares. On the three main religions in the world has a wider area, belong to the world of super national religion. In minority religions, the largest was Hinduism, followers of about 500 million people. There are Japan's Shinto. These religious focusDistribution to a range of national and regional scope. Judaism is not a large number, but with the Jewish diaspora, widespread in Europe TERA Power Leveling, North America and Asia in Israel and other places. In Africa South of the Sahara, South America, Oceania, and residents near the North Pole in the Amazon basin, there are various forms of local traditional religions (primitive religion). Study of religion geographyResearch contents: �� the origin, distribution and dissemination of religious. Discussion on the origin and the origin of civilization in ancient religion and religious dissemination of geographical background. Religion reflects the rise and fall of the past and the dissemination of modern distribution. Spread with transport trade, immigration and military conquest. Dissemination of existing voluntary, there are certain compulsory. Some religions due to improvement in traffic conditions,Increase and accelerate the dissemination of communication. For example, Islam as the strength of the Muslim empire and the Muslim merchants of the commercial activity and an increase in immigration TERA Gold, extend to Asia, Europe, Africa, and Christian as European immigrants spread to the Americas. �� religious cultural landscape. Different religions have different beliefs, manners and customs, to form a special environmental sensing and cultural landscape. Such as religiousPilgrimage activities, caused by taboos, religious buildings, such as the special landscape of the area. �� the religious influence on the natural environment. Some scholars have argued that: some of the original religion deified and chongyang nature, contains natural protection of faith, while some religious teachings stressed natural Diablo 3 CD-KEY, neglected human damage to the environment; some religious teachings, practices that objectively to protect ecological balance,As Buddhism. Religious attractions in China tend to be better protection of areas of vegetation. �� on territorial and boundary changes, wars of religion, population distribution, settlement forms as well as the impact of the regional economic structure, and so on. As some States and areas for religious or sectarian differences, caused by conflict and Division; the Catholic ceremonies in the need of drinking red wine, grape growing and wine-making industry, for the dissemination of developmentTo a certain function, and so on. Research for the effect and role of religion geography, cultural geography, political geography, economic geography, and national geographic, population geography, tourism geography human geography geography of settlements study branches are helpful and indispensable basis of these disciplines is a religious Institute of geography. Study on the geography of religion, also contributed to religiousThis important understanding of social phenomena and research. (Daikangsheng Wang Enyong) Others:

