2012年5月17日 星期四

Zhang Lei SWTOR Credits Zhang Lei - XDAY

129809336197867500_1267Beijing Wei shares a bit of executives expect to increase its stake, edge, forced the company to return securities times built Gao Guanzeng is common, but it's likely a tragedy. Market for less than two months with a market value of nearly $ 6 billion shares of Jing Wei (002662) and go to the back edge of the city, and this delisting crisis is just because a 6,300 unitsStock transactions, the total transaction amount is less than $ 125,000. Executives bought touch back red line in Beijing Wei share notice today, on April 18, Wang Lihua, Deputy General Manager of the company in charge of the sales from the secondary market to buy company stock 6,300 shares (0.002% per cent of total number of shares of the company). Precisely, this amount is not too large investments, Jing Wei pushed to the delisting of sharesMargin. Jing Wei shares throughout the day by that date the highest price $ 19.83 per share, the deal cost does not exceed $ 125,000. If effective measures are not taken, starting from today, Jing Wei from the delisting of shares left in 10 trading days. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listing rules, and total equity of less than 400 million shares in listed companies, holders of shares of listed companies for more than 10%Shareholders of Directors of listed companies and their concerted action, and high officers and associated persons other than shares held by the shareholders of listed companies, 20 trading days in a row below the 25% that does not meet the listing requirements of the total share capital of the company. Beijing Wei shares total share capital of 300 million shares, 3 companies of the holding together of which holds 75% shares of listed company, holding the number happens to be the policy limit. In accordance with theThat provision, as the executives buy company stock after Wang Lihua Diablo 3 power leveling, public share stake that has less than Jing Wei shares of total number of shares of 25%. As of May 4, Jing Wei shares the public unit has 10 trading days in a row below the company's total number of shares 25%; until May 18, if not the public shares of the company less than the total number of shares of the company 25% problemAnd therefore does not meet the listed requirements, Shenzhen will be implemented on May 21 on the stock suspension. Beijing Wei shares, the company's Board is actively studying the solution towards solving the problem of equity distribution does not meet the listed requirements as soon as possible. Can fire redeemed within 10 days while the situation urgently, but under the provisions of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Jing Wei shares seem to pre-empt. In the existing unitUnder this condition, company party or executives to reduce part stocks to achieve public share-holding more than 25% needed. 3 concert Jing Wei shares held by the company, the stock is still in limited period, apparently unable to flow in the secondary market. However SWTOR Credits, a practical and easy way is by means of a negotiated transfer of achieving reduction. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of the shares of listed companiesOn the transfer of businesses go through the relevant provisions under article III of the provisional rules, in cases of transfer of shares in the absence of other commitments, you can handle the transfer of shares agreements in accordance with the relevant requirements, but transferee of shares should comply with the original stake limited to requirements or commitments. In addition, Wang Lihua as Executive, in accordance with the regulations cannot be sold within 6 months of its stocks to buy on April 18. But the key momentsA bug to fix another error might not be is not an acceptable option. Even in the extreme case, Wang Lihua also resigned from the Executive Office to achieve its purpose to avoid delisting. Although to keep listing, Jing Wei shares there are many cards you can play, but it was put on alternative delisting drama has caused investors concern. Imminent withdrawal may cause impact on stock prices,Have a negative impact on investors. Similar many times statistics according to securities of the company, and Jing Wei shares the most close to the company went public in February of this year's ring XL electronic (601,231), the company's total share capital of about 1.01 billion, more than 400 million shares, the public share of the lowest limit is 10%. As of February 19, the controlling shareholder of the company and itsPeople share about 89.44%, rival of 90% red line. Worthy of note is that Jing Wei Asahi electronic shares, ring the two companies are listed in the near future TERA CD-key, holding shareholders are not lifted, and the small number of pre-IPO shareholder, holding concentrated, these companies are often prone to passive situation in Beijing, Wei-delisting of shares. According to Wind statistics, currently in the a-share markets total equityLess than 400 million shares in the company, cudrania triloba-building (002346) controlling shareholders and their concerted action held 74.07% shares; Jin Xinnong (002548) holding holding 71.45%; the Buddha of compassion pharmaceutical (002644) controlling stake in 70% above; and total equity of more than 400 million shares in the company, in addition to Xu, Central electronics, silverMillion shares (000981) holding holding 89.41%, shares of Chinese cable (002498) 86.49% stake-holding, controlling stake is higher. (Editors: Zhang Lei) Others:

