2012年6月8日 星期五

I really don't know who ALan is Rift Platinum I really don't know who ALan is - NNZZ

129834133970108750_24Gossip DJ English: Anthony Wong of the Fiery-tempered, another Twitter recently "fired", "don't know ALan", and even the fans burst foul language and ALan to curse. A Hong Kong gold statue movie King, one is "Asia dance King", seemingly no intersection of why gun? Users have opened 8, happened something like this: a few days ago ALan, Jay flew from temperatureStates to Shanghai, fans are going to pick, and then ALan Jay Chou's fans a far better than the middle finger, ALan of sorts, and others not, bodyguards also arresting people in the past, apologize to the child. ALan on Twitter said of his smiling face, no face at all, but from the outflow of the video, he didn't smile in the face. ALan hasty said heard the fans sayIs "Cheung of incest", but "incest Cheung" tone from the context of the word significant is ALan himself invented, nor fans curse recorded in the video. So, fans of ALan painter Zhou Jie LUN, Anthony Wong made a comment in on the match on g * of the Balai Rift Platinum, ALan's fans thought he was alluding to their idol, and by the way usually Jay Huang QiuBorn painter. Lying shot Anthony Wong, of course, cannot but open callI'm sorry, I really don't know who ALan is, but something I heard. I do not Google, it is said that his dutiful, obedient good, blessed! Round 2 fans: health, what kind of person you are? Anthony WONG: I was a little actress. Fans: ALan just like you, was a well-known artist. Anthony WONG: I am not the artist, I'm just an actor. RouND 3 Anthony WONG: I tell movies, youAre people well know Andy Lau, are what give surprising! I good think you ye good twist important person tell ye what have you TERA CD-key, into trying to harm you. Ill keep doctors,Thread:Fans will also, I apologize for the comparison of excited fans to Anthony Wong Diablo 3 power leveling, hoping that he will not mind. " Others:

