2012年6月15日 星期五

[scroll] Shandong "Asia's largest coin Museum" was closed down for illegal financing TERA CD-key

129838017178593750_31 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/wow/">wow power leveling</a>This water mailang trot mixed herbal tea market "sweet pear" controversy Review: jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceutical group competing for "Wang Lao JI" herbal tea brand heavy fighting was raging, halfway out of this mailang, not only launched the "sweet pear" flagship "afraid to put fire" concept, advertisement on "red tank drink" are negative. This suggests that advertising is great wisdom or cleverness of mailang? Can get? According to the voice of economic news, jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceutical group competing for "Wang Lao JI "herbal tea brands battle currently was raging, but at this point it is halfway out of this mailang, not only launched the" sweet pear "flagship" afraid to put fire "concept, and tit-proposed" North Sydney "propaganda, advertisement on" red tank drink "are negative. Ad came out, and contention. Summer is coming, and catch up with the opening of the European Cup, is the herbal tea beverage sales in Mong KokQuarter, but now the herbal tea advertising may give consumers puzzled some. Because jiaduobao and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Corporation of herbal tea brand "Wang Lao JI" competition is still not concluded, so that a classic ad--"Wang Lao JI put fire drink", has now been modified by two companies of the fragmented. Jiaduobao's slogan is "afraid of nobody inspected authentic herbal tea to drink, authenticHerbal tea, jiaduobao dir "; and the Guangzhou pharmaceutical group called out the" herbal tea drink Wang Lao JI ". At this point, the herbal tea market is out of this mailang "sweet pear". Because it is involved in the advertising of "afraid to put fire, red tank drink, no herbs, North Sydney" concept, it is easy to think of is for herbal tea in the South, "Wang Lao JI". This, plus how precious advertising is responsible forOne lady told reporters she did not know, not easy to respond to. Chen Zhizhao said, Marketing Director of the Guangzhou pharmaceutical group, two or three lines of brand's move does not concern them. Chen Zhizhao: this ad I have ever seen. This is one of them, we're not this comment for the time being, on this kind of thing, you want for so many each year.Reporter: your other brand imitation is not too concerned about? Chen Zhizhao:. As this brand is not our major consideration of two or three line object. Do not know whether to be "Wang Lao JI" brands battle involving energy, jiaduobao and Guangzhou pharmaceutical group advertising are high on this mailang refuse to fight, but the event has caused within the network and on the advertising industry buzz. Chinese people's University Professor,Niu Haipeng marketing experts think, this mailang suggests that advertising may not violate the law, but from the effects view, may not be the best choice. Niu Haipeng: at this time from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture does a little hitting, advantage, but from another dimension, competition is very fierce, everyone to compete for the market and the customers spend the Wang Lao JIFrom an outsiders point of view is fighting the battle, already has given other companies a better chance. Evaluation, he said we are not counted, nor an ethical, moral authority, of course, many consumers may be spurned such acts, markets will also be punished. Intellectual property experts, China people's University Professor Yao Huanqing were of the view that concepts such as drinks TERA CD-key, put fire red tank hasAnd in the consumer's mind, "Wang Lao JI" strong links have been established, so this mailang "North Sydney" ad is unfair competition may be involved. Yao celebrated: in the consumer's mind on "red tanks" cognition is Wang Laoji, in this case Diablo 3 CD-KEY, talk about "put fire red tank is not to drink, you should drink sweet Sydney", which undoubtedly constituted a "comparative advertising",Certainly constituted unfair competition. Zheng Xinan said brand marketing management experts, put aside legal dimensions do not speak, from the point of view of business ethics, this mailang the ad is clearly a lift top, long term, the damage to the brand is great. Zheng Xinan: as this situation is ridiculous, what is this level of marketing? Is the trick of small businessmen, realInternational brands have you never heard of them doing something like this. Will have a certain commercial interest in the short term, won the attention and eye for a moment, but on its core brand is certainly there, branding is such a way, is a starting point for business ethics, business ethics, who will respect it? 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