2012年6月15日 星期五

"said Pan Guoming Diablo 3 CD-KEY "said Pan Guoming - MOPZ

129835668815468750_528Touch ball suspected policy violation of Chinese enterprises sold villas "Because the country has already stopped approving land for villas, our projects are even zhoupu Shanghai hangtou town, the last pure in the Cambridge area Villa project. Hang head in 2004 had been planned here chengwan acre Villa Park, we are located in the middle of this villa. "Weekly newspaper reporters who visited China in the field of the purchase of the times Enterprise Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as" Chinese enterprises", 600675.SH) liangheliuyu South China garden project, introduction to sales staff so road. Times weekly newspaper reporter found that the sales staff is known as "Mu Villa Park" has not been approved, however, today the area has gathered a 7 within a low-density project, and many have suspected of breaches or policy touch ball. Pure Villa name-drop Pong hangtou townAs the last round of the master plan of Shanghai city construction 22-one of the central town, known as the "golden triangle", is an important part of Nanhui district in the urban layout structure at that time. As Pudong, Nanhui district merged into later, hangtou town, originally part of Nanhui district started quickly, hangtou sector gradually by market concerns. It is understood that China liangheliuyu and located in Shanghai PudongHangtou town, on the South side of the new East, covering 510 acres, plot ratio of 0.6 and floor area of 200,000 square meters, a total of 762 townhouses, three-phase, phase I opened in 2008, is currently one-stage, two-stage was sold out. In Pudong, "Takayasu's Arteritis" extension of Lin Hai-yin Highway, South yanggao road, liangheliuyu "plain, useless apartments Villa" outdoor advertising boards perpendicularState. "Right now we are selling is a three phase, a total of 322, volume rate lower than one-stage, two-stage, only 0.57 per cent, a total of 300, last year sold more than more than 90, villas in Shanghai sales ranked third, after remaining more than more than 200 sold out, will not buy any more pure the Villa. "Sales personnel said. It is reported that in May of this year, liangheliuyu Villa contract price of 20,000Yuan/square meters. The sales person said, airlines in 2004 had been planning "Villa Park", "this project is even within Cambridge, zhoupu regional airlines head, the last pure Villa projects. Villas in other projects around launch Diablo 3 CD-KEY, such as Hai Yu Jing Xian, and yellow Royal in Qinyuan, changtai County, East of Royal Park, also art of gold is about to open, butThese projects are and common apartment of mix and match. "Weekly reporter of the times found that as early as 2004, Chinese enterprises under the holding company of ancient Northern Group made to the plot were also expressed in the project feasibility study report," seen from the diagram, this plot close to the Park, by the East Hawaii, the Mau, heming homes, thousand islands OASIS garden villas project consistingVillas SWTOR Credits, relying on other villas of economies of scale. And the villas along the road all the way to the West to Yang Gao, ' Mu villas ' said its prospects. "But in 2002, the State Council issued a circular on strengthening the supervision and management of urban and rural planning ([2002]13), proposed the" particularly strict control of Super tall building,Large square and Villa construction project, shall not exceed the required standards construction office building ". 2003 Ministry of land and resources published on the supply of land for various types of Park regulation of emergency notification (land and UNCDF [2003]45) requiring "stop Villa class of land supply". In 2004, issued by the State Council on deepening the reform of the strictManagement decision ([2004]28), emphasis on perfecting the economical use of land and income distribution mechanism, decided to "continue to stop real estate, luxury villas class golf courses with the approval of". And liangheliuyu long group not far away in changtai County, East of the Imperial garden plot ratio is 1.2, and project planning for the line and the upper. According to sales personnel of its introduction,Townhouses in plot ratio is less than 0.7, most project are townhouses, high rise only a few, mainly balanced volume rate. In this regard, China Strategic Advisory Research Center Director Hongwei ZHANG said, at present, the Government issued these documents referred to villas villas with generally refers to all construction sites wow power leveling, such as liangheliuyu, changtai County, East of Royal Park row is onlyIs the type of Villa, known as the plain-Villa in the strict sense, belongs to the regulatory vacuum, this project is a policy on the market of touch ball, if it is pure villas, project grants have violations. MU weekly Villa Park to be approved according to the Times reporter has learned that the Chinese enterprise has repeatedly referred to "Mu Villa Park", brought together in the 2002-2007 years of development between the thousand islands OASIS Garden, Mau, Oriental, love lang new Faw Manor and Villa projects in Hawaii, volume rate is below 0.3, are villas. With strategy consulting to provide land according to the land for these projects have time between Basic 2003-2005. This State has repeatedly issued strict limitations of VillaPeriod, against suspected of committing. How did the project developed, "Villa Park" has been legal for approval? Times weekly newspaper reporters at the scene, hangtou town, the Government happens to new office building located in the heart of this villa area, love lang new Faw Manor and only one street away. Hangtou town planning Office Director Pan Guoming, currently air Center area villas7 items, of which 5 had built, gold art lives are built, changtai County, East of the Imperial Park has not been built in three phases. "Golden land project also has a space to inviting tenders, auction and hanging on the other side, Villa not now, but plan to upscale communities. "For" Mu Villa Park, "said Pan Guoming," said Mu regulatory, Villa Park, above is not accepted, no. NowNew regulatory or batch approval reported in the city. "After the passage of 5 villas project how to land-use planning, Pan Guoming does not explain, only said very early on, in accordance with the grant to build. In fact, a 2008 Internet hangtou town, controlled detailed planning of the Centre block of the (draft) notes, "according to current baseAnd reasonable layout, formation of general planning structure for ' two hearts, two belts, two piece '. Two means to live features two areas, one of which was built by a living standard of East Hawaii, second is the planning and construction of the second type of living area in the northeast of the base. " Residential land mainly refers to a kind of detached houses set, complete with matching setComplete with effect, and layouts, layers of detached houses are basically 3 or 3 layers. This indicates that until 2008, hangtou town, is also preparing to build a villa in regulatory detailed planning area. Hangtou town, Pudong, Shanghai 12th five-year plan for national economic and social development showed that "for a long time, per cent of GDP of real estateLarger land financial situation is unsustainable. "According to the plan, hangtou owned large affordable housing base of more than 7 square kilometers, 10 million square meters, imported population of more than 200,000 people. But social contradictions and diversity, "a large number of different population levels, different backgrounds, different needs of import, to community service managementHigh demands, contradictions between the needs and services will be increased. Unbalanced economic and social development, diversification of people's concerns, mass demonstration led to the development and construction of social conflicts, unresolved conflicts left over from history, new development brings new contradictions of the urgent need to resolve ". Hongwei ZHANG said, airlines stocks for the last two years, supporting around itself does not mature, largeImport of the housing base will affect the development and planning of the Villa section, may affect the appreciation of the Villa project in the future. Others:

