2012年1月8日 星期日

after the normal trading. In other words

129667786254677892_214Yesterday, the State Council issued a document relating to straighten up all kinds of exchanges, effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision) was published online, begins to straighten up the more than more than 300 domestic exchanges. Reporters found that Beijing's cultural art Exchange consolidation of several private, and was established as early as the Han and Tang dynasty art Exchange and, therefore, "stopMarket ". The brunt of the decision that, in accordance with the principles of dependency management for the various kinds of exchanges, to conduct a centralized rectification, containing property rights Exchange, cultural art trade and forward trading of commodities, and other types of exchanges are within the scope of consolidation. The provisions of the decision, with the exception established by law, any interest in trading venues may not be split issueListed, centralized price bidding, according to the standardized units continued, rights holder periods not exceeding 200; any selling after investors buy or sell after buying the same trades time interval shall not be less than 5 business days. Tianjin Exchange listing, the "art of share transaction" boom plunged repeatedly appeared in the newspapers star wars the old republic power leveling, although market participants and the media questioned, classesExchange also have sprung up in pop up in various areas. Similar to Tianjin Exchange's publication of this decision, a number of Exchange to an uncertain future. However, at the State Department on the publishing of the rules on the same day, the Tianjin Exchange has patent applications under the patent authorities, seeking to use legal means to protect its "innovations", an affidavit of share trading to be works of art through to the end. According to incompleteStatistics, at present, domestic Exchange has more than 24, in addition to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu four message exchange outside the State judged, and the rest are local governments to "financial reform" and "financial innovation" was founded in the name. In response, Beijing Institute of technology and business University futures Hu Yuyue believes that because one of the local government is the establishment of Exchange force, this consolidation wasPossible resistance by the local government. Facing rectifying several exchanges in Beijing, the culture in addition to the preparing China Beijing equity exchange has been authorized by the Central propaganda Department and the Ministry of culture, there are nine song Han and Tang dynasty art Exchange, art Exchange, Pine Valley art assets and equity exchange and Gehua cultural art trade center private exchanges. Apart from Gehua relate only to traditional works of art,Copyright trading and cultural art projects investment and financing of culture and art activities, other exchanges will face for rectification. According to media reports, said one art investment, Beijing is focusing on the Han and Tang dynasty art Exchange. Han and Tang dynasty art Exchange is Beijing's first art Exchange the old republic power leveling, operating since August this year. The decision issued to the local government financeAfter the run, is announcing the end of the Han and Tang dynasty art exchange transactions. Its official online bulletin reveals: "on November 22, 2011 (Tuesday) to suspension of all trades. "The announcement said, has always adhered to ensure that a single variety of the Han and Tang dynasty art Exchange (assets) accumulated holder does not exceed 200 people, non-members of the public offering to the share of the sale of works of artDeal, "this adjustment is mainly concentrated in non-centralized price bidding, for improved non-sustainable trade". But reporters found that under the Han and Tang dynasty art varieties checked number issued each transaction limit of 200 people, but not limited to 200 people in the purchase, after the normal trading. In other words, the rights holder periods not more than 200 people on this article, Han and Tang dynasty exchanges are not reaching�� At the same time, trading patterns of the Han and Tang dynasties t 0, multiple trading on that day, which decided to "transaction time interval shall not be less than five business days" do not match. Nine songs and works of art introduced by the exchange of such futures trading model: the use of remote electronic centralized price bidding, contracts issued after shares. These are not in accordance with the provisions of the decision. Tianjin Exchange, These exchange trading rules and the sponsor institution is determined by the Exchange itself. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

