2012年1月8日 星期日

which often ends in a bear market

129667889738115392_348The a-share market fell again this week, sharp contraction in turnover star wars the old republic power leveling, market pessimism. Dramatic changes in investor sentiment in the stock market always appears on the poles. While the a-share markets both in terms of space or adjust time of adjustment in early, now entering historical valuations low level. 2,307 points will be adjusted low midline decision makersSpeaking is not important. This is equivalent to 1000 regional concept in history, can be copied to the 998 point is not the key to get exorbitant profits. If you area also blind short 1000 points, and cut meat away from the field, this will be the greatest tragedy in life. In the author's view, the current region is undoubtedly the key area of strategic judgment need to be made, never rises were mixed down lost direction of the day. The mainCapital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! From the perspective of technical, pessimistic view is that fall is currently running the C5 decreased by waves, the run target in the vicinity of 2,200 points. Whatever success of wave 5 c runs, but c wave 5 run endsUsher large level after rally, has in the present strategy should not be pessimistic. In the author's view, adjust the time into sensitive periods, 6,124 points first adjust the time for 13 months after peaking, adjust the time since the high of 3,478 has entered the first round of adjustment cycle twice times. Seen from the long-term trend of the index, currently supported is 998 points and 1664 point line. According to past experience, once fallen below tends to build up a large bear trap.����But judging from the current point to the 2,200 point, this 10% space was not difficult for the final "short" funds available to cover space effective. Bear-market investing strategy will be implemented in two phases, the first stage is position management is more important than all the, often in a bear market in the first half of�� This phase was nishajuxia, timely jiancang, control the position is the key to investing to win. While the second stage is the variety selection, which often ends in a bear market, this phase industry companies favored by the advance funding of a major turn. Currently belong to the second phase, a phase of exponential trend also need an opportunity to appear. But the so-called spring river plumbingDuck the Prophet, a group of companies in emerging industries in line with policy-oriented would be the first out of the independent market. Each country's securities markets were behind the shadow government policy, a stock market stock market compared to other countries, greater impact of the policy. As markets adjust fully swtor power leveling, stock prices are low, often unintended positive policy; when the market enthusiasm, stock prices higher, but the stock market is the fastestLee means when regulation is the helping hand. Next 3-6 month intensive is listed companies published annual reports and quarterly period, during this period the a-share market is probably the most important factors of listed company earnings.����Consumer goods such as food and beverage industry, relatively optimistic about investment opportunities in IT-related industries, such as e-commerce, Internet, smart phones, etc. ChinaEconomic restructuring means finding new growth model. The next few years, consumer upgrade is inevitable, including urbanization, the further popularization of basic medical care. Therefore, the consumer sectors, particularly consumer packaged goods should medium and long term care and investments. In addition, the new business model is actually most closely related to the IT technology, including some of the new consumer electronics products. From this pointPoint of view, IT may be a relatively fast growth industries in the future, and is relatively OK.

