2012年1月31日 星期二

swtor credits shangzhengsuo from the original 50 stocks - MXC

129668688799375000_120Yesterday, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges respectively published the margin trading regulations. "Pilot" to "conventional" yesterday, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges respectively published the margin trading regulations, which means that debut 1.5 years of stock market margin financing business by "testing" to "General". According to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges above the trading rules, publishing, and marginUnderlying stocks before expanding to 90 to 285. Among them, shangzhengsuo from the original 50 stocks, expansion for the 180 stocks and 4 ETF fund; 40 stocks before the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, expand to 98 stocks and 2 Exchange-index fund ETF Fund and the SME Board transactions. In addition swtor power leveling, in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges to the pilot implementation of rulesProvision had been amended, mainly related to the underlying securities, preferred repayment, margin utilisation and conversion rates, to maintain security, and so on. (Oriental Morning Post) margin going generic business start in order to meet the margin business needs from pilot to general business, Securities Association of China in recent days on the margin essential terms of the contract and the margin trading risk revealing bookModification of the terms swtor credits, two essential provisions promulgated again becomes operative as from November 25. This means that the margin into the General has entered a substantive stage of operations. 75 outstanding margin business qualifications of securities companies will be able to start applying for qualification. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges have also been amended accordingly and margin trading rules for the implementation of, and the margin securitiesStandard range has been adjusted. Yesterday the implementation rules for the implementation. Securities Association of China put forward four demands for securities companies. One is to carry out margin financing business of securities companies, should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the terms, developed the company's margin contract for standard text, on the margin may be expressly agreed upon in the course; standard text can be financedContracts, margin contracts developed separately, you can press the margin contracts unified formulation. Second securities company under the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the relevant provisions of the securities exchanges swtor power leveling, securities registration and settlement organizations and internal administration of margin trading actual needs, in formulating the company's margin contract for standard text, on the essential terms of the need to increase and supplement, also can do text andChanges in provisions. Additions, changes should not conflict with the essential provisions of. Third, securities margin standard contract texts developed by the company should be detailed and specific. Standard text and margin contracts should be reported to the Association before they are used for the record. Four securities companies should be provided in accordance with the Association of pattern making margin Exchange securities accounts of customer's credit card and deliveryHousehold. It is learnt that the margin trading risk revealing essential amendments to the articles is mainly reflected in the book "pilot securities company" the word was changed to "stock company". The margin of the necessary amendments to the terms of the contract with eight, the modified description of relevant content can be further refined. If the amendments in the terms of the original "funds derived from party a sells securities, you should firstTo pay party a to party b negative debt ", was changed to" party a sell buy outstanding credit financing in the securities account contract proceeds of securities you should repay the party finance arrears. "The amendments increase the content also includes:" the suspension of trading in securities and in margin debt recovery business days after the due date, financing, margin period can be extended, extended withIn period from both parties free to agree, but before the suspension of trading in extended duration of the contract duration calculated totals no more than six months. "In addition, the margin required contract terms relating to the modification or deletion of" party in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph extracted collateral, should apply to the b two business days in advance ". (Securities times Edward Yu)

