2012年1月9日 星期一

swtor credits representing a decrease of $ 1.84 a barrel. Military confrontation on November 8 RTW

129667837373115392_169On November 24, France's Foreign Ministry said in front of the concerned parties agree unilaterally to stop importing Iran petroleum products, this is the 21st--the United States announced sanctions to countries such as Iran Hou, Iran received the first "sanctions list of presents". The Chinese Government and oil companies don't want Iran taking a major upheaval. As the world's major oilExporting country, Iran unrest is bound to affect international oil price trends, and may even endanger navigation safety to Persian Gulf oil export channel huoermusi the channel. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin 24th said swtor credits, China has always opposed to Iran's unilateral sanctions, nor supported the expansion of such sanctions. Pressure on the Chinese side believes that sanctions cannot fundamentally resolve Iran problem, butWould complicate the issue, serious, and aggravate confrontation, is not conducive to regional peace and stability. Iran is China's third-largest source of oil, its oil exports to China accounted for more than 10% of China's total oil imports. One oil single senior 25th on this newspaper made it clear that, "from the supply perspective, Iran sanctions won't have a significant impact on China 's", "futureWhether the cut will affect Iran councils, will affect the investment of Chinese enterprises where, it also requires observation. " Crisis, Iran is making great efforts to attract foreign investment in oil and gas projects: 23rd, Iran Oil Minister says, prepared 21 projects for oil and gas fields for foreign investors, and is willing to provide them with credit. This reminds Chinese oil companies see an opportunity.Sanctions message does not have a greater impact on oil prices. ����25th, main Nymex crude oil contract closed $ 96.17/barrel, representing a decrease of $ 1.84 a barrel. Military confrontation on November 8, 2011, for the world's fourth-largest oil producer and OPEC's second-largest oil-exporting countries Iran, International Atomic Energy Agency issued checks, according to the report at leastBy 2010, Iran has a nuclear explosive device planned for development and experimented with. ����The same day, Iran Defence Minister aihamaide��waxidi said Iran is ready to respond to any military strike, Iran has the ability to deal with any threat. Four days later, United States, "Bush", and "the John C. Stennis" aircraft carrier on November 12, passing through the Strait of Hormuz,Iran coast opposite from their position. ����In response, Iran army 18th late start in the eastern part of the country held a four-day large-scale air defense exercises, exercises covering Iran more than half of the land in the East. 21st France's official announcement, more directly: it is proposed to Iran "unprecedented scale" of sanctions, so thatIran realized that accepting the need for negotiations. ����France recommended that States and international organizations to freeze Iran Central Bank assets and suspended imports from Iran's oil. Russia media reported on November 22, there were 3 Russia warships sailed into Iran neighbouring Syria area, Russia "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier also next month, was sent to Eastern Mediterranean Eastern implementationTask. ����This is seen as reaction to the US aircraft carrier. ����Time, the Iranian nuclear crisis once again shaken the already weak economic nerve--whether oil prices will regain their upward trend, another record high. China untouched "I do not think that the sanctions would push international oil prices to record high, at least in Iran political situation did not occur before the fluctuations, there is no evidence that, nor willInfluence Iran oil exports to China ", these oil single senior told this newspaper. ����In January-September this year Iran oil exports to China reached 20.256 million tonnes. The senior says, the sanctions are unilateral actions taken by the Western countries, China and Russia both have disagreed, so the sanctions will not be supported by the United Nations, nor the international community's concerted action,Including China's oil import channel security is not threatened. Holds the same view of the World Bank official told this newspaper with respect to China: "(I think) even international oil prices would not be affected, because the global economic downturn, oil consumption is already a stagnant growth, even if such a major importer, import growth slowed in recent months, so as long as IraqLong oil exports have not been completely interrupted, Saudi Arabia and other countries should be able to quickly bridge the gap, not to mention the West did not want to cut off Iran's oil exports. ����"He believes that sanctions on Iraq by the United States and Britain, more on Iran's energy supply oil processing industry Diablo 3 Power Leveling, which is the most common production of gasoline and diesel oil sanctions. Crisis, opportunity and in fact, To get rid of us and British threats by, Iran Government has been looking forward to "make" more international allies. ����November 23, Iran's oil Minister luositamu��jiasaimi in Tehran calls on foreign investors to seize the "golden" opportunity investment in Iran's oil and gas projects. He said Iran has prepared 21 projects for oil and gas fields for foreign investors, andWilling to provide them with credit. ����This will undoubtedly put eager to open up the international oil market, particularly in the areas of upper reaches of the oil-producing countries of Chinese oil companies see an opportunity. "Oil enterprises in China are already in Iran there are some projects where geological conditions, the policy environment and support services has some understanding, of course, would take the opportunity to enter Iran" these oil single seniorDew. According to his introduction, PetroChina currently hold Iran MIS oilfield of 75% interests and rights of oilfield jobs, and also has a total area of 8,309 square kilometers of "3 block" buy-back contracts exploration and development integration, which is Iran's largest Chinese oil companies, while Sinopec and CNOOC separately and Iran signed cooperation contracts of many upstream projects."Screening at several of the project in the pool, there are multiple item options, this now we are assessing the Iran projects announced 21 blocks, and will develop a detailed programme for the final investment decision", the senior said.

