2012年1月12日 星期四

swtor power leveling closing at 2441.51 points JTX

129667889635459142_80Because of investor worries about European sovereign debt crisis has worsened still markets the weight, 25th in New York three major stock indexes continued lower and its Easter week with the worst performance since 1932. Dark clouds still hanging over the European debt crisis on the day in New York. Rating Agency standard and poor's 25th Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered "AA "rating Outlook is negative, further exacerbated the fears of investors, CBOE volatility index measure of market panic rose 1.44% per cent. mainstay funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! P 25Said in a statement released today, Belgium may slow down economic growth swtor power leveling, financial markets by the European debt crisis seriously affect and is its high government debt downgrade Belgium's credit rating of the main reasons.  Some investors worry that euro-zone debt crisis situation may increase the likelihood of recession in the region. As of close on that day, the Dow Jones industrial average indexChanges compared to the previous session did not appear were mixed, and closed at 11231.78 points. Standard and poor's 500-stock index fell 3.12 points, closing at 1158.67 points the old republic power leveling, or 0.27%. The Nasdaq composite index dropped 18.57 points, closing at 2441.51 points, or 0.75%.

