2012年2月24日 星期五

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129731621457190000_73News Beijing time on February 7, MO United States stock market closed down slightly. Greece leaders of various political parties are trying to reach a new fiscal austerity policy, to ensure that you get the desired new round of bailout funds. East Coast time on February 6 (Beijing time on February 7), the Dow Jones industrial average fell 17.1 per cent to 12845.13, or 0.13%, and the NASDAQ Composite was down 3.67, closed at 2901.99 points, or 0.13% the standard and poor's 500 index decreased by 0.57 per cent to 1344.33 points, or 0.04%. Monday United States announced no major economic data, investors are still concerned about Greece. In Europe, theLeaders increase imposed on Greece's pressure, urged the country's political leaders to accept to get additional conditions required by the new round of bailout funds, to avoid bankruptcy. In Athens, the party leaders were trying to form a unified response, so party leaders meeting has been put off until Tuesday. Greece economy is suffering from a severe recession, a new round of austerity measures could beStrongly oppose. However Greece second round of assistance urgently needed loan, so as not to appear at the end of March position defaults. Making things more complicated is that Greece Government is in negotiations with private creditors and debt writedowns. According to media reports, Greece has reached a framework agreement with leaders of political parties, Prime Minister. Bloomberg reports that Greece Papademos has three to support its interim Government, Prime Minister-Platform for leaders of political parties to reach agreement, measures will be taken to the international creditors of 130 billion euros (US $ 171 billion) bailout. Before stocks lower on Monday, United States equities have been rising for five consecutive weeks, p 500 made the best start in a year since 1987, after the United States Government reported unemployment rate in January fell to 8.3%. EnterpriseIndustry news, healthcare enterprise (HUM) announced Monday that earnings for the fiscal fourth quarter growth 86% and increases full year earnings per share target. Greece fears European stock index Monday dropped 0.12% Greece Government austerity program of the urgent need to reach a new agreement to meet the requirements of International Monetary Fund second round of assistance loans, market expressed seriousConcerns, European stock markets generally down, European stock index ended a continuous rising trend, down 0.12% on Monday. The Pan-European Dow Jones industrial average on Monday closed at 264.27 points, down 0.12% runescape items, and put an end to the continuous movement of the four-day winning streak ended. In the main regional indices, and France CAC 40 index, 0.66%, closed at 3405.27 points; The Germany DAX 30 index, 0.03%, closed at 6764.83, United Kingdom fell 0.15% the FTSE 100 index, closed at 5892.2 points. New York crude oil futures fell 1% barrel $ New York crude oil futures prices closed down on Monday because about Greece concerns, as well as on the status of United States stock market fell againMarket speculation of weak prospects for demand for crude oil. Meanwhile, investor demand for North Sea Brent crude oil futures prices rose. On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) light crude oil futures for March delivery fell 93 cents and closed at $ 96.91 per barrel, or 1%. ICE Futures Europe Exchange in London for March deliveryNorth Sea Brent crude oil futures rose 1.2%, closed at $ 115.92 per barrel. According to the closing price, North Sea Brent crude oil futures in New York Light crude oil futures price difference per barrel between $ 19.01, this post on October 14 a barrel all-time high of US $ 27.88. New York gold futures fell 0.9%$ 1724.9 New York gold futures closed down on Monday, mainly because of the dollar rose and oil prices and United States markets both up. In addition, deterioration of Greece fails to bring the gold futures market of flight capital, is also under pressure because of a market. On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) under theCommodity exchange (COMEX) gold futures for delivery in April fell by us $ 15.4, closed at $ 1724.9 an ounce, or 0.9%. Nikkei 225 three-month closing high of 8929.2 affected by last week's last trading day stock market up sharply in Europe and driven, 6th Japan Tokyo's Nikkei 225 stock averagePrices rose 1.1%, the market after all these three months to 8,900 points. Closed on that day, the Nikkei stock index rose 97.27, 8929.2. Stock prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange rose 9.16, 769.85, or 1.2%. Hang Seng index fell 0.23% 20,709 points hit on Monday 5thLine repeated after Hong Kong stocks opened down in the afternoon rally, as at the close, the Hang Seng index at 20709.94, down 47.04, or 0.23% buy runescape items, hit 5th averages; index of State-owned enterprise 11564.86, dropped 40.71, red-chip index 3984.76, fallen 12.96, or 0.04%. Big city sold 72HK $ 135 million. Hang Seng finance sub-index rose 0.18%, Hang Seng utilities sub-index rose 0.17%, Hang Seng Commerce and industry sub-index down 0.63%, the Hang Seng property sub-index fell 0.83%. 102.53 Hang Seng China AH premium index fell 0.36% points. European leaders urged Greece to reach final debt agreement Greece is not in weeksA deadline for the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) respond to demanding assistance program terms, while the European Union officials for patience with the negotiations are disappearing. Failed to total 130 billion euros (about US $ 170 billion) agree on the assistance plan of Greece faces debt default risk, this may on the future of euro-As a threat. France and Germany's leaders Monday to Greece, on a wide range of time to negotiate debt restructuring agreement is exhausted, and pointed out that Greece can be obtained only in case assistance from EU funds, that is, fulfill their commitments to economic reforms in Exchange. France President Nicholas-Sarkozy (Nicolas SarkOzy) said: "we want to reach this agreement. "He said:" Greece leaders have made a commitment, they have to strictly abide by the North. Within the European Union, all countries have a right to their own, must also fulfil their obligations. Time is running out, we need to reach an agreement and the signing of agreements. "Greece reached an outline agreement, the Prime Minister and party leader, according to Bloomberg News, the GreekLa Papademos had the Prime Minister and the leaders of the three political parties who support the provisional Government reached an outline agreement, measures will be taken to the international creditors of 130 billion euros (US $ 171 billion) bailout. Email notices under the Prime Minister's Office runescape items for sale, four in five hours of talks agreed that additional budget cuts this year, quotas equivalent to the gross domestic product of 15%. Four people agree that a bank's capital structure, to ensure that the supplementary retirement fund can be sustained, but also to measures to reduce wages and non-wage costs to boost competitiveness. (Editors: Zhang Lei) Others:

