2012年2月24日 星期五

cheap runescape items again go to Nanchong. "We went to JI an - WSE

129731361920947977_0In November 2011, Wang Wenfen Lv Yangju in Guiyang Street looking for daughter. Abducted women in Guizhou is Sichuan police information pictures reporter Liu Huwen/save again after missing 10 new letters from Nanchong, Sichuan, Guizhou Xifeng, February 5, Xifeng County, Guizhou province in huanchenglu old and a three-story building, 60-year old Wang Wenfen series to BrownBroom. Gather breath work, she took up a photo on the desk, carefully studied.  The photograph, a young woman dressed in orchid dress, wears a white straw hat, face and smile. Photograph of woman is the daughter of Wang Wenfen Lv Yangju (also known as Lv Hongyang), 2000 on trafficking to Sichuan. In 2002, the spirit has been a significant exception Lv Yangju was rescued by the police. 10 years, daughter never to return. Where did she go to?  This haunt Wang Wenfen mind nagging and his family a huge question mark. Missing 20 year old daughter to return home in Xifeng County liuchangxiang Tai Shui Tang Wang Wenfen Bay. She and her husband Lv Mingcong respectively in 1975, 1977, 1979, gave birth to son Lv ChaoLv Huiyang Yang, daughter and daughter Lv Hongyang (also known as Lv Yangju), five on 2 acres 2 acre mountain mouth and Usuda, days are hard. Unfortunately family always has a variety of misfortunes.  In June 1999, Xifeng County mountain landslide occurred in Yongjing brick factory, Wang Wenfen 24-year old son Lv Chaoyang was buried died in the accident. Lv MingcongCan't stand this huge blow on the spirit, fall ill and die. Wang Wenfen and two daughters came to the County, to my husband to see the doctor.  Owing to the large economic costs, and long term health, the family rented an old House, City Road, do some vendors such as business, never settling down. 2000 February 12 lunar month, unfortunately once again came to the family. This day at 8 o'clock in the morning,Lv Yangju small daughter go out carrying a back-basket selling vegetables, never to return. "Lv Yangju sometimes wrong account selling vegetables, made twenty or thirty dollars a day are no problem.  "Wang Wenfen recalled. 20-year old daughter to go back and have the family for the rush. Where did she go? Is caught by the bad guys? Often occur when trafficking case in Guizhou, which does notDo not worry.  Anxious to find a month later, a phone from home station message--was confirmed by Lv Yangju was abducted by Wang Wenfen, police told her of a man named Xiong Yun, Lv Yangju now Sichuan, suffering from mental illness, cannot be sold, let the family go back. Lv Huiyang worry Wang Wenfen and daughter then went on toTo complete strangers in Nanchong, Sichuan Road. Looking for Wang Wenfen daughter suffering from mental illness was sold to two times to the new express journalist later recalled, they had to double store of Nanchong Jialing District, but did not find her daughter.  But heard a women selling pesticide to tell them, said a woman suffering from mental illness was poor, pants by traffickers get naked. The traffickersWho is the child, Wang fen took a long time to make this clear – he called Du Genmao, who lives in Jialing District double shop Heung Yee Kuk Tsui du Village, his wife Wu Qun in Xifeng County town of little River Dam.  Why for abducting his daughter, Wang Wenfen does not know, only know to Xifeng County zouxiangchuanhu Du Genmao supplement, SB, rent a husband brother in liuchangxiang's old House. Looking for daughters of the road was filled with difficultiesEffect. Two people in Nanchong for 15 days, also help the police station, still can't see daughter gone and had to go home.  Later, heard that his daughter is still in there, again go to Nanchong. "We went to JI an (town), the Han Tong (Lidu a village of the town), did not find a Lv Yangju. "Wang Wenfen said Han Tong, a patron of seeing two women upset to find loved onesThe child, not only confiscation of their accommodation, and gave them $ 50 living expenses. Mother and daughter both outs to Nanchong four or five times, still failed to find Lv Yangju.  Think she is suffering outside, I do not know how, two men burst into tears. Son's accidental death, daughter lost the trace, Lv Mingcong blow. Before the man can do brick tile has totally collapsed.Wang Wenfen rice bowls also turned up pepper and salt could not be found on the where, see people giggle, patients need to take sedatives. On September 17, 2005, Du Genmao and Wu Qun was wanted by both surrendered to Xifeng County Police. Lv Yangju's family didn't know Lv Yangju trafficked through: March 17, 2000, Du Genmao and his wife lied that Lv Yangju to SichuanPlay, Lv Yangju deceive him Nanchong Jialing District rural hometown. Subsequently, the Lv Yangju was the $ 3 cheap runescape items,000 price, sold of ten villages in the same village bachelor Lin Tang for his wife. Because Lv Yangju escaped several times after, Tang Lin return catch back Lv Yangju Du Genmao.  Du Genmao and Wu Qun have to refund your money. On April 15, du, Wu and his wife Lv Yangju to $ 1800Price, sold it to Bachelor of Wu Qiang, Jialing District hepingxiang village.  In January 2006, Xifeng county courts to crimes of trafficking in women and sentenced Du Genmao 4 years ' imprisonment, and fined 3,000 yuan, sentenced Wu Qun to 2 years ' imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Missing again only after Police rescued on the 2005 Du Genmao by train after the couple surrendered, Wang WenfenXifeng County Police learned, Lv Yangju was Nanchong Jialing District Police rescued in 2002.  However, has not seen 5 year daughter can't go home.  For fear of his daughter back in place could not be found, Wang Wenfen rent to live in the House, not daring to move. "Spirit before my daughter had a slight exception, but the problem is not. Are being trafficked, stimulate herBig trouble.  "Wang Wenfen sorry to say that. "I went to Xifeng public order, police said she was drawing the feet (Guizhou dialect, meaning long legs) and told us where to find? "New news reporter seen in Xifeng County Public Security Bureau on May 30, 2007 Wang Wenfen" reflects the Lv Yangju is serious misconduct by abduction are unknown, Sichuan and Guizhou public security organs "petition, after its investigationReply says, Lv Yangju Sichuan police has been rescued, sent on the train back to the origin. "When Police rescued her should know that she is not, why buy a train ticket, do not send her back?  "Wang Wenfen said she was just not understand, even where no daughters how to runescape items, also died. In order to find his daughter, Wang Wenfen hands a little bit of money, Go to town, Guiyang, etc, once again set foot on the path of looking for. Because she does not determine which station is the daughter of car, am I the wrong station.  She looked homeless people, hoping to find his daughter's whereabouts. In early 2009, Lv Mingcong because "long liver be irritated injuries", say farewell to the dead, at the age of 61. The same year, when selling Lv Yangju Du GenmaoAfter serving his sentence out of prison.  But still bujianzongying Lv Yangju. "I want to see my daughter. "Wang Wenfen on new express reporters said," I can't see daughter right away. "Lv Yangju where is it now? She can still return to home?  New news reporter in Nanchong, Sichuan rs items for sale, Guizhou Xifeng and respectively, an interview with the local police. Political authority, Deputy Director of Mei Yingxue Xifeng County Public Security Bureau told the new Express Reporter, Sichuan province, were rescued by the police, she knew Wang Wenfen situation, very sympathetic, but "we have no idea". Nanchong City Public Security Bureau branch Party Committee member and Director of political supervision of jialing Jiang Hui know the matter, came when the station and abduction of civilian police, asked about the situation. Reporter Jiang Hui to new letters of reply is: more than 10 years have passed, weNo impression. "May not be the rescue, is the police come to rescue of Guizhou.  "Jiang Hui said, for a responsible attitude, they will continue to investigate. Lv Yangju's fate, will also continue to focus on new letters. Others:

