2012年2月13日 星期一

tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling the aftermath Liu up much more sober - PTZ

129733877402033750_184Since the initial strategic error, buy purchase has readership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates, to grooming internal structure becomes difficult again to revoke site, mass layoffs, was purchased by purchasing whirlpool in opinion; hope through in-kind class group-hematopoietic, consumers don't buy it; financing denied funds break is around the corner/correspondent Ren Wenhe as purchase-purchasePurchasing network's chief operating officer, fallout from the recent is a bit annoying, in fact, his status could be struggling to describe. Create purchase purchasing network recently caught in the dilemma of funds broken, to keep for many years of effort in vain, he busied themselves at all over the talks with various venture capital financing. However, but I always failed. Now he is preparing to visit the United States investment companyPartners have also showed keen interest to purchase-purchase, but at that time because the two sides differ on the conditions of cooperation, is not reached. ����Now, he's ready to do it again trying to, in one basket, as long as the other person out of the condition, he has to prepare one by one to accept. Change nothing in the United States in joint investment of financial Street in the Office, the fallout once again saw the companyLi gang, a partner, a seat, Li gang would get straight to the point, "my dear Charles, I know your purpose, truth to tell you, this is my 6th week to see Group companies. Every enterprise has brought favourable financing conditions, but are not satisfied with, then, do you have anything to attract me? "Fallout from sinking said,"As a friend, buy purchase advantage should be very clear, we are the first group enterprises in China, the current market share ranks the first in the industry, a series of research data to prove that we are the industry's most elite group of enterprises. My partner and I have many years of overseas experience, familiar with the operation of the Internet and e-commerce, I had in GrouPON and worked for the operation mode of the group we are familiar with...... "fallout from William Shakespeare, has prepared a series of company performance report on delivery. However, Li gang received the report on the one side, and interrupt the fallout, "Charles, you say we are well, although for now, buy purchase operation of good, butOne unavoidable fact is that you still have no profit. "Fallout face to sag, but still as cool as described:" Although we have no profit, but you should be aware that buying market, the scale is everything. If we want to profit, it is absolutely achievable. "" Scale with you peers there are two or three of the race, your coreWhere is the advantage? Is you can spend money to achieve scale, but lack the core advantages of scale is not long, even if I gave you the investment, how long you can end the current burn? How long can profit? ����"Harsh light Li gang from their point of view. Fallout from SIP smile with mouth closed, did not speak, he admitted that his relegation to a certain extent do their stampWeakness, but, he also is don't want to gave up, "purchased purchased mission from this year second half began has increased has real class group of ratio, this standardization products to speed up cash circulation, implementation profit can expected; on the, purchased purchased mission of first into advantage not replaced, we zhiqian of efforts let we in peer and consumer mind in the of cognitive of very of high, this is other Group websiteWithin a short time difficult to surpass the advantages. "Li gang is still shaking his head," you can now see it all, and the next, was only a blueprint from which it is difficult to see a practical way, each group companies are now in the planned profit, but earnings schedule? Still can't see. Physical class and group competition will be more sinister, interventional productsPurchase, you correspond to give themselves a number of more mature than the coupon website competitor of B2C Web site. Currently, in competition of the Ju deal, Beijing East group and Taobao, buy purchase in terms of quality control and logistics systems are less than the upper hand. But essentially, group is a marketing channel, and to treat him as a sales channel to make money is not an easyThings, it is necessary to make money and low discount, it is difficult to balance. "Final Li gang said with ridicule:" sorry, my friend, if you don't tell us your business model and profit you can expect, I couldn't convince my partner. I can't help you this time. Also, my advice to you is not able to answer my question, do not see investmentMan, that would make you into a greater embarrassment. ����"After listening to the Li gang, aftermath look sadly, Li's question, he also heard from other investment institutions, the fact that it is difficult to avoid. Investment expansion race to leave the United States, fallout of traditional Starbucks downstairs sitting for a while, this is his old habits, as long as there is any problem not, It's like someone here. Sitting in the window position, the aftermath of a bow and will be able to see a billboard in the middle of the road, there is another group buying site of outdoor advertising. Aftermath cannot help but recall the original, buy purchase advertisements have spread all over the streets. "It was really a full of passion! ����"Fallout up coffee, drank a mouthful, one can't help but grin a little. More thanWave was founded in 2010 to return to Beijing to buy purchase, which China was not buying Web site. Aftermath and worked in the Group buy originator Groupon before, when he was in 2009 to return home to visit their relatives, founded the initiation of the Chinese version of Groupon idea all of a sudden. He and the United States discuss old classmate Liu Tong engaged in e-commerce, two men shotTogether tor pvp valor power leveling, each end in the United States's excellent work, entrepreneurship. Set up purchase-purchase, fallout as Chief Executive in charge of overall operations of the company, Liu Tong served as the company's chief operating officer, head of management within the company. ����One outside the home of a master, a clear division of labor. The beginning of a period of time, can be said to sail with the wind, because of the Groupon in the United States successfullyInspections, Chinese investors for this new business model is promising, aftermath, and Liu Tong also has many years of experience in e-commerce, from website building to business negotiations are going very well. "It was really a busy and happy days. ����"Aftermath now in retrospect, still think it was a good time. Good times do not last long, however, buying this modelBarriers to entry are low, buy purchase established, followers appear one after another, and more deep-pocketed, willing to spend lots and purchased under a higher purchase. ����Buy purchase at the station in a city, followers and then to purchase purchase put in outdoor advertising, followers have poured in. Faced with competition from market, fallout from the heroic, bent on a high. With first advantage, Fallout over and over again to convince investors, access to large sums of money, and began to recruit in the country, station hiring in just one year, built up over more than 600 stations throughout the country, employees from dozens of people into thousands of people, online product from day one, into hundreds of products on the line every day. Purchase-purchase mission gradually become the industry giantA big Mac. Other Group sites are also not to be outdone, favored by venture capitalists make them the same access to the development and expansion of capital. National station, mass events such as hiring and malignant poaching abound. In this context tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, buy purchase also seemed to be on a string like gyro, only to be constantly rotating, constantly expanding national station, hiring, Rob let go of customer resources for fear ofA behind is catching up. ����That period of time, fallout from their own busy, no time to think carefully about where there is a problem. Veterans left at this time, between his old partner Liu Tong, there were differences. By the end of 2010, entrepreneurship and a year later, Liu Tong chose to leave. Fallout still remember the last communication between the two sides. The sameCafe, Liu Tongyue fallout is said to have a talk. ����Fallout already feel Liu Tong at that time some fluctuations, can communicate well, differences, and was delighted to meet. "We do have a very long time and have a good chat, should go to the bar, I invite you to drink, we drunk party break. Haha. "Aftermath a seat and Liu Tong said with a smile.Compared to the fallout from the easy, Liu Tong is particularly heavy. What he did not have a fallout, aftermath, in turn dragon nest power leveling, asked directly, "this time how? Tired yet? "The aftermath-after, could not help but sigh a sigh," tired, of course, run around every day, busy battered. "Liu Tong takes a look at the aftermath, bent her head and say," don't you think we've gone farYet? We have now is very dangerous. "Liu Tong see fallout did not speak, just to say," this morning I just deal with the station Director of East China, his name has more than 30 employees to eat empty rates, no salesman, was also holding a company pay. And as far as I know, there is this station there are many. This is the ill consequences of blind expansion�� "After listening to Liu Tong, fallout, was a shock," it's no wonder, I have been busy hiring, expanding the market, ignore the station management. You handled it well, such things should find one, one. "Liu Tong was still shaking his head," I feel that this is a stopgap, problem should be found from the source. Now the blindExpansion, resulting in vicious competition for group purchase of industry's reputation continued to decline in the consumer's mind, and consumer enthusiasm also waned. The other hand, businesses were spoiled by those group buying website, scrambling for customers, we paid mode has been originally designed by businessmen, did not take place. We now are losing money every day, go on like this prospect worrying! "AftermathNodded, her face some ugly, "I know that in the current market environment deteriorated, however, if you do not continue to expand the market, the consequences may be more serious, we may be 3 months, maximum 6 months would have been forgotten consumers, can only increase the horsepower. Also, we have plenty of money, many venture capital institutions have taken the initiative to come, I'm very confident about the future. "Liu TongThe wrinkled brow, face very dignified, "I think you're too dependent on venture capital, we are all people who have witnessed brutal rule on Wall Street, is the nature of capital profits, now also increases the uncertainty of the environment, while the Group has struggled to make profits, do you think there is much money to hit the market. We should be aware of the risks at an early stage, no harm. �� ������Although endorsed Liu Tong's views, but still optimistic, "not as serious as you want to, we have to get 4 rounds of venture capital, it is time to consider listing, once listed, funds will no longer be a problem. "Liu Tong still wrinkled tight eyebrows," listing? Easier said than done! "Indeed, the aftermath Liu up much more sober, to a certain extent,Purchase purchase listed in a logical loop: If you rely on rapid thin cut, buy purchase can be profitable in the short term, but due to the buy purchase relied too much on market share of marketing investment, once reduces related expenses, buy buying group's market share will shrink, buy purchase also will lose its listing of the largest chips. That round of talks broke up, thenIncreasingly aggressive expansion strategy, Liu Tong chose to leave, a venture capital partner, go their separate ways. Soon after, group buying industry in winter really comes, Group turnover falling sharply, and begun to show negative growth, a large number of group buying site die-offs. How to blood, an urgent task of how to transform into a group buying website. However, due to the initial strategic error, purchasingBuy has readership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates, now want to grooming internal structure becomes difficult to revoke site, mass layoffs, was purchased by purchasing whirlpool in opinion; hope through in-kind class group-hematopoietic, consumers don't buy it; financing denied funds break is around the corner ... ... Thought here, fallout ends have cooled off coffee, SIP, bitter fruitSo is painful.

