2012年2月11日 星期六

tor commendation power leveling but after negotiations with many teams - RQC

129729391868906250_108SINA sports news Beijing time on February 4, ESPN reported that sources close to the situation said tor Warzone Commendation power leveling, xinaoerlianghuangfeng has decided to target man-Chris Kaman pick trading markets, and allow it to return to the team. WaSP Kaman in the non-activated list last week, and told him he was at home waiting for him until the team found a new owner. Message personSaid, but after negotiations with many teams, WaSP decided to conclude these negotiations and recalls Kaman.  But last week swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, Williams said he would give wasps coach El-such as Jason-Smith, art-El-Farouk – Aminou younger players more time and Gustavo-Aillon, and so do not know what Kaman recalled after playing the role. SourcesSaid wasps position on Kaman how firm has yet to be tested, because Union widely believe that he will be before the trade deadline of March 15 teams away. Kaman is 30 years old, and his $ 14 million worth of contracts will expire after this season. Prior to the season by Chris Paul (micro-blogging) big deal came after wasps heBecame the oldest player in the team.  But in fact he is not old age in line and still have good strength, so also are a lot of teams are interested in him. WaSP hopes to trade Kaman for talent rights or some young players tor commendation power leveling, the Houston Rockets showed the greatest interest to Kaman. But wasps are now hosted by a coalition, sourcesArrested, including rockets, Knights and walkers interested in Kaman quotation retreat team with Union officials. Union spokesman Tim-Frank said in a statement: "Dell-staples is the Hornets General Manager, Steven lust-Jackson and Joel-Li Tewen with any team in any negotiations on the deal-Chris Kaman. And heBoth not going to quote, instead of messages all you hear are wrong. "According to the letter, rocket has provided WaSP expired contract with two quotes, 09 top 10 rookie package, including Jordan and Hashemite-Tarbet-Hill. Walker is the Union only can eat Kaman contract, without the need for any player of the team. But there is noWhat a team is willing to meet the needs of WaSP's got talent right. Working for wasps in 17 games this season, Kaman can get minute 9.2 rebounds in 22.7 minutes. Apart 2009-10 18.5 of the season winning all star performance at a distance of 9.2 rebounds, but once he is out of time and enough, He is also a very good Center. (268)

