2011年12月25日 星期日

the Bayer also avoided its contraceptives there is a risk of thrombosis

129667697074365392_35 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Mislead consumers save Bayer birth control pills to make waves thrombosis risk Bayer to sell unauthorized users 4 investigation Simin contraceptives have been already entered the Chinese market may lead to thrombosis, Germany Bayer sold contraceptives in the United States under investigation. This morning, United States media lapsed into recrimination. Reported that Bayer when selling contraceptives "unrestrained"And sell to users without permission to mislead the consumer.   According to United States regulatory requirements, Bayer's Yaz (priority Club) contraceptive use only for specific groups, but Bayer has no sales according to regulations, to use without permission of the person selling. In addition to the "marketing", the Bayer also avoided its contraceptives there is a risk of thrombosis, strongly commended the excellent Simin andYaz, said it and other birth control pills as safe as to mislead consumers.   Yaz is the Bayer low dose versions of popular contraception pills Simin, Bayer drug positioning in both under 35 years of age most suitable for women using birth control pills. Bayer birth control pills at least 50 people have died in January this year, Bayer in the United States received its first play on Simin and YaZ lead to thrombosis, heart disease and stroke litigation. Since then, Bayer birth control pills were frequently "pathogenic" allegations, at present it is facing lawsuits has more than 10,000. In the proceedings, counsel cited United States food and Drug Administration reports that swtor power leveling, during the period 2004 to 2008, Bayer birth control pills at least 50 people were killed. In response, Bayer spokesman said that if theDirections in accordance with the drug, Bayer oral contraceptives are safe and effective. According to United States media reported last year, Bayer birth control pills, sales amounted to $ 1.58 billion, is the company's second-largest best-selling drugs. ()

