2011年12月18日 星期日

said this week in some areas of the project will be hiked by

129667840513115392_266Recently, continue to submit annual reports of listed companies announcements, as a preview of the annual report transcript, most companies produce a satisfactory answer. In a significant increase in performance in the company of deep performance increases are expected to exceed 50% property 8 companies. State regulation, atrophy of real estate transactions, three developers offering low price promotions, pause and slow the construction speed. Following theVanke real estate, after evergrande real estate tips for the winter, Agile Property real estate giant also disclosed that yesterday swtor power leveling, will suspend building speed before next February, the complete cessation of buying land, specific circumstances to be reassessed after the Chinese new year. Performance increases the company covers more than 58% as of yesterday, 2,323 listed companies, 815 reveal 2011 annual report announcements, accounting for all publicDivision of 35%. Among these companies, there are 188 disclosed the significant increase in the performance of listed companies announcements swtor credits, in addition to 285 companies also disclosed the performance increase announcement, performance increases the company accounted for more than 58%. 2011 reported sharp drop in the announcements of the company there are 59, 7%. Sharp rise in earnings in the company, while the second half of the real estate industry has beenPolicy regulation of winter, there are still deep performance increases are expected to exceed 50% property 8 companies. Deep process in this real estate property and the family estates, South, guanghui shares and 5 sales such as Pearl River industrial settlement, results are very impressive and happiness of the Chinese greatly increased performance due to asset reorganization, and TÜV Rheinland shares by receiving government subsidies increase in net profit in 2011. WithIs real estate, Hyde shares in three companies is not so good luck. Hyde housing stock available in shares due to sharp decline in operating income and operating profit plummeted; Ka Kay city settlement program are largely in the Yangtze River Delta region, are key areas of national real estate industry macro control policy impact on company performance is great. ST Chase also disclose the effects of macroeconomic regulation and control, the companySharp decline in performance. However, most enterprises have not "sound", the existing notices to company size limited, is not representative of all sectors, industries overall performance still further clear. Large and medium-sized enterprises are regulatory measures on real estate sale House for sale due to countries, in response to more than 40 cities buy limit order, or to sell houses to increase cash flow, large and medium-sized enterprisesCut House for sale in major cities across the country. China vanke, said this week in some areas of the project will be hiked by, for example, to buy a house in Beijing, Shenzhen and other places and to provide discounts. Longhu real estate sale 216 House it recently, and Hopson also to zero profit means selling phase of the project in Beijing. Agile, said yesterday that will selectively cut in prices for some items to enhanceSales and price by selling a number of projects of late. In addition to the price by selling outside the room, postponing the construction speed and also becomes a room rate of consensus in the near future. There have been reports in recent days, the second largest property developer China vanke to stop buying, reduce and slow the progress of new items for next year. Agile yesterday Vice President Alex Liu claims that will stop or reduce the number of ongoing projects toReduce capital expenditures. "In the context of a tight market, you have to sell their house in order to cash flow, while the market is still very hot when you are to sell for a profit. "Alex Liu said that at present the company is increasing cash reserves will be after your environment at a lower price. It is reported that, according to Barclays Capital research reports, housing prices in China may be nextYear decreased by 10% per cent.

