2011年12月27日 星期二

Moody's Investors Service

129667837447021642_359Due to concerns about Europe's debt crisis will cause a global economic recession, offsetting market create positive factors for geo-political tensions in the Middle East swtor power leveling, oil market, dragged down towards a second weekly decline in a row record. Due to Portugal and Hungary's sovereign debt rating was downgraded to junk status, Germany again excluding Eurobonds and expansion of the European Central BankThe possibility of a crisis are leading to the decrease in crude oil, crude oil futures contracts or 2% this week. Moody's international rating agency (Moody's Investors Service) 24th downgrade Hungary's credit rating one notch, which before the Baa3 dropped to "Ba1" and enter the junk level, which is Hungary15 years after losing for the first time investment levels, prospects remain negative.   Another rating agency biaopu (Standard;Poor's Corp.) maintain Hungary BBB-credit rating Outlook for negative watch. Portugal budget imbalances star wars the old republic power leveling, high debt and poor prospects, Fitch 24th Portugal rating was downgraded to BB from BBB-laGarbage-class, rated prospects as a negative.   Dagong global credit rating company limited announced on 24th will be Portugal, foreign country's credit rating was downgraded to BB from BBB, Outlook negative. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that even if euro-zone countries in promoting progress towards fiscal Union, the European Central Bank's role in the debt crisis and the euro areaCommon bond's attitude will not change.   Launched in the current circumstances the eurozone of the European Union common bond proposal was "extremely inappropriate", at the same time, the European Central Bank must not adopt as the ultimate role of the lender of debt crisis. According to United Kingdom oil company Yearbook of world energy statistics data shows that 16% of global demand for crude oil to the EU in 2010 oil demand. United States21% of global crude oil demand, consumption of 19.1 million barrels a day. Saudi Arabia Ministry of the Interior said on November 24, the country's total population of minority Shiite Muslims in the eastern city of Cardiff (Qatif) launched demonstrations, gunfire caused the deaths of 4 people. Sources said that Saudi security forces and protesters broke out of violent conflict. Saudi Arabia's ruling classAre Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims often broke out in Cardiff, demonstrations against the Government policy.   At the same time, France called on the European Union for Iran's oil embargo, increased geopolitical risks, crude prices could rise further during the winter. Recent United States United Kingdom and Canada for Iran announced it would implement a new round of economic sanctions, but Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) 23rd delivered a speech on national television said, although Western countries announced this week to Iran to impose new sanctions, but Iran will not give up its nuclear plans. At 21:30 Beijing, United States crude oil futures prices of Flash disk at $ 95.35, by 1.73%.

