2011年12月3日 星期六

currently has more than 600 teams

129667837419052892_2881th page: Tong Kai: wealth management is a worthy of a lifetime to do business the 2nd page: 2, transition of the 3rd page: 3, China's largest wealth management page 4th 4 5th, real estate trust mode page: 5, specialization and teamwork "does China's largest, best profitable wealth management business, to China's high netValued customers with a full range of asset allocation solutions and wealth management services.   "Chairman and CEO of ping an trust when Tong Kai interview with this reporter gives a clear positioning of the Green trust.   Tong Kai says, "in such a market, such an era, wealth management is a worthy of a lifetime to do business". However, beginning in 2004 and take the Green letterWhen you care, Tong Kai's mission is not wealth management. When, peterma intuition thought investment trust money market, capital market, industrial areas, for the investment of insurance fund there will be some kind of benefit. Thus, from the Goldman Sachs "dig" Tong Kai, the original intention is to use the trust investment flexibility, creating investment capacity of non-capital markets, funds for insurance services. Is alsoThis is the origin, ping an trust earlier involvement of PE non-capital markets, real estate and infrastructure investment. Benefit from the experience of ping an life insurance marketing model, ping an trust company of the trust are first establish direct channels, currently has more than 600 teams, on the one hand by "private" high mining wealth management team in the external marketNet worth clients, on the other hand, with the "comprehensive development" team, mining within the Group of high-end clients.   As of now, ping an trust already has more than 10,000 participants, including high net worth clients, third-party asset management more than $ 180 billion. One morning in October, Tong Kai half an hour early to the Office, with a time of 2 hours about transformation of ping an trust in 7 yearsThe course.   Tong Kai says, its wealth management business is a strategic response of the Green Group, in the customer base of the pyramid, the most "Spire" ping an trust customers are mainly responsible for maintenance. 1 orientation diablo 3 power leveling, wealth management, of the 21st century: a trust company trust awareness often determines its business style, in your opinion, what is trust? ChinaTrust companies what to do?   Ping an trust what is positioning? Tong Kai: orientation to the trust company has a lot of discussion, but for us, very clear, is doing wealth management. Our goal is to become China's largest, best profitable wealth management business, establishing the Asia-Pacific's most influential non-traditional investment capacity, by virtue of advanced product development capabilities and castAsset management capacity, as Chinese programmes of high net worth clients with a full range of asset allocation and asset management services.   Of the 21st century: you said "China's largest and best earnings" includes private banks and banks?   Tong Kai: Yes. Of the 21st century: the objectives are very ambitious, but banking advantages should not be overlooked, they have very PangLarge customer base, high net worth clients are many.   Tong Kai: we've done some analysis diablo 3 power leveling, channels of the Bank of great ability, customer base is large, everyone in the Bank's money in the past. At present, family wealth is a bank deposit with more than 70%, but only 20% per cent in Western developed countries, there is a huge potential disintermediation. BankDeposit moving to investment products, the trend has emerged in China, I think is more and more often in the future.   10-20 is the wealth management industry development in China in the future golden age.   Of the 21st century: in such a trend, trust company doing what are the advantages of wealth management? Tong Kai: in the early stages of the development of wealth management, we competeIs the number of good products, rather than the number of customers.   In other words, driven by product characteristics clearly, who can make good products, giving customers a better return, who will be able to attract more customers. System flexibility based on trust, trust companies have product advantages. The past few years, we are taking advantage of this, with a wide range of products to attract customers, and then establishHis private wealth management team, cultivating customer base, formed its own channel. Private wealth management does not require too many physical networks and channels, but the customer experience is very important. I do not think that the layout of the luxurious Club, refer the customer to drinking wine, playing golf is called wealth management. I asked our wealth management team to actually do your services, not just salesProduct sales is only one small part.   If you can help customers to find really good products, to help him realize the value of wealth, good customer relationships established, he may have lived so you give him money. In other words, we are product-driven, but gradually transformed to enhance the customer experience, customer services, while not specifically designed to sellProduct.   Of the 21st century: ping an trust to do "the country's largest, profitable best" wealth management business, at the level of ping an group are what would be the strategic response?   Tong Kai: ping an's business is divided into blocks of insurance, banking and investment, in the customer base of the pyramid, the most "Spire" ping an trust customers are mainly responsible for maintenance. We know thatPersonal riches are concentrated in hands of high-end clients.   Now there are about more than 400,000 high net worth families, the average wealth of more than $ 3 million, China has become one of the world's largest market for high-end private wealth management business, but a serious lack of RMB financial products and professionals, as well as of providing these products and talent agencies. We were lucky,Such a market, such an era, wealth management is a worthy of a lifetime to do business.   Of the 21st century: ping an in-house customer resources how large is the contribution to trust product sales? Tong Kai: ping an group attaches great importance to cross-sell, entire internal customer resources contribution now account for half of ping an trust also pays great attention to playing and diggingDriving the Group's internal strengths, to further strengthen comprehensive development. At present, integrated development team primarily for peace within the Group of institutions (life insurance, property insurance, endowment insurance, banking, securities, new channels and other specialized subsidiary) and external partner (Cooperative Bank, the third party) providing trust product cross-selling consulting services and business support, and according to customer demand and the cityField conditions provides asset allocation, financial planning, wealth management services.

