2012年3月31日 星期六

star wars credits CIMIC shares three consecutive daily limit. To this end - JZR

129771807840249810_33Popularity rankings of public opinion of listed companies in China: March 16, Li Yong of China listed companies ' public opinion Center from March 16 to March 22 diablo 3 power leveling, a-share listed companies with the highest popularity of public opinion are: CIMIC, the Queen shares, chunxing precision, new radicals, maanshan iron and steel shares. CIMIC clarification of mineral investment risks difficult to achieve idle speculation CIMIC 315th announcement said, 2011 capital increase stake in mining company has reserves of Huaqiao, after calculation than the original reserves have increased by about 500 times in times. Under the influence of this message, CIMIC shares three consecutive daily limit. To this end, the CIMIC 20th clarification announcement said that in 2011, the company's equity investment is not the same as to the mining rights, finish the investigationAfter the, according to the results you want to pay the price of mineral resources, reserves approval, access to resources and realizing the benefits of time cost and other uncertainties. Surprise is that shares followed three consecutive daily limit.����Some analysts point out that, as reflected in hot pursuit of funding for mine-related theme that investors should be more rational. Queen response to sale rumorsSaid it had quit the overseas market on March 21, it was the Southern Metropolis daily reported, both best and Wellcome Supermarket Group in Hong Kong does not sell yili and mengniu. Best and Wellcome Supermarket staff confirmed the news but said it does not know why stop sale. A few days ago, the Queen responded that, Queen had to quit as early as 2008, including Hong Kong's seaOutside the market.����In addition, mengniu, sale of message it is misinformation, and normal sales company in Hong Kong. Chunxing precision mining cooperation in clarifying and broader nuclear rumours that recent media reports, Guangdong Bureau of geology for nuclear industry official website released a copy of the report, referred to the broad nuclear mining company intends to vigorously promote and mining rights of co-operative work between chunxing precision,Speculation in the market. Chunxing precision 21st announcement, company management is in contact with the broad nuclear mines negotiation phase, there are no substantive progress. A media company "clarification announcement" is more like a "confirmed notice", but there is no denying that is, the company is careful to point out that the number of risk factors tera power leveling, but investor enthusiasm out of hand,Company share prices rising sharply in recent days. In the new base by the Securities Commission investigation in Xinjiang based on March 21 in the new announcement, company for alleged violations of securities laws and regulations, by the Securities Commission investigation in Xinjiang. For violations of specific matters, the company has not made a detailed explanation, which also sparked media speculation and market participants. The securities journal on March 21Published literary analysis, the investigation may be shareholders of a window period of reduction of the. The Yunnan information daily said, some analysts think the investigation or with the company in 2011 about large losses of $ 880 million.����To dispel mistrust and doubts in the market, there is the need for listed companies disclose more information. Ma steel group Chairman aeration be hoodwinked on March 16, The economic observer said Ma steel group Chairman exposes "is Liu zhijun hoodwinked". Article describing the road, under the verbal commitments of the former Minister of railways Liu zhijun, invested heavily in an inquiry launched in Ma steel wheels, upgrading production lines, but even the purchase list were unable to enter the Ministry of railways. The Nanjing evening news on March 17 an article with a more pronounced negative tendency. February Ma steelMa steel Group Ltd 42% shares held by the group. Article points out that the finance company's revenues, earnings, is likely to be the horse shares against the decline of steel pressure "blood transfusion" results. Article question, "is their transport interests, are the one spending money to buy back, unfair". Whether it is "high-speed rail", is also on the capital operation star wars credits, Steel CitySome retail investors at a loss. Others:

tera gold as the condition of capital flows are more balanced - TYT

129773184435156250_105Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog dynamic observation on the foreign exchange market currency US dollar currency, instant expert analysis on relevant industry topics scroll column bodyDisk on the HD solutions financial calendar financial products Exchange Center Exchange Tools school online Salon experience exchange finance foreign exchange regulations on investment hexun hexun.com Wikipedia Forex Forum Forex blog Forex > body font size print RSS March 201217:32 from: Huitong Huitong networks on March 26, the Oriental morning post (blog, Twitter) on Monday (March 26) quoted people's Bank of China (PBOC) former Vice Governor Wu Xiaoling star wars credits, reported daily fluctuations of RMB exchange rate against the dollar than the middle of the interval from the current prices fluctuate 0.5% extended to 0.7%.China's Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan recently said tera gold, as the condition of capital flows are more balanced, more mature swtor credits, China will expand the float of the Yuan exchange rate against the dollar.����Wu Xiaoling, the above statement it is Zhou xiaochuan speech echoing.����China's Central Bank announced earlier the dollar reference rate every day. Today by the dollar against the Renminbi exchange rate lower prices to record lows Others:

diablo 3 gold Shandong laiwu jinlei wind power technology - PPZ

129773188843593750_1IPO last week queues added 25 companion journal entering capital market Closely followed by more than 20 per week over disclosure of speed, enter SFC investigating team of the enterprise become more intensive. Last week the addition of 25 companies, both companion periodical listing the first company in the industry media, there are again at war IPO "familiar faces" Beijing Zhaoge digital technology. According to the latest Board of the SFC and the gem IPO report basic informationAs of March 22, SFC and outgoing enterprises for a total 549, which boards at 324, gem 225 (including 12 suspension of reviews). Or in periodicals of the companion of the first unit of the public familiar with the companion journal also intends to visit the capital markets. In the list of latest IPO audits, Hubei companion media column. If we canEventually successfully listed on Hubei companion media or journals will become the first domestic landing a share in media companies. Started domestic circulation leading to companion magazine companion media group has been active in preparations for the listing. January 18, 2011, Phoenix Media Group Limited was established in Wuhan, Hubei Province, marking the companion journal group to complete the overall reform. In May of that year diablo 3 gold, China SyndromeHubei authority announcement says the IPCC, companion Hubei companion being listed by the media in the media group's guidance. In even earlier, companion media has a Hong Kong listing and financing plans diablo 3 power leveling, but on hold for so long. Insiders pointed out that companion listed need to overcome three challenges: equity restructuring, large land assets of State-owned enterprises property rights vested in the news publishing industry and introduction of foreign capitalPolicy limits. Companion media Chairman Hu Xunbi in company restructuring, striving to end of 2011 in a-share listed on the implementation. He has landed a share of different publishing companies, friends may become a national news publication in the media business and management backbone for the first time holding company. According to public information, 2011, Phoenix Media Group revenues 5. $ 600 million, an increase of 37%, a net profit of 100 million Yuan. IPO audit teams, while the endless stream of new faces, one side is "familiar faces" get together again. New trial team last week Beijing in July last year at Zhaoge digital technology was not, just after six-month waiting period and can't wait to once again declare, whether it is because in a short time canQuestionable enough to be addressed. Feedback from the SFC, Zhaoge continued profitability challenges of digital technology in Beijing, nearly 90% its 2010 sales revenue comes from Huawei, Huawei, is considered to be "parasitic". Prospectus shows that Beijing Zhaoge digital technology in 2010, 2009, 2008 Huawei company sales revenues were 25$ 7.2566 million, HK $ 168.8613 million and HK $ per cent respectively of the company's total sales revenue in the year, 88.1%, 66.94%. Disclosure in auditing of new shares in the near term, Enterprise crowding together of the Declaration for the second time and even declared more than once. Incomplete statistics, Anhui Huang-rich have been disclosed in advance steelFrame and Long Yu fuel, are implementing the China pile in the feedback industry, Dr King and seed industry in Shandong gold, in the first instance weigena of silk clothing, whether it was once again shaken after IPO last year. Add 25 companies released last week the trial of first instance last week 25 enterprises. Board has 13, Shenyang yuanda compressor respectively, Jimin pharmacy, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang tianhong pharmaceutical industry of Guangzhou Rui FengSound science and technology, Qingdao well, Sichuan guoguang agrochemical, three outdoor, Hubei, Beijing companion media, Kingwood high incidence of new material, Ningbo, Suzhou, Suzhou Industrial Park design of auto control system Research Institute, Ruyi group and new group of FENGMING. The gem has 12, Shandong laiwu jinlei wind power technology, respectively, Guangdong yizumi precision machinery, Zhejiang Jinke peroxide, East Sichuan Goldstone, Fu sets science and technology new materials, devices, Hong Hao Ming (Beijing), Jiangsu Shui sails of environmental protection equipment, the Shenyang transformer Research Institute, Beijing Zhaoge five ocean science and technology, digital technology, Xuzhou, Sichuan Chengdu, central to German-American technology and delivery technologies. In addition, to be listed on the main Board companies in Zhejiang shapuaisi pharmaceutical suspension review diablo 3 power leveling, Gao Lan intended to be listed on the second board company Guangzhou energy saving techniquesIs terminated with a review. Ningbo e of Group 5 of the car companies to be listed on the main Board and Canaan in Zhejiang Province science and technology 7, such as the proposed second board listed companies by the first instance status is changed to implementation feedback, aborted review of Beijing science and technology back to audit track, reviewed by the aborted transfer to implement feedback. Others:

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129762893044375000_93 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/swtor-credits/">swtor gold</a>Liu Zhenqi too map couples open new home comfort Eugene and odd too map new home open. Eugene and her husband odd too map (information below). Korean network of KBS 2TV entertainment broadcast March 14, 12th in the star theater of life women's combination of SES origins actress Eugene and odd too stained couples new home open. Open new main color is yellow, white, and presents a warm atmosphere tera gold, in particularBedroom with white as background, feels very clean and comfortable. Netizens said tera gold, "national Elf life praise praise praise!", "Eugene and odd too map becomes happy after marriage," and so on. Others:

tera power leveling Bo to be entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment on stage -

129770869303593750_108Both sides strive for very competitive fenghuangwang sports news Beijing time on March 24, Super in the third round of a game of duel, Shanghai Shen Xin head home eventually and Guizhou and 0:0. Following the last round of Gao Hongbo and handsome duel to a draw after the end of Marin, Gao Hongbo Zhu Jiong and once again put on this service are good. In this game, Shen Xin coach Zhu Jiong on referee sentencedPenalty quite dissatisfied with the disciples Ye Zhongqiu are played once for less handsome furious, the final draw for the home team feel more regret. Fire powerful Shen Xin, and Defense has received this service work, but on the offensive end, alternate playing Bo disappearing audience, and ultimately failed to break down door of the home team. Tushuai vs reproduction of two brothers well now Super era has truly become the ocean of handsome,Handsome there are 5 bits in the League last season, but with the Shen Xiangfu both class and Wu Jingui this season only Zhu Jiong, Gao Hongbo and Marlin trio less handsome iron triangle formation of domestic support. Shen Xin Zhu Jiong rate guard the East, although the team looks ruolv, but the first two wars but defeated evergrande, trouncing the APB is impressive; Gao Hongbo lvbu came to the Southwest, first gunnin ' Phoenix Suns Luneng, minor wheel warLiaoning is also excellent and entrenched North-East of Marlin the first two rounds also harvest 4, compared to the handsome the Paceco, Takeshi Okada and other ocean, their day is much better. The soil between handsome Gao Hongbo Zhu Jiong and this service is very rare, and the scene is also very popular tera power leveling, but unfortunately only to reproduce the good brothers swtor credits, Gao Hongbo upper whorl draw Ma Lin, Zhu Jiong and now shake hands. Zhu JiongBefore the match was very modest, "we are the local coaches, high-conductivity phase should be alert and I cherish, local coaches in the League just the three of us, I hope that we are able to achieve a good result. Ocean high levels of handsome, they a lot of things we need to learn. "Such an outcome may have two happy, 3 rounds before and remain undefeated, and Shen Xin harvest 4.Shen Xin Wang 赟 members expressed regret for the draw after the game, "a little worried we present, unfortunately failed to win over more than 5,000 coming from afar to fans, but we will stick to their game they believe the team will achieve good results. "Current foreign aid be shoveling down six Zhu Jiong furious Shen Xin foreign aid Antonio has two consecutive rounds are scored, this service once againWinning the trust of Zhu Jiong first play, on an individual's skill at the foot of the technology, people and players on the ball under his personal defense is difficult to fault. Competition 54th minute, and midfielder Liu Tianqi in midfield defense shovel down Antonio buy swtor, which rolls on the ground suffering the full six circles, Physio was hurried to play him a simple treatment. Slow motion show, the visiting team player Liu TianqiShoe nail directly on the ankle of the leg to Antonio, but referee atrocities had not cut. Only 5 minutes, and international sea and the midfielder played Shen Xin midfielder leaves in autumn, may be the sea has been toting a piece of yellow cards, referee blows he fouled a penalty only, not cut. On this fine Zhu Jiong finally could, less handsome on the referee kuanghou road, "Balls not giving cards? Such a foul will not give Ah! "Match the 80th minute, Shen Xin players ball is placed within the restricted area, referee also said no to this, Zhu Jiong very silent. Defense worked wonders for the people and two rounds of competition before the match of teh person stealth Shen Xin has to enter the 5 ball, and r-side attack fired first, but the visiting team and this service is Shen XinTotal misfire, even though Shen Xin four foreign aid program has failed to get the scoring for the home team. And defense to be able to give this service, most crucial figure is team teaching assistant alixiao. The Netherlands in Nanchang has less supporting Shen Xin shuai Jiao Dou Zhu Jiong for 2.5 years, Zhu Jiong tele command, platoon of soldiers and home team field players are on hand. Now Ali xiaozhuan vote in person and,Netherlands successful revolt of the people helped the team took 1 min from Shanghai. Relative to the great team defense, and this service has not given more opportunities at the offensive end. Just over 7 minutes of the second half, Bo to be entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment on stage, but his alternate play has not changed and weak attack. The world youth tournament 11 years ago, when Bo flower, performance is also a great deal of attention, Then of United States Football under magazine even will Bo as most by concern of eight large star one, is only finalists of Asia people, and Bo together WINS of also has Javier Saviola and Adriano, Star, unfortunately herd juvenile of fall on as wind of speed General, near 3 a season Bo total in in the Super in the into 29 ball, as age of growth, Bo of performance also began stability, But also return to mediocrity. (Zhou Kai) two teams of core data: Others:

tera power leveling Suzhou City pilot integrated tax system - GXN

129773160495625000_113Wealth management platform of choice for high-end customers Home about wealth wealth wealth Academy member area of focused products online services function getQueryString (key) {var searchString=document.location.search.toString(); var returnValue = ''; if (searchString.substr(0,1)=='?'g = searchString.substring(1,searchString.length) var queryList = queryString.split('Zhongjin gold in wealth management online Center for high-end customers online wealth management centre for high-end customers "from fortune to keep the rich stage of financial management of the current location: Home wealth Center Home financial focus body www.cnfol.com2012 March 26 Beijing News on March 22,Approved and transmitted to the national development and Reform Commission of the 2012 focus on deepening economic reform. Reform of financial and taxation section, two sessions of concern to the parties on individual income tax reform which does not appear. However, this does not mean "home collection" as the core of a tax reform efforts stalled. Reporter was informed that the current relevant departments of the Central Government have been prepared2012 starting personal information networking of the national tax system, "according to the family collection of personal income tax" reform technology ready. And before that, how the statistics of different members of the same family incomes, has been a reform of the tax levied by family's biggest technical obstacle. Multiple departments share information you want rent personal information national network is "family integratedImposition of reform "a prerequisite. Following the personal housing information in major cities throughout the country, Provident Fund, affordable housing information one after another after you start networking, networking of the national tax system where personal information is expected to fully start in 2012. Deputy Director of the Institute of fiscal science, Ministry of Liu Shangxi confirmed the news to reporters, he said, "at present stage of tax reformIs not the problem of the taxation system, but rather a technical issue. "Until then, personal income tax charged in accordance with the individual, is imposed" taxes income dependency "collection. "A household unit of comprehensive income", was a household unit, members of the family income and the General, unified impose a personal income tax. Thus, much of China's "separation of persons" and "offsite revenue"Brings the problem began to occur. In the "family-unit integrated calculation and collection of personal income tax" levied under, how are they are in different parts of the income information of family members are added together with tax, have become the most critical technology issues. Which Government rent personal information national network is the solution to this problem is the most realistic way. "For example, if I return in Beijing,But revenue from around the country, if there is a national network of databases have access to all my income throughout the country, at the time of Declaration of tax will be unified computing can only be integrated tax levy. "By the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of tax officer Zhang bin told reporters. Relevant departments of the Central Government on this issue has already taken into account. 2009, The State administration of taxation had specifically issued a document requiring all local tax system of personal income tax information database interface. But the document issued after 3 years, rent personal information network throughout the country and start over. Liu Shangxi said to the local tax authorities and after the financial, banking and other related institutional networking in order to achieve comprehensive collection, but there is no unified national networkComplex. "Many departments in the investigation, including tax, civil affairs tera power leveling, public security, financial swtor credits, trade, social security and housing departments are sharing of limited, conditional, a tax break this year is to implement the policy last year, implemented well. "He said. Some cities already have tax reform pilot condition cannot be fully under way, but in a number of economic conditionsStart a tax reform. Although a tax "in family of integrated tax" reform in technical preparation phase, but in the view of most experts, has been part of the city have the condition of the pilot. Has worked in Beijing tax authorities, currently Vice President of State Council, the Central University of finance and tax College Liu Huan, 2004, 20Back in 05, tax information, Beijing has covered most of the working-class, already have such comprehensive implementation of the tax system, if gradual improvement on that basis and complete comparison in some basic information, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Suzhou City pilot integrated tax system, so the experience, a comprehensive tax reform tax is more simpleSingle. "Like the pilot approval Shanghai, Chongqing property taxes that year, economic conditions can in some more developed areas to start a tax reform. "Liu Huan said. However, Liu Huan said, although the conditions of the city with the pilot, comprehensive reforms but still has not started, may also need to State Legislative Department, Ministry of finance and local regulatory constraints, in order to furtherImplementation. "Current major national development speed tera power leveling, if relevant departments to reform in a hurry, will inevitably have an impact on advancing, in this case, which is also based in several cities. President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of financial strategy deliberating also believes that after the pilot, into the perspective of regulation of income is no longer limited to a single project, but a comprehensive income. In view ofThe realistic background of increasingly diversified sources of income, established on the basis of the integrated calculation and collection of personal income tax regulation, is no doubt closer regulation of resident income distribution gap of realities. Experts recommended that automatically adjusts the collection point for three years from 2011, was introduced by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of programmes, based on the classification of the current income tax system, and maintain the existing classification of income tax baseUnder the premise of this element does not change, only imposed on annual income of over $ 120,000 taxpayers tax official and comprehensive income. "As part of an integrated range of calculation and collection of the selected items which are one of the most difficult aspects, bread here contain two contradictions: fairness and efficiency, reform of collection and administration costs and effects. "Zhang bin said. A tax credit points cannot be frequently adjusted on the need for dynamic optimization of a new scheme�� For a tax reform, during the two sessions, NPC deputies and CPPCC members have proposed increased collection points now, and it's become about a reform of the common people. In April 2011, the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress to modify the provisions of the law on personal income tax, decided to go into effect on September 1, 2011 new tax adjustment, modifications of the standard for wage and salary income tax,Applicable excess progressive rates, tax rate is 3% per cent; balance of revenues minus costs of $ 3,500 per month for taxable. 9 level in excess of the rate from the original progressive tax rate is reduced to 7 in excess of a progressive, low tax rate reduced from 5% to 3%, exemption from the current $ 2000 increased to $ 3,500. Treasury Department data shows 2011Person income was 605.4 billion yuan, increased 121.7 billion yuan over the previous year, an increase of 25.2%. Among them, four-quarter decline in personal income tax 5.5%, working largely from September 1 to improve personal income tax abatement costs derived from standard effects, monthly personal income tax reduction of $ 13.8 billion and reform practice of four months to alleviate burden on residents $ 55 billion. "Last year a taxCollection points that have changed, this year we'll make adjustment is unlikely, a tax reform is not a great leap forward. "Liu Shangxi said. Liu Huan believes that entangled in tax collection and the significance, "a tax collection points can be linked to the price index of statistics, and automatic adjustment every three years at a time. Conventional adjustments do not like this raise a big Rumpus, you can use the proceduresCured, such as adopted by the Standing Committee will be able to adjust. "Liu Huan added, after taxes and the National Bureau of statistics of index-linked, high prices without tax, only the use of a scientific approach in order to truly let the burden of the people with the rise in prices has been adjusted. For tax reform in the future, Jia Kang, believes that may further discussion on how to cultivate the medium agenciesInto the class. "After all our country's personal income tax or to undergo a process of dynamic optimization, ' Twelve-Five ', we need to launch further new scheme for dynamic optimization of the personal income tax, adding ' comprehensive ' mechanisms and family maintenance coefficient differential mechanisms, these are around positive nurturing and expanding middle class in China such a guide. "According to the China businessAll 2 pages 1[2] next last online Gold CNFOL Private Wealth Management wealth Center jobs | About us | Partners | Legal statement | Site map | Contact us all rights reserved: Fujian gold online networkComplex company min B2-20050010, Hello! If you are interested in our products or services, please click here to leave a message! We will have customer service and contact you as soon as possible! 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2012年3月29日 星期四

tera gold Sun jindian or for such products buy services - HRQ

129773160505781250_126Beijing jindian announced the Sun, first to introduce Platinum investment products, category mainly includes the Platinum Bullion, Platinum coin, Platinum gold key diablo 3 power leveling, are made by the PT999 Platinum makes, specifications are divided into 10G, 20G, 50g and etc. In terms of price, Sun jindian Platinum sales of investment products price by international Platinum prices on the basis of the date on which, to closeAccess fee of $ 30/g, cheaper than ordinary Platinum gold price per gram is about more than more than 60 Yuan, Sun jindian or for such products buy services diablo 3 gold, higher than normal buy-back price of the Platinum jewelry. At present Beijing jindian Platinum products are mainly dominated by jewelry classes, for investment and consumption of Platinum products are still very rare in the Beijing market. "Relative to gold tera gold, Platinum price fluctuationGreater risks and rewards are greater than gold, for more aggressive investors. "Sun Vice President of jindian Jiao Guangyi said. Commercial news reporters Meng Fan-Xia gold online statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

tera power leveling Wang Yun had rushed to the sea embankment and teams meet in Qingdao - JSX

129732242291408750_229Report from (reporter Yang Yi) yesterday came news of former 构词成分。 构词成分。 core team midfielder went to Qingdao and haigeng Wang Yun was joined, although it is still called "trial training" buy swtor, but it is understood that Wang Yun and the Club settled in Qingdao, as long as his body and technical ability does not appear a big decline, joined Qingdao team should be no suspense. Wang Yun in their own micro-Bo said: "15, the sea embankment. For new work, start a new life. "Early last season, Wang Yun was switched to Dalian shide (microblogging) tera power leveling, despite efforts to train fighting for their own abilities, but due to tactical and environmental issues, Wang Yun in Dalian team play a handful, most of the time you can only display of skill in reserve games. At first, most like to invite Wang Yun was Shanghai Shenhua (Microblogging), but CEO Zhu Jun (microblog) have their own selfish calculations, hoping to free the introduction of Wang Yun diablo 3 power leveling, Dalian shide is clearly not willing to lose money on the sale. Yesterday afternoon, Wang Yun had rushed to the sea embankment and teams meet in Qingdao, Qingdao clubs floated the idea of trial training in nature, but according to the analysis, Qingdao to look at Wang Yun's physical condition and technical ability, as long as noBig problem, you successfully signed up. Others:

2012年3月28日 星期三

diablo 3 gold terminals compatible with practicalDemonstration. - HYQ

129732029229065000_142SINA science and technology news on February 7, according to the telecommunications authority of Hong Kong's announcement, three companies through a competitive bidding access to TDD spectrum would operate TDD network, including China Mobile (Twitter), Hutchison telephone company limited and century Internet company. The Hong Kong Government through the auction of spectrum licences tera gold, said, the Hong Kong TDD spectrum bidSoftware via the Internet platform, successfully completed only after six rounds of the auction total.  The auction a total of 3 mobile operators and a new enterprise to participate in, the last three companies win, paid a total of HK $ 470 million, which amounted to HK $ 170 million of China Mobile, the remaining two were HK $ 150 million. Telecommunications Authority of Hong Kong said, everyThe provisional successful bidders in this announcement within 30 business days after the payment of spectrum utilization fees, delivery of the performance bonds and comply with other regulatory requirements as required, will be assigned the bidding for spectrum diablo 3 power leveling, and a unified carrier licence for a period of 15 years. The licensee within a period of five years starting from licensed, provides mobile telecommunications services and covering at least 50% the local population diablo 3 gold, or fixed telecommunications servicesCover at least 200 commercial or residential buildings. China Mobile said on February 6, by auction in Hong Kong successfully 30MHz TDD band, band 2330MHz-2360MHz.  This band will be used to build TD-LTE network in Hong Kong. At the same time, China Mobile said the successful bidding for TDD in Hong Kong, Fully demonstrated the confidence and commitment in China Mobile on LTE technology. China Mobile Hong Kong company is this band, not only to make up for the inadequate resources in FDD bands, more effectively promote integration of LTE TDD and FDD network, moving to China on a global scale to promote 4G two main technologies to achieve network convergence, terminals compatible with practicalDemonstration. (Kang Zhao) Others:

2012年3月27日 星期二

diablo 3 gold highest since late October - KRJ

129764786896562500_306 <a href="http://www.power-leveling-service.com/diablo-3">diablo 3 power leveling</a>United States national debt continued to decline this week, index yields rose to 4.5-month high on Thursday tera power leveling, due to the global economic Outlook has improved and strong repression of recent stock market demand for haven assets. Index yields on 10-year Treasury rose to 2.348%, highest since late October, further closer to the high 2.42% of October 28. The past three days the rate of returnHas risen about 30 basis points, after three months has been in 1.8%-cent range. Rose breaking key technical level 200-day moving average cut in 2.25%, for July to first see. Traders said the US bond yields easily exceeded 2.25% yesterday, is expected to rise to 2.39%. If the 2.39% is reached, are expected toIt can go to 2.5%, because in the 2.39% does not have too much to support. Yields on two-year Treasury rose to 0.41%, for July to first see. But others question whether the economic situation on the market completely reverse, as well as euro-zone debt crisis has really ended. Traders believe that the United States Federal open market Committee recognizedIndustry data better diablo 3 gold, but really want to get good data, non-farm job growth needed to achieve 300,000 and to continue so. (Huitong nets) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

2012年3月26日 星期一

diablo 3 gold but without midfielderNo Defender - HGH

129765277410781250_18Xinhua: Anelka were hard to bear the Savior Does not play problem of hanging on foot after the fans ' appetite, 16th later Anelka finally official CSL draped Jersey appeared on the pitch. But after playing full 90 minutes diablo 3 gold, in addition to seizing the national security of a low-level mistake play into his Super's debut ball, a nationality by the stars of the show depressing. Beginning about injuries so he can't run tera gold, but ate notAfter teammates support, he had to run to the midfielder himself to ball. However, the lack of supplies so he returned to repeatedly reactive. It appears that more than 10 million Yuan, is not so well made. Physical condition should this situation and Anelka is not the best, and the new team-mates also related to lack of understanding and cooperation, is also related to how much of The terrain is favorable and the people are friendly and national security at home, however, Shenhua 4Midfielder basically useless, Defender is also unbelievably, location near the top of Anelka struggled to play a role and have to worry about, is the key issue. Anelka clear up one level, not too much television is still reflected in the lens is evident, but he hot, can't shoot even ten people directly. Football is 11 people after all projects diablo 3 power leveling, a starLead role could not be as evident as in basketball. Even the basketball, even Kobe Bryant, no teammates to support you. By football, one or two stars, even stars like Anelka, even in his Super League of this level is not high, it can play a role, or do you want to make a discount. In another match, Guangzhou DerbyResults also prove it. Derby is easy to identity moth, but the newly promoted 2:0 to defeat the defending champion, Conca, Muric, and Cleo this once Lance's "Trident" combining collective misfire, Guangzhou in spring it is abnormal cold. R rear pillar Liu Cheng said before the match, Guangzhou evergrande (clubs official Twitter) in addition to the several outstanding foreign aid capacity,And r a dozen, were once thought to be talk wildly, but unfortunately the phrase prophecy. As long as the dead staring at three of the foreign aid, the newly promoted to beat the defending champions. In the Super League in the future, resolutely defending + quick counterattacks will be the other teams to deal with constant magic. This Super team in the same note in foreign aid often utilitarianism: money spent on the front man, but without midfielderNo Defender, key moments will be off the chain. CSL with ball control, shooting data such as in the first world war dominated the national security, lost two balls are also baffled, a handball is unnecessary, is a low-level errors, line after the same concern. (End) Others:

swtor credits Seagate - OIS

[dispatch of Sai Di net] September 24th news buy swtor, the United States manufacturer Seagate hard disk (Seagate) said, is expected this quarter should be better than expected, due to the global demand is expected to enhance hard disk.According to foreign media reports, Seagate, expected the first quarter (October 3rd) revenue will fall in the previously expected limits diablo 3 gold, previously expected range of $2400000000 to $2600000000.Seagate says, if the demand in the remaining quarter within 11 days of continuous growth, revenue may be better.Seagate expected swtor credits, first-quarter drive overall market size (TAM) may be more than previous estimates of 135000000 to 140000000, while the December quarter of global TAM is expected for 145000000 to 155000000.Seagate says, due to the shift to more for notebook and desktop computer products, the company gross margin percentage of revenue should be between 23% and 24%.Seagate did not announce this season's profit to anticipate.According to the research firm Fact Set, analyst anticipated Seagate first-quarter earnings of 29 cents a share, $2500000000. Others:

diablo 3 gold does not mean that agree with their views - MNZ

129765814779901665_6"Zhuangao swtor credits, please do not reprint without authorization," each guy came up from being too, sexy beautiful women are bound to experience dill Lisa, everyone as a boy is very cute, even if a beast Tigers born at all is sufficient to Meng you. Cartoon heroes in harem, what does childhood long? You must imagine that the gray wolf is a small cute as a child. HoweverIs pig knife, also was brought up being too grown into twisted melon of bad dates. Note: some pictures diablo 3 gold, you can view the next (click here to see larger image) Note: some pictures diablo 3 power leveling, you can view the next (click here to see larger image) Sakata the silver soul silver in read the full text of this page when publishing this article only for transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views, or confirm the description. Others:

tera power leveling the insurance company cannot determine the vehicle's true losses - WIO

129756355812343750_238His car was damaged, they do not take responsibility, the insurance company refused to pay, accident compensation, but the other has been dragged, tails, what should I do?  In the case of compensation do not have access to each other, now a few insurance companies will find each other together with the owner claims, most of the insurance companies take no responsibility for compensation as denied doing anything. This situation is most likely with upcoming releasesThe provisions on strengthening the business of motor vehicle insurance rates and the management of change.  At that time, such as "no responsibility do not lose" this type of so-called vehicle insurance provisions of the King would be abolished, and "subrogation claims" system to the nation is expected to promote. At present, Guangdong has not started, introduced on a pilot basis in official regulations to implement, but Guangdong industry believes that this process couldSpeeding up.  China insurance regulatory Commission also stated, guiding and promoting the industry the establishment of vehicle insurance cover, claims notification system, mechanism of subrogation diablo 3 gold, claims processing system such as dispute resolution and settlement mechanism between companies. Pilot of subrogation to roll out the car was wrecked, himself does not assume liability, the insurance company does not pay, accident compensation, but the other has been dragging the tails, what should I do? Do not have access toOther compensation cases, few insurance companies will find each other together with the owner claims, most of the insurance companies take no responsibility for compensation as denied doing anything. Owner, even if the insurance company claims will be accompanied by, running back and forth, or spend a lot of time and effort. This "no responsibility and indemnity" provisions of the King in the China insurance regulatory Commission is about to release the strengthening of motor vehicle businessRate made a change in the management of the insurance provisions. While supporting the industry is trying to urge insurance companies exercise "right of subrogation", by streamlining processes to facilitate accident claims between the two sides. "Subrogation claims" widely in foreign insurance companies, two owners are required to solve the original problem, referred to the two insurance companies to resolve. Not only to the owners do notLittle things, but also indirectly to alleviate traffic pressure. In fact, as early as 2003, commercial vehicle insurance terms for the first time after the change, will be the introduction of vehicle insurance for payment of subrogation. But due to higher vehicle insurance for payment, at the same time, will make insurance companies of subrogation claims rose, and will lead to increased its bad debts and recover costs, so the "tie" insurance companyLess. Car insurance claims but the China insurance regulatory Commission to resolve difficult problems, is speeding up the construction of the system of subrogation. Released at the end of last month in the motor vehicle insurance claims management guidelines expressly, to strengthen the management of cases of subrogation of insurance companies, insurance companies should actively assist the insured to claim responsibility to each other when choose directly claims against the insurance company insuring the insured, andWhen each other the right to request compensation for the transfer of responsibilities to the insurance company, insurance companies should conscientiously perform their payment obligations. Insurance Association of China and Liaoning, Beijing, Xiamen, Chongqing region was selected as a pilot of one of the first regions of the right of subrogation, and last year announced the loss of the motor vehicle insurance subrogation claims guidelines (draft for soliciting opinions), trying to build platforms and systems to fallIndeed this work. Last August in Beijing since the pilot, according to the Insurance Bureau of Beijing's disclosure, current automobile insurance business in Beijing area 31 insurance companies basically have the "claims of subrogation" business.  By the end of 2011, Beijing industry accepted claims of subrogation to apply for 75 items, estimated amount involved was about $ 1.68 million. Guangdong and other formal implementation of policiesBecause is not in pilot regions in Guangdong Province, it has not been an insurance company tried to exercise this right. Insurance Council said Guangdong, Guangdong and other formal regulations introduced on a pilot basis to implement the system of subrogation. Guangdong industry that this would speed up the process. Due to the China insurance regulatory Commission said, guiding and promoting the industry the establishment of vehicle insurance cover, claims-inform, Mechanism of subrogation, claims processing system such as dispute resolution and settlement mechanism between companies. Such as cart insurance rates new rules, supporting mechanism of subrogation needs to appear.  But because of the domestic automobile insurance recovery environment is not optimistic, "claims of subrogation" perfect and smooth running of the system still need quite some time to break-in. Car insurance subrogation once it is fully under way, drivers will want to smooth implementationSubrogation claims, will have to do two things. A large casualty company claims Department of Guangdong Province Branch said, from the pilot experience in, one owner to report in a timely manner, although they have no responsibility, should be timely reported to the insurance company, must assist the insurers can be shown after the accident, accidents, loss of client identity, and other relevant information and insuranceDivision determined the vehicle service, maintenance and repair costs of the project. At the same time, after owners access to insurance claims, car owners also have an obligation to provide the necessary supporting documents and information to the insurance company, and to help insurance companies to third parties responsible for recovery. If no responsibility is not promptly reported to the insurance company swtor credits, the insurance company cannot determine the vehicle's true losses, they may not accept the ownersApplication of subrogation.  If there is no accountability before the owners own insurance company practice of paying the compensation, has given up rights to request compensation to third parties, insurance companies will not be liable. Subrogation in subrogation in linking the so-called tera power leveling, refers to compensation for being unwilling to or combined with the impact and policyholders direct right of recourse to insure your life insurance company, in which case no obligation toThe insurance companies to pay compensation, and then the recovery to the responsible party or their insurance companies insurance company insurance compensation. So that you can maximize the protection of damaged in accident insurer compensation in a timely manner.  The industry believes that this will enable to solve "not the responsibility you lose" provisions of the King had a more explicit operability. South reporter Wang Meili speciallySelected women's investment protection insurance affordable insurance to carefully break through the negative reception talks sea hidden mines insurance agency: There ' s no making without breaking treatment of insurance sales people: young first hotbeds of anti-insurance sales said that it would not be misleading insurance cross-sell: but the trip has ups and downs of personal tax-deferred old-age insurance: creating a win-win situation of Shandong administration of broken car insurance claims-3Years to build insurance first, project Others:

diablo 3 gold which is more cost-effective - VFM

129755780379843750_298Director, Member of the National Committee of Zhang Yimou's 4th, when in an interview with national radio reporter admits, film fare "sixty or seventy high diablo 3 gold, I think twenty or thirty are also able to accept". Disclosed in the media of "strengthening the film industry support and consolidation" in the joint proposal, reporters have seen such statements: "relevant departments should introduce constructive guidance ticket prices and ticket limitPrice, both in terms of tax concessions to support the film industry. "Yesterday morning, Xian Xie Minghe Wanda international Cineplex General Manager said:" our members now enjoy 40 percent-60 percent discounts, audiences can enjoy the 30 percent-70 percent off of the brush card. To see Zhang Yimou's proposal, we think that it is reasonable. Viewers are our consumers, respect their views is the onlyLine. "Shadow international studios in Xian Dong Ying said:" the film fare has released so many years, the market has matured. Our movie prices are $ 25 to $ 35, walked as far as is appropriate for low prices. "In an interview, poly Bo take in the fresh world XI ' an international Studio Jia Haipeng told reporters," I live near the latitude of the second street, is a member, seeNew release movie is also very convenient, I lift my hands to support prices. "People of Xian Zhang Wenjing said:" a film now regular price is about $ 70, 70 percent is $ 49, two people to see a movie to eat snacks, has more than 100 dollars spent, cost significantly more. Only be truly considered to satisfy our wish, it would produce more film viewsPublic. "Reporter Zeng Shixiang movies can save money save money 1 map premiere is very expensive? In fact is not the case. If not weekends or major holidays, Xian Theater in order to attract consumers in this period, Premiere tickets down to $ 35 to $ 40. Money-saving mode 2 credit card credit cards credit card discount is old moneyType. In General, credit card 50 percent, which is more cost-effective, remains to be seen which theater the most convenient. Money coupons 3 movies, there are coupons. In order to attract popular swtor gold, Xian some theaters will not launch coupons on a regular basis. Some can be printed at the Mall, some professional official website of print film site or a movie theater. Money 4Although holidays are holidays consuming peak, but the fierce competition in the theater, but not all holidays are for public consumption. Some theaters for special population incentive, such as the upcoming "as withdrawing big guns from" women 's, Xian Grand Theater will launch "as withdrawing big guns from" Lady half price. Save money 5 days most cinemas are now half-price day at half price star wars credits, professionalConvenient, falls on its convenience and liked to watch the movie, it may be half-price day of rest day arrangement at some theaters, select movies on half-price day. Saving money 6 student card valid student card in the cinema you can enjoy preferential prices and Member to enjoy more concessions. (Editor: Li Jing) Others:

diablo 3 power leveling if all of the cost to consumers - VPG

129756342348750000_5Beijing is one of the earliest implementation of gasoline and diesel, now Beijing, priced at $ 7.8 per liter of gasoline, 93rd diablo 3 power leveling, 97th, is already "old 8". Nanjing is also implemented in gasoline and diesel oil became owners of many issues of concern. Today, the deputies to the national people's Congress, Chairman of Sinopec Jinling petrochemical raw Zhang Dafu (shown in the figure, Jiang Yu photo) when it comes to oil price tera gold, After the implementation of gasoline and diesel, oil production will increase the cost of production of the enterprise, but that part of the cost should not be borne by consumers to simple, Government and businesses should also make a difference. "In order to protect the environment and control of automobile exhaust pollution diablo 3 gold, need to develop appropriate quality standards for vehicle fuel and emission control standards for motor vehicles. "Introduction to Zhang Dafu, car exhaust has become myPrimary air pollution in large cities, who announced the air out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, China accounted for 16, vehicle fuel cleaner has no time to lose. Reporters learned, new type of low-sulphur gasoline and diesel oil is clean, can greatly reduce the content of sulphur dioxide of carbon monoxide and other pollutants in vehicle exhaust gas, according to estimates, after using diesel, dieselCar pollution emissions fell to one-tenth before using. However, implementation of new standard oil at the same time, cost will be greatly enhanced. "Improving the standards, per tons of gasoline and diesel oil increased production costs about $ 400.����"Zhang Dafu says, if all of the cost to consumers, and unfair. European countries when implementing cleaner fuel, is the use of tax revenues and stingStress means encouraging cleaner fuel use, on the one hand increasing taxation of low-quality fuel, on the other hand reducing high-quality clean fuel tax. In April this year, Nanjing motor vehicle gasoline standards would be in force, Zhang Dafu recommends that countries and enterprises should be reasonably increased cost-sharing. First of all, government tax subsidies on oil products production enterprises. Second, higher levels of clean emission controlGive tax incentives to encourage consumers to use clean energy. Third, on specific sectors such as public transport and of agriculture fisheries subsidies users, reduce the impact brought about by rising costs.����The four, enterprises should take the initiative to help people, and bear part of the cost of rising oil prices. Share to: Others:

diablo 3 gold up 0.6%. Is satisfied that theStark index rose 15.64 points - RSB

129764786795625000_42 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">diablo 3 gold</a>United States stock market rose slightly p 4 years old 1400 mark New York, March 15--(reporter Yu Liang) as the United States good economic data boosted investor sentiment, 15th New York stock markets continue to rise, p 500 rose 0.6%, more than four years to close at 1400 points for the first time. United States Department of labor notice of 15th last week United States firstApply for unemployment benefits decreased by 14,000 people to 351,000, shows United States employment situation continues to improve. Also from the United States Department of labor data show, propelled by higher oil prices, United States in February producer price index rose by 0.4%. In addition, the day the New York Fed said New York manufacturing index in March rose to 20.2, 2010 year highest since June, show strong recovery in manufacturing in New York area. As at the closing on the day, the Dow Jones industrial average over the previous trading day up 58.66 points, closed at 13252.76 points, up 0.44%. Standard and poor's 500-stock index rose 8.32, closed at 1402.6 points, up 0.6%. Is satisfied that theStark index rose 15.64 points, closed at 3056.37 points, up 0.51%. (Xinhua News Agency) declared gold online: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

2012年3月25日 星期日

diablo 3 gold the consumer will benefit from - BKB

129756711515468750_649Antimonopoly Committee of expert members of the Advisory Group of the State Council Wang Xiaoye recently when interviewed by reporters, said if the ticket "limit break" introduced, reflecting the problem of administrative monopoly in China. Wen Zhong Jingjing voices, ticket prices were independently developed in the movie theater, because of the competition diablo 3 gold, the consumer will benefit from, government departments should not interfere, it shall not beBack to the era of planned economy yet? Article eighth of the Antimonopoly Act stipulates: the executive authorities and authorized by the laws and regulations to administer public affairs functions of the Organization shall not abuse administrative powers to exclude or restrict competition. 37th also provides administrative authorities not to abuse administrative powers, formulation containing provisions excluding or restricting competition. On administrative monopoly in China is very serious diablo 3 gold,On the administrative monopoly of penalties is not big enough. Although the anti-monopoly law in 2008 on the implementation, but many enterprises and Government departments do not know what is a monopoly, your behavior is illegal, which is simply do not care, or even ignored, which you can see in the last year Telecom antitrust. This phenomenon, development and Reform Commission tera gold, preferably a direct law enforcement, law enforcement is on the counter-Monopoly maximum publicity. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

tera power leveling - DGR

129665861382812500_51 <a href="http://www.power-leveling-service.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>Raw sea turtle 2 tera power leveling,056 395 Others:

2012年3月24日 星期六

tera gold - FJW

tera goldOthers:

tera gold they are unable to get more information. Lin Yanhong's mother died before she said - LAR

129756711563437500_76556 years, family reunion, Cai Yuanfang never give up looking for (yangqingzhuwen/reporters) in fathers sell one's soul contract base, uncovering the story of seven elderly Cai Yuanfang, initiation of his 56 looking for thoughts of home and loved ones. Today, Cai Yuanfang family lived in Jinjiang jinjingzhen from these years mastering some of the pieces in the thread, CAILong Fong claimed to be people of Zhangzhou Longhai, also speculated that he suspected Longhai missing boy of the year "small", but the same year a portion of the Longhai area are zoned to Xiamen and Zhangzhou city, hometown place now where loved ones and where, is still a mystery. Root renqin are the decades biggest wish Choi, get married the younger also want, in Cai YuanfangAlive to help him find natural parents, realizing his aspiration. Cut through the fog of a paper contract, know their "non-natural" Cai Yuanfang revealed story that sell one's soul contract, is a junior high school at the age of 14, he saw in the father's case. Sold the contract indicating the Longhai County on a boy to carry incense Choi, Simvar name sellers view cash register person involving Huang Qiaoniang. "There is a middlemanName too long, I can't remember them all. "Cai Yuanfang said that after he asked the father realizes that he is not her own, but far from Amoy Fong Inn bought back their child, his name is therefore" long Fong ". Adopted father told Cai Yuanfang, that year when he was about to go and buy a child, with the long Fong also has a lot of children. The door, ran over to hug his leg far Fong. Think of two peopleThe lot tera gold, much Fong brought home. Since after to ask herself adopted father, Cai Yuanfang feel that they are not happy. In order not to be adoptive parents scold, Cai Yuanfang in their lifetime are no longer asked this, Mai Shen Qi that he had never seen. Since then, hear talk about his adoptive parents and relatives and friends things about herself, he would memorize by heart. In 1962, the high school of ChoiLong Fong his thoughts of the birth parents, quietly wrote a letter to Longhai County post offices, delivery directly to write "responsible person". "I don't know how to ask for help, and feel that the post Office informed, there should be a way to help me find. "Cai Yuanfang said content in my letter about his experiences, help xunqin request post offices, but he has not received any reply. After graduating from high school,Cai Yuanfang first job in Jinjiang tera gold, married to Filipino workers after a long period of time. Now, Cai Yuanfang maximum 43 4 daughters, the youngest is 36 years of age, although you can live at home, but he never interrupts the xunqin idea. Help Cai Yuanfang wish completed, by virtue of fragmented information about his daughter, publish information on the micro-blogging, expected to be friendsHelp. Some speculate that appeared to be a missing "small", but also has a sister wife Lin Yanhong is Cai Yuanfang relatives of the adoptive mother, Cai Yuanfang herself, she heard more than Cai Yuanfang. Lin Yanhong said Cai Yuanfang was adopted shortly after the relatives to Longhai Shi yards to buy cloth, seeing a woman wearing a long gown in the roadside weeping. The woman more than 20 years old, she told onlookersMan says, her son xiaomingming was stolen. Year after the relatives back home, at far Fong called "small", did not think much of aromatic when you hear the name, grin open heart smiled. As the Longhai sale fabric's relatives had died, they are unable to get more information. Lin Yanhong's mother died before she said, far Fong has just been home whenTongue stick attached to the breast milk. "Husband home to at least have a sister! "Analysis of Lin Yanhong, long Fong was the adopted home, no older than his female. But when his neighbor, seen wearing flower dress pee girls, talk with Fukienese shouted "Oh sister". Until then, no one taught him to call his little girl called "Oh girl". "Vague impressions, Were young women often had a long gown holding me. "Cai Yuanfang said, married wife said after this incident, he often dreams himself is the gown woman you want to look for" small "gown mother of the woman that he wants. Several times after waking up, he tears blurred. A few accent "Ah" tera power leveling, "King", seeking the hometown relatives in addition to sister called "Oh girl" title andQuanzhou dialect is different, Cai Yuanfang Guan Baishen "King", and Quanzhou in southern Fujian dialect pronunciation is different. Lin Yanhong said, the pronunciation of the word is from the Cai Yuanfang out of his mouth, she guesses it was Cai Yuanfang before it was sold to the local pronunciation of the Institute. A few days ago, Cai Yuanfang daughter put together some clues, Tweets call for more clues on the Web, look forward to helping fathers get separatedLoved ones. Cai Yuanfang daughter said, now probably determine Cai Yuanfang was born in 1943 in Minnan dialect tone of voice should be along the Longhai accent. "Mai Shen Qi on the seller to Simvar views, if that person is the father, that I should be born in a family surnamed Shen. "Cai Yuanfang said he wanted to start with the Longhai surnamed Shen place to ask, but cannot determine aggregation of Longhai has several surnamed ShenLand. "Small" is just a nickname, he does not know where is the mother of the lost xiaomingming. "Can't let what he did not know they were born in one life to live! "Lin Yanhong said, from marriage to now, Cai Yuanfang discuss xunqin and her daughter with her countless times, but clues are slim, were unsuccessful. Now, get married the younger also wantCai Yuanfang in their lifetime, their aspiration to achieve for many years. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

2012年3月23日 星期五

tera power leveling different premium folding big deals - SPF

129765814577714165_84Optimization of Shanghai Stock Exchange on March 13 of the request for letter of commodities traded mechanism measures, specific optimizations include: extension of the block trade time, reduces block trade thresholds tera power leveling, relaxation of price limits, increasing block trade to declare types in four areas. Four optimization mechanisms, relaxation of price limits, due to the introduction of lock regularThe concept, the most interesting. It is useful to reflect investors ' true wishes to express to meet investor demand, inhibit short fries, leads value investment, while also maintaining the stability in the secondary market and the interests of investors. Current block trading mechanisms, require big deals of the purchase price is closing price before price within the limits, that is, for most stocks, and commoditiesBefore the transaction price is between closing-90%. At the same time, the day after big deals, selling transferee to be the stock the next day. Optimization mechanism in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, initially considering the price limit is set for the two cases, and because of the range of relaxing, introducing lock concept on a regular basis, different premium folding big deals, set a different length of timeLock period. Price limit for the previous closing price of 70% per cent, lock period for at least 6 months; price limits for the previous closing price of 50% per cent, lock period is at least 1 year. Lock period, investors buying shares shall not be transferable. Relaxation of price limits, attached to the lock period, is of great significance.First tera gold, the relaxation of price limits, has the potential for an objective demand. According to statistics, since 2009, there were 11,454 big deals, of which 1181 big deals is a premium transaction, share 10.3%; 10,056 big deals were discount deal, than 87.8%. Attention premium folding a large proportion of transactionsFound at or near daily limit daily limit price price (by 9% the above statistics, ST stocks by more than 4.5% statistics) traded a total of 75, premium transaction number 6.4%; to drop prices or close to drop prices (by 9% the above statistics, ST stocks by more than 4.5% statistics) traded a total of 4,637, than 46.1%. It can be seen that, forDiscount deal of big deals, with nearly 50% transactions are in accordance with the drop of prices or near-drop transaction; for premium transactions of big deals, there is a percentage of the transaction is at or near daily limit daily limit price price invoiced. Therefore, price limits the scope to relax, has a large potential market demand. Second, the relaxation of price limits, helps to fully reflect the bulkBoth sides willing to deal in real prices. Pack of premium level, and stock market view of the bargaining power of the parties to the transaction, the two sides, and transactions related to market conditions and other factors. Transfer to underweight and are difficult to find when the intentions of the parties, transaction prices will tend to deep levels of discount. If a drop ceiling, impedesTransaction value both to the true will of the price level. When the transferee has acquired when the intention to transfer party, traded to daily limit by CAP is far too limited. Big deals are important supplementary form of centralized bidding transactions, should encourage parties to the transaction in the transactions reflected in the levels of real prices, relaxation of price limits, is the institutional embodiment of the progress. A third, mixedPiece of relaxation of restrictions, you need to tie in with the locking mechanisms on a regular basis. SSE's locking mechanisms on a regular basis, you can avoid sharp fluctuations in the market after the announcement block trade information. Discount deal for large bulk transaction, if you do not set the lockout period, ordinary investors to block trade shares of the transferee in the next short sale will have strong expectations for profit, and this is expected toFactors that can affect the share price of standard dominates, thus prone to sharp plunge in shares in the secondary market. For a substantial premium close big deals, if you do not set the lockout period, ordinary investors will expect the rise in share price in the short term, resulting follow will further accelerate the marked rise in the share price of buying behavior. Lock is missing on a regular basis,Direct distorts the secondary market price of the stock, market efficiency reducing. Soaring plunge in stock prices, can easily cause investors chasing rising stocks killed falling further, sharp market fluctuations will not be conducive to the protection of investor interests. In addition, the relaxation of big deals discount premium range, may induce the interests of transport phenomena. Cannot get big deals beyond the notice of the public tasks associated with trading information, There may be potential transfer of interests between, that would impede the fairness of transactions. Set for a substantial discount premium close big deals locked, restricting the receiving party within a period of half a year, a year of transfer of securities, secondary market prices of securities in favour of stability, inhibition of the stock short-term speculation, avoid centralized bidding transactions, in blocking transmission of interest vulnerability, securityOrdinary investors, while maintaining market order, enabling the underlying stock price to reflect the true value of listed companies tera gold, to guide investors to make rational investment and value investing. You can look forward to, after the relaxation of the large trading price limits the scope of, the market will remain steady running, bring in more investors to participate at the same time, block trade into the more prosperous times�� Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

diablo 3 gold policy is a strong stimulus of 2009 phase - JLF

129764786809687500_79Short-medium-and long-term decline of shibor rates full, Enterprise Bank credit has been removed from the "loan" into a "caution" in physical investment, other investment channels due to the downturn, Europe continues to maintain ultra-loose monetary systems background, began to appear since the start of the a-share market and liquidity ample, in late February and early March the market seems to be back to 2009In an atmosphere similar to the first half of the year. However, market economy and policy background and 2009 is a substantive difference between, first, the 2009 economic recovery cycle, and now at economic downward cycle; the second, policy is a strong stimulus of 2009 phase, the current policy in order to promote structure adjustment, also afraid to inflation came loose space thanMore limited. Therefore, at this stage a share in the fundamentals of game has started forming between prudence and liquidity ample shock. Worthy of note is that in late March and April, a-shares will usher in the data period of pressure in the first quarter, easing expected weakening phase, annual reports and quarterly disclosure of market structure after the completion of the restructuring period. Game between care fundamentals and ample liquidity will be further aggravated, such as2.5 months before the fruit that's a-share liquidity-led, later stage subject to fundamental factors more. The past, defining Chinese economic cold and warm 8%, CPI growth cent criterion is GDP growth, this year's "two sessions," Government work report is the new target of GDP growth 7.5% tera gold,CPI growth 4%. The new target in accordance with the standards of the past can be definedFor "type of stagnation" tera power leveling, today, it is reasonable. That means investors on overheating, stagflation, weak awareness of standards has changed, in turn affecting investment behaviour change. Have 1 economic data released in the above-scale industrial added value of an increase of 11.4%, to a 29-month low fixed assets investment increased 21.5%,Low over the past 9 years; total retail sales of social consumer goods per cent growth fell to 14.7%, most February trade deficit of at least 10 years. These data show the economy is in a visible decline. Problem is not with this, "April and may are the key of the year" season, 1 investment growth per cent in December to fall sharply from last year to 24.7%, and February PMI shows enterprise inventory of short term clearly, indicating that businesses on the economic situation "no end" and compressed new capacity and raw material inventory. Although, national real estate development and investment of 1 per cent growth is still 27.8% (growth rate fell to 7.4%) but high on weak sales, inventory, control under the background of hard pine, lateReal estate new construction continued is the probability of the event, future 2-3 decline in quarterly growth in real estate investment is still a large space. This means that a quarter is still in "late" stage, most likely is not the end of a new economy. Corresponding to the economic weakness is that new loans in February only $ 710.7 billion, significantly lower than the market expected. New in January-FebruaryTotal loans to 1.4488 trillion yuan, fell by more than 120 billion to $ 1.5756 trillion over the same period last year. Banks are subject to loan ratio was a factor, more important reasons is the economic boom of the enterprise does not have high expectations, wishes fall in demand for credit, over the same period last year and this "loan" is quite a change. February M2 per cent growth of 13%, and the "two sessions"Will determine the 14% of money supply growth target this year is only a whisker away, notes despite the economic downturn, but the subsequent easing of space is very limited. Although the February CPI has dropped to 3.2%, goes through the 3.5% of the one-year deposit rates, but everybody knows that the February CPI fell for seasonal reasons, a CPI increase of time after power is not strong base causes, Extremely loose in Europe and in international commodity prices stimulated under difficult, domestic prices surge from under the situation of agricultural and sideline products have spread to industrial products, does not mean that policies will be significantly relaxed. For stocks, CPI down if interest rates as a result of sustained, was not conducive to the liquidity situation in the market, but, if you enter a negative interest rate state again, policy was afraid to inflationAgain is even more difficult to loosen. In a weak economy, when inflationary pressures diablo 3 gold, regulatory policy orientations must be "dilemma". But with this year's economic growth targets after the cut from 8% per cent, before the base and continued under the regulation, CPI has a probability of less than 4% this year under the background of the situation, "dilemma" of difficulty have been much lower. Therefore, this macroAdjustment policy will not significantly relaxed "growth", will not be tight again "controlled inflation." In the "neutral" policy context, changes in temperature more caution depending on the fundamentals of the stock market game with ample liquidity, which impact on the market as a whole is: economic boom will cause market valuations decline of down, and ample liquidity market valuations is the role Max waterRestore and enhance, both game role and relationship of the form. Effect both on the local market are: fundamental constraint index carefully height, ample liquidity has decided to stock market activity. ����Therefore, recent market stagnation will remain index, stocks quickly round the situation. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not show that certifiedIts description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others: