2012年3月12日 星期一

world of tanks power leveling try a closer cooperation - XJL

129756355712656250_28When at the end of this year may be higher than the price of additional net assets per share of Industrial Bank, was part of the small shareholder group to protest author: Li heming original IC for business for a week after the private placement programme of the Societe Generale Bank, did not get most of the market share, yesterday's resumption of trading will plunge 3%, while the focus of the dispute is in the lower issue price. Societe GeneraleBank announcements show, officially launched the $ 26.4 billion of the total $ 12.73 per share private placement program, guosen securities banking analyst said Qiu Zhicheng, 2012 Industrial Bank are expected to maintain profit growth of more than 20%, so at the end of this year, Societe Generale Bank net assets per share was already above the issue price of $ 12.73. For low issuance price triggerPart of the dissatisfaction of the minority shareholders, Societe Generale Bank secret Tung Tang Bin yesterday urged the South to explain world of tanks power leveling, in recent years caused by market fears of a systemic risk in banking industry valuation remains weak, but industrial bank refinancing has no time to lose, hard to find. "We talked for more than more than 70 institutions, lower price, until the last minute before the official announcement is still has a body to give up increasingHair.����"He also said, investors visit activities undertaken after the annual tour, look for the understanding and support of the refinancing plan. Issue price may be lower than the year-end net assets in accordance with the notice of Industrial Bank, through the protection of the domestic pipe, tobacco, Beijing, China investment company and Shanghai sunny introduction about 20.7.2 billion shares, raising about $ 26.4 billion, share issueBusiness for top 20 trading days average closing price on 90%, that is, $ 12.73 per share.����The additional issue of shares shall not be transferable within 36 months from the date of the end of issue. Qiu Zhicheng guosen securities banking analyst said although the issue price corresponds to net assets per share at the end of 2011 has a book value of about 1. twice, but directional add-issuance plan to finish usually requiredTime of about 1 year. "Projected 2012 Industrial Bank will still be more than 20% of profit growth, so to the end, before Bank financing net asset per share was higher than the 12. issuance price of $ 73, this means that the object of additional will be at a price lower than the net worth of Industrial Bank into refinancing will result in earnings per share and net assets per share at the same time beingDiluted. "Qiu Zhicheng, said" less than the net worth of the Bank financing has not been seen in the history, so that financing schemes may be faced with some uncertainty. "This refinancing of the CICC, pointed out in the report:" is the beginning of a-shares of Industrial Bank one of the best performing banks, major programme will address the capital increase and a quarterly high growth expectedBoost. Currently scheduled increase is expected to have fulfilled, stronger follow-up can be sustained depends on quarterly cash, conservative investors may consider appropriate jiancang style. "Small shareholder group to protest low prices up increased after the announcement of the Societe Generale Bank, immediately attracted strong discontent and protests from the majority of minority shareholders. The shares in the business for a week, yesterday's resumption of trading will plunge 3%, ledThe banking sector, the unit turnover also hit a nearly half a year to high. The representatives of small shareholders said yesterday, at the end of 2010 net worth of $ 9.91 per unit of Industrial Bank, the undistributed profits of $ 5.19, this is not a 2011 profit of more than $ 2 per share. "Shares of Industrial Bank is currently less than $ 14, private placement price of only 12.73 Yuan is too cheap! "The minority shareholders said," we are not against the increase, but objected strongly to this price increase. Management is in the interests of transport, to small shareholders ' money took a red envelope.����"Also supported the increased programme of small shareholders said industrial bank could find protection and tobacco 2 wealthy willing to buy shares in China, was commendable. Societe Generale Bank: Issuance of the average level of prices for a wide range of minority shareholders question and protest, Tang Bin exclusively to this newspaper yesterday to call for interpretation. Tang Bin admits that this issue compared to the price of the Societe Generale Bank refinancing of banks is low in recent years, but in the capital market is in a downturn, especially bank stocks under valuation remains weak in the past 2 years, 1. issuance price of the bookGeneral average in the industry. "Built in 10 years ago, industry and agriculture is the introduction of strategic investors in 1.3 times less than book value, in 2003, was introduced in the us to 1.8 times book value of Hang Seng Bank, but when the market average book value of the shares is 3.8 times, I was also under pressure from all sides. "Tang Bin said," from the perspective of recent price trends, The current stock prices are not low, before the suspension of the closing price, rose more than 15% in mid-December 2011, price of this reference to the 20-day moving average price set before, has been reflected during this rally. "" We talked for more than more than 70 institutions, during which offer lower, until the last minute before the announcement, with participation of an institution to give up on the issue. "Refinancing of the past week, said Tang Bin, hard to find, "institutions participating in the selection of strategic investors, there are several types: rich willing, competent authority rejected; have the will but not the money, of course, do not talk; rich and willing, but not in line with the State's industrial policy or the existing laws and regulations world of tanks power leveling, Societe Generale is also unacceptable. In short, just like married men and women, doubleFang You swaddled, and parental consent.����"Links to explore new modes of open cooperation of Bank and insurance company Societe Generale Bank refinancing of the raised concerns, in addition to issuing price is too low, more important is the strategic cooperation relationship with the Chinese people. Under the share option agreement signed by both sides: the protection of Fujian Provincial Department of finance capital and its affiliates supportFor the status of the company's largest shareholder, and not to directly or indirectly in pursuit of company's largest shareholder status; owned by the company supports the protection of pipe as a company does not lower than tied for the second-largest shareholder of stock ownership position. Industrial Bank secret Tung Tang Bin explained yesterday. "Our mode of cooperation is not deep, nor as China life stake in Minsheng Bank, Guangdong Development Bank (Twitter), the protection ofAs a financial investor to enter the Industrial Bank, bilateral cooperation is open and non-exclusive. "Tang Bin said wot power leveling," our cooperation will not affect the protection of existing partnerships with the four major State-owned bank, as industrial bank will maintain partnerships with other insurance companies. Our starting point was to explore ways to better serve their customers with cross-service, exploring different from each otherCombination nature of funding, how to be able to do this ' long-short, short Qian Chang ', at present a large number of insurance fund for infrastructure construction, and Societe Generale banks have some advantages in this respect, both for normal business activities only, try a closer cooperation, has no intention of challenging industries are regulated by banking and insurance business line. "Li heming South reporter Li Heming

