2012年3月11日 星期日

world of tanks power leveling should be clearly resolved. "Author - HGQ

129756355335000000_41"" Financial report ", March 7, according to the Beijing times reported, learned from the China insurance regulatory Commission wot power leveling, launched the China property insurance backlog of pending claims cleanup project, casualty companies before the end of June are requested for payment. Under notifications, cleanup work will be carried out in three steps. In the cleanup phase of insurance companies, companies and branches as of February this year25th within the clearance of outstanding claims examining thoroughly to identify outstanding reason, detail account classification established. The beginning of March until the end of June, and the branches of the company should focus on cleanup investigation of outstanding claims world of tanks power leveling, payment in place as soon as possible; cannot be insured, beneficiaries, and other agreements reached by the parties for payment, to explain the work in time; not June 30 days ago resolved world of tanks power leveling, should be clearly resolved. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Xuemei)

