2012年3月7日 星期三

tera power leveling this will be $ 2000 Premium - LSK

129742938943437500_299 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/gold/tera/">tera gold</a>Reinsurance as "insurance coverage", effectively dispersed the original insurance company risk.   Even establish the reinsurance mechanism, due to the absence of specialized agricultural reinsurance, insurance companies still face high risks, if a catastrophe occurs, to independent farmers ' insurance company liable. Reinsurance as "insurance coverage"Efficient dispersion of the original insurance company risk. However, the economic information daily reporter found in Jiangsu, Sichuan and Jilin, interview, around the lack of insurance and agricultural reinsurance business is almost in the "blank" State. Recommended reading for Shanghai Pudong three-car collision three amazing accident deaths ping an life insurance premiums record laughed proud of Beijing-Shanghai Accord "Kiss" RouseLes paid 350,000 safe response to "double check" application has been refused and old father Bank pension fraud insurance salesman verbal commitments don't believe in protection of new single premium rate or better in January of February casualty in Sichuan Luzhou branch General Manager Wang Min said, local insurance undertakings imposed on agricultural insurance policy "prepare accounts separately, independent". Agricultural insurance, Rates from Sichuan province, consolidated in the Office of the leading group to develop policy-oriented agricultural insurance.   Agricultural insurance operating expenses approved by the City Government, and in policy-oriented agricultural insurance costs shall be allocated, insurance undertakings by 40% arrangements of reinsurance premium income. However, even establish the reinsurance mechanism tera power leveling, due to the absence of specialized agricultural reinsurance, insurance companiesStill face high risks, if a catastrophe occurs, to independent farmers ' insurance company liable. Premium arrears widespread enthusiasm for some of the limited financial resources of local governments and thus supports agricultural insurance is not high. Of Jilin province as an example, at present, the agricultural insurance at the Central, provincial, district and peasant shared premium approach, county-level financial commitment 15% subsidies, whichIn many large agricultural County, Jilin province, finances are hard to be able to stand, crop insurance area larger, greater the pressure of financial subsidies.   County of only 200 million or 300 million a year revenue, to suddenly come up with millions of money subsidized agricultural insurance is very difficult, if things go to bear. Gongzhuling, Jilin province of China insurance branch Deputy General Manager Zhu Guoxue said that the masses on the economyCrop insurance enthusiasm is high, but there's also no cash crop agriculture insurance, because once the affected, supporting grass-roots financial pressure is very large. Such as the watermelon one hectare in around fifty thousand or sixty thousand dollars to benefit, even if the cost is around $ 10,000. Risk ratio of cash crops, minimum to 20%, this will be $ 2000 Premium, people own, $ 400,$ 1600 remaining finance should be included in matching planning at all levels.   But 15% also are difficult to bear at the county level. Premium collection difficulties are facing a common problem around. Jiangsu Huaian City Government said Wu Zhenhua, Deputy Secretary General, policy-oriented agricultural insurance farmers ' voluntary insurance, an objective upper village and group-insurance requirements, some subjective is not willing to have to attendFarmers pay negative delayed even when simply did not pay in premiums.   Especially some years without accident or accident without compensation of farmers, when payment resistance is very large. Wu Zhenhua says: "very strong seasonality of agricultural insurance, need to be consolidated within the specified time to complete, a number of village and group cadres in the part of the premium to charge and under insured under task completed,First advance, advances cannot be recovered in part and easy derive disaster for payment and income no problem between the pads, but affected the masses, even social stability. "" Capping pay "peasant discontent, huishan district, Wuxi city, Lu Huidong introduced by the Secretary of agriculture and forestry, local agricultural insurance claims practices a" hyper-lose Cap ", that year, huishanSingle insurance compensation in the total amount of agricultural insurance in that year the total insurance premiums (including all levels of government subsidies and the aggregate of the premiums farmers pay) 5 times more than double part, Governments and insurance companies are not liable, huishan district,. On the specific compensation to farmers, there are "capping pay". Gongzhuling branch Deputy General Manager Zhu Guoxue describes Anwar insurance, now a breeding female$ 3,000 pigs, after the death in accordance with the "cap for payment", only $ 1000 in compensation. Even if the 2007 year when highest, pay only $ 2000.   However, current market common on a pig sows can sell for $ 3,000, this amount is relatively low compared with it. He said, "a lot of people get sick is dying of a sow, immediately killing sold, byIn rising prices, generally sold more than 2000 Yuan.   "Food security is not managed, dead meat is on sale now. Gongzhuling city Chaoyang town, said Liu Yi, Secretary of Central village tera power leveling, a hectare of maize have no harvest after pay 3,000 yuan, however this is under 5 years ago has two levels of standards, now, growing costs are on the rise in corn prices, this compensation is notHave changed. "Compensation standards too high" also made it difficult for policy-oriented agricultural insurance policy benefiting farmers ' satisfaction. Management station said Jiang Shouming, Chaoyang town, on the payment standard, local 30% follows from that crop losses for compensation, many minor compensation for affected farmers have no access to, reduces insurance initiative, propose to relax the standards so that more farmers to enjoyTo policies benefiting. Zhu Guoxue told reporters: "the amount of subsistence allowances for now, but it is difficult to fully meet the farmers ' demands, their enthusiasm is not high, business is difficult to further. We want to increase the coverage, enhance the peasants ' enthusiasm. But afraid to risk is too high, plant breeding fluctuations particularly affected by the climate, outbreak, so the coverage standards should not be too high, and enterprises are in a dilemma. ”

