2012年3月13日 星期二

world of tanks power leveling relatively Yin Qing's errant international crude market - WCX

The expert says in economic transition pressing requirement falls, what price reform wants to reform measure synchronism as natural gas price with the form a complete set such as tax of system, wealth is pilot, case of oil price of next year finished product is reformed will " broken ice " , and the price linkage mechanism between coal and electric power is reformed also hopeful is carried further fast. Resource product value changes to become a focal point again this month 26 days, national hair changes appoint issue an announcement, the decision begins natural gas price to form a mechanism in municipality of Guangdong province, Guangxi reform is pilot. Will enter the reform of natural gas price with slow deferment to stride a materiality eventually all the time for years one pace. Industry thinks, change according to national hair appoint the arrangement that works to next year, natural gas value changes pilot blow new the prelude that value of product of round of resource reforms. The conference of central economy job this year, "Should reform resource tax system in the round " , " case of oil price of finished product of perfect crude oil forms a mechanism, straighten coal electrovalency case to concern stage by stage " be put forward by the key. And the countrywide development that holds subsequently and reform job conference, also put forward to want " push reform of price of resource sex product active and reliably, try out dweller uses pricing system of electric a flight of stairs, choose machine rolls out case of finished product oil price to reform scheme, publish natural gas price to reform pilot program, advance water natural resources to wait collect fees reform, build main contaminant to discharge authority to trade system " . Not only such, release in the beginning of the year " 925 " program compendium will deepen resource price reform and environmental protection to collect fees reform is paratactic put forward, on particular way, include to perfect value of resource sex product to form a mechanism, advance environmental protection rate system to spend reform and build property right of perfect resources environment to trade mechanism 3 big fields. Industry thinks, this shows innovation of our country energy will be advanced quickly. After develop in the whole nation this year and reforming working conference to hold before long, national hair changes appoint had an action: 26 days, national hair changes appoint release an announcement to say, the decision begins natural gas price to form a mechanism in municipality of Guangdong province, Guangxi reform is pilot. The personage inside course of study says, this natural gas reform adopts imitate market measure to build report market supply and demand and natural resources are scarce the price trends that lacks rate adjusts a mechanism, more is a kind of attempt, reform made clear the reform direction that natural gas market fixes a price at least, from long-term looked to make beneficial attempt to straightening weather price mechanism. Finished product oil price changes or will " broken ice " the message says, reform of mechanism of price of finished product oil was formed basically already " roughly mature " plan. But in view of trend of international oil price, hair change appoint in-house manner tends careful, value changes new plan when to come on stage to still face uncertainty. The message says at the same time, oil price reform will be made in existing machine make inside frame " fine tuning " , main concentration is in shorten valuation cycle, improve finished product a few respects such as the oily mode of operation that move price. And the cycle that move price shortens is among them one of. Press the information that masters at present, new mechanism will move 22 existing weekday price cycle shortens apparently, its purpose is to make the frequency that move price taller, make domestic oil price reflects international oil price more acutely go up drop change. Eminent achieves information Zhu Chunkai to express when accepting a reporter to interview, mechanism of price of oil of this round of finished product is overall for more successful still, but specific will look or advantages and disadvantages is concomitant. Advantageous respect, make the finished product of our country oily the price and international crude price conform, be those who commercialize is important one pace. But world of tanks power leveling, also expose during piece a series of problem. Such as magnifies the market anticipates, accentuation is congenial; Tone price has lag sex, cannot make response to market supply demand relations, bring about go up to drop easily to wait hard. And review the national crude price this year, also was to perform one act " switchback " prices, the price difference of apogee and nadir amounts to every pails of 38.26 dollars. Nevertheless, relatively Yin Qing's errant international crude market, oily market of domestic finished product is in overall 2011 still show the state that runs relatively smoothly. This year, steam derv retail price undertook 3 times adjustment in all: In Feburary, moved to go up in April, accumulate go up it is 850 yuan respectively / ton mix 750 yuan / ton; Was in October reduce, steam derv drops all be 300 yuan / ton. The personage inside course of study says, the essence that system of standard of finished product oil price reforms is to form " have go up have fall " the price forms a mechanism, the price power transfer to a lower level gives the market, with price adjustment supply and demand. "The possibility that reforms into the price that taste oil next year is very large. " Zhu Chunkai expresses, but the general orientation of reform is to make sure the market of finished product oil is supplied. Economy of industry of research center of development of the State Council studies ministry minister Feng Fei says, price mechanism field is at present main the problem is price shortage flexibility, rigid characteristic is too strong, bring about a lot of speculator to invest calm danger. The way that future reforms should introduce the market to compete namely, let the market fix a price, company production executes cost transparent, accept society and public opinion supervise. Besides reform of case of finished product oil price, the price reform that waits to water, report also has industry expect. The countrywide development this year and reform job conference, put forward to want " try out dweller uses pricing system of electric a flight of stairs, advance water natural resources to wait collect fees reform " . Actually wot power leveling, national hair changes appoint can mention resource product value every year recently to reform, but progress is slow all the time. In energy expert Han Xiaoping looks, resource price reform is not the rise in pricing of simple ground, the price is reformed also cannot from go up at all the problem that solves Chinese resource product, besides price reform, still need to be bred in competition of system reform, market wait for a respect hard. Resource product value changes to still need to carry fast industry to think, below the pressing requirement of economic structure transition, resource tastes the price to reform is the one step that must take, but price reform wants to reform measure synchronism with the form a complete set such as tax of system, wealth, resource value changes the travel before Shang Xushen is heavy, but overall and character, resource price reform still needs to carry fast. Expert of senior electric power is met in cartel of Chinese electric power Sha Yijiang looks, the resource value of cost of inefficient, low environment is serious block up the transition of economic structure, resource tastes the price to reform is the one step that must take, what although be in,the price commercializes is earlier, can cause adverse effect to exit and industry of a few conventions really, but this is the price that reform must pay. In recent years, as the rapid development of our country economy, increase increasingly to the demand of the sources of energy, but, contradiction of supply and demand is product of the sources of energy only it seems that not " go up " " barren " a explicit idea. The analysis thinks, below the circumstance that in recent years coal price is commercialized basically already and rises quickly, report, oily world of tanks power leveling, angry price still still gets however strict control of the government. And " oily barren " , " gas barren " , " electric shortage " the take turns that wait is performed, its are mirrorred in the just on price issue is hard undone fast knot, farther protruding shows resource product value to form the lag of the blemish of the mechanism and relevant reform. With case of finished product oil price reform is exemple, hair change appoint state case of finished product oil price reforms plan side overweight " shorten the cycle that move price, improve the mode of operation that move price, raise a mechanism to run diaphaneity " . And at present, what case of oil price of domestic finished product forms mechanism comply with is the price change of the 3 ground crude oil such as Bulunte. Development of bureau of national energy resources plans to manage director Jiang Bing ever expressed, reform of mechanism of system of the sources of energy is a complex and arduous system project, policy sex is strong, involve face difficulty bigger, because this should choose the specific target of gross of consumption of reasonable control energy as soon as possible. Should developing market economy method adequately while, the administrative step with necessary form a complete set. Administrative measure basically is to establish a tie target and decompose a mechanism, reasonable control the sources of energy is supplied, fall into disuse compulsively backward produce can, make reasonable consumption makes the self-conscious conduct of whole society, from go up at all the aspect that alters open break to use the sources of energy. The personage inside course of study says, why to plant without giving thought to circumstance, before energy natural resources restrains the reality that increases increasingly, reform of price of the sources of energy must be carried fast.

