2012年3月25日 星期日

diablo 3 gold the consumer will benefit from - BKB

129756711515468750_649Antimonopoly Committee of expert members of the Advisory Group of the State Council Wang Xiaoye recently when interviewed by reporters, said if the ticket "limit break" introduced, reflecting the problem of administrative monopoly in China. Wen Zhong Jingjing voices, ticket prices were independently developed in the movie theater, because of the competition diablo 3 gold, the consumer will benefit from, government departments should not interfere, it shall not beBack to the era of planned economy yet? Article eighth of the Antimonopoly Act stipulates: the executive authorities and authorized by the laws and regulations to administer public affairs functions of the Organization shall not abuse administrative powers to exclude or restrict competition. 37th also provides administrative authorities not to abuse administrative powers, formulation containing provisions excluding or restricting competition. On administrative monopoly in China is very serious diablo 3 gold,On the administrative monopoly of penalties is not big enough. Although the anti-monopoly law in 2008 on the implementation, but many enterprises and Government departments do not know what is a monopoly, your behavior is illegal, which is simply do not care, or even ignored, which you can see in the last year Telecom antitrust. This phenomenon, development and Reform Commission tera gold, preferably a direct law enforcement, law enforcement is on the counter-Monopoly maximum publicity. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

