2012年3月11日 星期日

wot power leveling said - LLM

129756341085000000_48Star CHAN, Chairman of urgent information wide network in Beijing, March 7 (reporter Zhou Yao) according to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, recently a star express delivery companies in business distress, it is the stars urgent. He was also President of the industry's stars, Chen Ping. He describes can have many kinds: founder of zjs, Beijing morning star urgent courier limited CEO, Original Chief zjs, zjs, Chairman Chen dongsheng and President Chen Xianbao's brother. These described together as you can see, Chen Ping is the express delivery industry, mopagunda veteran of many years, and now, he suffered a career crisis. On March 4, those who are claiming to be the stars urgent staff claimed that on the Web, Chan sent a text message to staff, said: "the company is dissolved,Ali, 50 million of the 70 million, and I all lost out. I have his last penny. Sorry about that. "From now on, on the closure of the stars urgent message abroad.����Star express company had high hopes: why do get into trouble? In 1994, Japan return former Chen Ping, and a few friends bought bare hands in Beijing began to expressSell, he founded the zjs. In March 2009, and big shareholders and left the House after the evacuation, he formed "the stars urgent", starting second.����At that time he had nearly 50 years. Chen Ping said, giving his "35", "by 2015, that is, when I'm 55 years old, if not, my fate. "Not by 2015,Suddenly the news, morning star urgent went out of business. Acute and will also attempt to contact the morning star company, but the phone has is no answer. Zjs Chairman Chen Ping brother Chen Xianbao has never answered the phone.����Morning star urgent official website is also in a State of paralysis. Users have found that located in the Changping District of Beijing city Pearl xingchen urgent headquarters building has door lock, door stickersXiang Xingchen notification of urgent taoyao were arrears of rent of the property.����Looked from the glass doors, tables and chairs scattered debris. Morning star urgent partner Xin Fei company's official website, 5th with "Fei logistics headquarters in South China" hang out a message on behalf of said staff expectations in Taikang, zjs invest, morning star of cadres and staff on March 2 and sent urgent transferMove assets, headquarters of South China more than 200,000 yuan, disappeared. Morning star urgent is characterized by domestic small package courier service express company, southern China, is a concentrated area of his business.����This afternoon, Hefei correspondent Zhang Wei also visited a number of other online shop. This morning, the reporter opened the stars urgent official website and found that it had been in a State of paralysis, Morning star urgent customer service call can not be connected. At noon, the journalist stars are anxious shop visits, said one morning star urgent agents, morning star urgent practical had begun six months ago in a semi-paralyzed State, they do not do around January of this year, now has "transformed", agent brand of express service. Acute and there are nearly 50,000 yuan and morning starCosts not yet been settled.����It appears that morning star urgent condition bad has been a while, located in Hefei xingchen urgent Dr surname salesman said, starting from the end of last year, he had no business, company 1 years time world of tanks power leveling, only two salaries. Salesman: little, sometimes several months wages, sometimes for three or four months, four or five months, itselfLess, and sometimes 5 or 6 a day, accumulated some money down for a month, its solid work express a year ago, he only made two salaries. Professional analysis, morning star urgent plight is due to funding strand breaks, unable to support enterprises caused by the operation. However, a capital stake of Alibaba, zjs more successful management experience, can be called "root seedlingsRed "express industry stars, why suddenly fall out? Chen Ping "35 to success" has been burst, however, he did not consider his own gun. Morning star urgent first set up, he said, "zjs success was spent a dozen years, but entrepreneurship is the" four no ": no money, no project, no experience, no talent. Now the money has,Inspection, nothing. "Chen Ping said," money ", refers to the time from the zjs, his two older brothers to give him a sum of money. Chen Ping when running away, there are a bunch of zjs personnel follow, that's what he said "talent". "Project" is e-business logistic distribution, enclosed in e-business store-purchase, online shopping, purchase, 3G mobile phone shopAnd DM shop.����Zhang Chunwei special observers believe that the voice of China world of tanks power leveling, Chen Ping into "business field logistics" is zjs he left trigger, and also stars urgent troubled by the underlying causes. Zhang Chunwei: Chan stressed the need for developments in the express industry in the area, so it seems to me, on greater meaning morning star urgent accident or the entire situation was unfavourable to it,Because of rapid development of commercial areas in the past two years, had to act of a crazy wot power leveling, but the most recent two years and entered a period of adjustment to industry.����So acute and will only see the morning star collapsed, ignored the whole power level change behind it, I think it is quite an isolated problem. Chan money in their hands, in addition to the two brothers gave him starting funds, March 2010Alibaba Group's stake in the stars urgent, he and VC companies into the capital.����But it seems to express logistics network of advisory Chief Adviser Xu Yong, Chen Ping far enough money in hand, funds insufficient preparation, is also one of the reasons for the collapse of his. Material: 08, 09 courier companies have a certain scale, probably need at least 300 million or more in accordance with the estimate, 500 millionIs safer, if it is a nation-wide General 3-5 years of losses, Chen Ping through part finance his personal investment in Alibaba, and probably with little more than a billion, this money is not enough for he past few years operating. Stars are anxious to create so-called emerging model, franchise mode has become a major attraction. At first is to facilitateEnterprises rapidly expanding, and now has become a bankrupt enterprise, leading to funding strand the culprit. Material: I think it is mainly for franchise mode on the understanding biased, one-sided view franchise model small business risk, investment, rapid expansion, franchise mode of execution and of high integrity level assessment, which resulted in a number of decisions on the number of errors. From expressDevelopment trend and express best suited to intensive mechanization, standardization, integration, operation, and management integration, require a very strong executive power, particularly in terms of standardization, franchise mode now the largest drawback is in the interest of diversity. In addition, reporters learned from other sources, at present, the postal sector is laying out the aftermath of emergency programmes. Beijing ExpressBe disclosed, DDS express company collapsed last year, the postal sector is the courier assigned to other express delivery. Closure of the stars urgent actions should be similar, but the main problem of arrears is solved franchisee, courier rarely involving ordinary consumers. Latest advances in voice of China will continue to focus on.

