2012年3月31日 星期六

diablo 3 gold Shandong laiwu jinlei wind power technology - PPZ

129773188843593750_1IPO last week queues added 25 companion journal entering capital market Closely followed by more than 20 per week over disclosure of speed, enter SFC investigating team of the enterprise become more intensive. Last week the addition of 25 companies, both companion periodical listing the first company in the industry media, there are again at war IPO "familiar faces" Beijing Zhaoge digital technology. According to the latest Board of the SFC and the gem IPO report basic informationAs of March 22, SFC and outgoing enterprises for a total 549, which boards at 324, gem 225 (including 12 suspension of reviews). Or in periodicals of the companion of the first unit of the public familiar with the companion journal also intends to visit the capital markets. In the list of latest IPO audits, Hubei companion media column. If we canEventually successfully listed on Hubei companion media or journals will become the first domestic landing a share in media companies. Started domestic circulation leading to companion magazine companion media group has been active in preparations for the listing. January 18, 2011, Phoenix Media Group Limited was established in Wuhan, Hubei Province, marking the companion journal group to complete the overall reform. In May of that year diablo 3 gold, China SyndromeHubei authority announcement says the IPCC, companion Hubei companion being listed by the media in the media group's guidance. In even earlier, companion media has a Hong Kong listing and financing plans diablo 3 power leveling, but on hold for so long. Insiders pointed out that companion listed need to overcome three challenges: equity restructuring, large land assets of State-owned enterprises property rights vested in the news publishing industry and introduction of foreign capitalPolicy limits. Companion media Chairman Hu Xunbi in company restructuring, striving to end of 2011 in a-share listed on the implementation. He has landed a share of different publishing companies, friends may become a national news publication in the media business and management backbone for the first time holding company. According to public information, 2011, Phoenix Media Group revenues 5. $ 600 million, an increase of 37%, a net profit of 100 million Yuan. IPO audit teams, while the endless stream of new faces, one side is "familiar faces" get together again. New trial team last week Beijing in July last year at Zhaoge digital technology was not, just after six-month waiting period and can't wait to once again declare, whether it is because in a short time canQuestionable enough to be addressed. Feedback from the SFC, Zhaoge continued profitability challenges of digital technology in Beijing, nearly 90% its 2010 sales revenue comes from Huawei, Huawei, is considered to be "parasitic". Prospectus shows that Beijing Zhaoge digital technology in 2010, 2009, 2008 Huawei company sales revenues were 25$ 7.2566 million, HK $ 168.8613 million and HK $ per cent respectively of the company's total sales revenue in the year, 88.1%, 66.94%. Disclosure in auditing of new shares in the near term, Enterprise crowding together of the Declaration for the second time and even declared more than once. Incomplete statistics, Anhui Huang-rich have been disclosed in advance steelFrame and Long Yu fuel, are implementing the China pile in the feedback industry, Dr King and seed industry in Shandong gold, in the first instance weigena of silk clothing, whether it was once again shaken after IPO last year. Add 25 companies released last week the trial of first instance last week 25 enterprises. Board has 13, Shenyang yuanda compressor respectively, Jimin pharmacy, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang tianhong pharmaceutical industry of Guangzhou Rui FengSound science and technology, Qingdao well, Sichuan guoguang agrochemical, three outdoor, Hubei, Beijing companion media, Kingwood high incidence of new material, Ningbo, Suzhou, Suzhou Industrial Park design of auto control system Research Institute, Ruyi group and new group of FENGMING. The gem has 12, Shandong laiwu jinlei wind power technology, respectively, Guangdong yizumi precision machinery, Zhejiang Jinke peroxide, East Sichuan Goldstone, Fu sets science and technology new materials, devices, Hong Hao Ming (Beijing), Jiangsu Shui sails of environmental protection equipment, the Shenyang transformer Research Institute, Beijing Zhaoge five ocean science and technology, digital technology, Xuzhou, Sichuan Chengdu, central to German-American technology and delivery technologies. In addition, to be listed on the main Board companies in Zhejiang shapuaisi pharmaceutical suspension review diablo 3 power leveling, Gao Lan intended to be listed on the second board company Guangzhou energy saving techniquesIs terminated with a review. Ningbo e of Group 5 of the car companies to be listed on the main Board and Canaan in Zhejiang Province science and technology 7, such as the proposed second board listed companies by the first instance status is changed to implementation feedback, aborted review of Beijing science and technology back to audit track, reviewed by the aborted transfer to implement feedback. Others:

