2012年3月26日 星期一

tera power leveling the insurance company cannot determine the vehicle's true losses - WIO

129756355812343750_238His car was damaged, they do not take responsibility, the insurance company refused to pay, accident compensation, but the other has been dragged, tails, what should I do?  In the case of compensation do not have access to each other, now a few insurance companies will find each other together with the owner claims, most of the insurance companies take no responsibility for compensation as denied doing anything. This situation is most likely with upcoming releasesThe provisions on strengthening the business of motor vehicle insurance rates and the management of change.  At that time, such as "no responsibility do not lose" this type of so-called vehicle insurance provisions of the King would be abolished, and "subrogation claims" system to the nation is expected to promote. At present, Guangdong has not started, introduced on a pilot basis in official regulations to implement, but Guangdong industry believes that this process couldSpeeding up.  China insurance regulatory Commission also stated, guiding and promoting the industry the establishment of vehicle insurance cover, claims notification system, mechanism of subrogation diablo 3 gold, claims processing system such as dispute resolution and settlement mechanism between companies. Pilot of subrogation to roll out the car was wrecked, himself does not assume liability, the insurance company does not pay, accident compensation, but the other has been dragging the tails, what should I do? Do not have access toOther compensation cases, few insurance companies will find each other together with the owner claims, most of the insurance companies take no responsibility for compensation as denied doing anything. Owner, even if the insurance company claims will be accompanied by, running back and forth, or spend a lot of time and effort. This "no responsibility and indemnity" provisions of the King in the China insurance regulatory Commission is about to release the strengthening of motor vehicle businessRate made a change in the management of the insurance provisions. While supporting the industry is trying to urge insurance companies exercise "right of subrogation", by streamlining processes to facilitate accident claims between the two sides. "Subrogation claims" widely in foreign insurance companies, two owners are required to solve the original problem, referred to the two insurance companies to resolve. Not only to the owners do notLittle things, but also indirectly to alleviate traffic pressure. In fact, as early as 2003, commercial vehicle insurance terms for the first time after the change, will be the introduction of vehicle insurance for payment of subrogation. But due to higher vehicle insurance for payment, at the same time, will make insurance companies of subrogation claims rose, and will lead to increased its bad debts and recover costs, so the "tie" insurance companyLess. Car insurance claims but the China insurance regulatory Commission to resolve difficult problems, is speeding up the construction of the system of subrogation. Released at the end of last month in the motor vehicle insurance claims management guidelines expressly, to strengthen the management of cases of subrogation of insurance companies, insurance companies should actively assist the insured to claim responsibility to each other when choose directly claims against the insurance company insuring the insured, andWhen each other the right to request compensation for the transfer of responsibilities to the insurance company, insurance companies should conscientiously perform their payment obligations. Insurance Association of China and Liaoning, Beijing, Xiamen, Chongqing region was selected as a pilot of one of the first regions of the right of subrogation, and last year announced the loss of the motor vehicle insurance subrogation claims guidelines (draft for soliciting opinions), trying to build platforms and systems to fallIndeed this work. Last August in Beijing since the pilot, according to the Insurance Bureau of Beijing's disclosure, current automobile insurance business in Beijing area 31 insurance companies basically have the "claims of subrogation" business.  By the end of 2011, Beijing industry accepted claims of subrogation to apply for 75 items, estimated amount involved was about $ 1.68 million. Guangdong and other formal implementation of policiesBecause is not in pilot regions in Guangdong Province, it has not been an insurance company tried to exercise this right. Insurance Council said Guangdong, Guangdong and other formal regulations introduced on a pilot basis to implement the system of subrogation. Guangdong industry that this would speed up the process. Due to the China insurance regulatory Commission said, guiding and promoting the industry the establishment of vehicle insurance cover, claims-inform, Mechanism of subrogation, claims processing system such as dispute resolution and settlement mechanism between companies. Such as cart insurance rates new rules, supporting mechanism of subrogation needs to appear.  But because of the domestic automobile insurance recovery environment is not optimistic, "claims of subrogation" perfect and smooth running of the system still need quite some time to break-in. Car insurance subrogation once it is fully under way, drivers will want to smooth implementationSubrogation claims, will have to do two things. A large casualty company claims Department of Guangdong Province Branch said, from the pilot experience in, one owner to report in a timely manner, although they have no responsibility, should be timely reported to the insurance company, must assist the insurers can be shown after the accident, accidents, loss of client identity, and other relevant information and insuranceDivision determined the vehicle service, maintenance and repair costs of the project. At the same time, after owners access to insurance claims, car owners also have an obligation to provide the necessary supporting documents and information to the insurance company, and to help insurance companies to third parties responsible for recovery. If no responsibility is not promptly reported to the insurance company swtor credits, the insurance company cannot determine the vehicle's true losses, they may not accept the ownersApplication of subrogation.  If there is no accountability before the owners own insurance company practice of paying the compensation, has given up rights to request compensation to third parties, insurance companies will not be liable. Subrogation in subrogation in linking the so-called tera power leveling, refers to compensation for being unwilling to or combined with the impact and policyholders direct right of recourse to insure your life insurance company, in which case no obligation toThe insurance companies to pay compensation, and then the recovery to the responsible party or their insurance companies insurance company insurance compensation. So that you can maximize the protection of damaged in accident insurer compensation in a timely manner.  The industry believes that this will enable to solve "not the responsibility you lose" provisions of the King had a more explicit operability. 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