2012年3月9日 星期五

wot power leveling as well as other potential successors - NVT

129732029235940000_156Every enterprise needs "a real leader in the sense of" company is no exception. Because of this, Huawei's "be bankers by turns", is considered more "transitional model". Who would eventually become the "true successor"? Answers will emerge before the ren zhengfei, Huawei exit. Ren (SINA science and technology plan) by ren zhengfei, Huawei (Twitter), what exactly means?  Although he did not name, Chairman, but is in fact the single largest shareholder of; though he claims to be "shuaishouzhanggui", but every attack has really dominated the Empire although he almost completely away from public view, but his every move triggered great concern of the Federation. The end of 2011, as a CEO of anyAre not, published an article entitled inside the Huawei as the spring water to the East of the River article, let the public's attention again focused company.  Because, in this article, ren first public talk about "Huawei's succession", and made it clear that Huawei "system of rotating COO" transition to "rotating CEO system." And ren zhengfei of Huawei world of tanks power leveling, which isA delicate moment.  After the ups and downs of 24, ren has 68 years of age, and poor physical condition, and his children had grown up; the company from "followers" into "the leader", but it was an "ambiguous, uncertain" in the future. In this article, ren said: "death is coming, this is a historical law, Our responsibility is to continually extend our lives.  "Company," life-prolonging "is the best way, ren zhengfei, Huawei now" roles "continue to full regenerative.  To do this, simply "believed that Huawei's inertia, believe that the successor of wisdom" is not enough. The future, if either are not really retiring, his successorShould have the ability to continue to meet CEO functions. However, who can replace ren zhengfei, Huawei has real authority of the Empire?  When the company needed a new strategic choice, who to break the inertia of Huawei? So, Huawei is secondary to what? "Be bankers by turns" or transition in ren's view, Huawei will implement "system of rotating CEO", only previously hadImplementation of the 8-year "rotating COO systems" extend and upgrade. In 2004, according to the Mercer Consulting Group human resources management institutions (Mercer) recommendations, Huawei has redesigned the top decision-making mechanism, set up the EMT (Executive Management Team), ren zhengfei, reluctant to act as Chairman of the EMT(Equivalent to COO), Huawei will start implementation of EMT President rotating presidency system, "led by 8-bit take turns in power, each six months, after two cycles, evolution to a rotating system of CEO of the year".  Ren said, "maybe this is inadvertently rotating presidency system, balance the contradictions of all aspects of the company, enables organizations to balance growth". Although Mercer originally sought onlyEMT EMT members to attend a meeting, but EMT system two years later wot power leveling, ren broke the rule, began to head to the session. State consulting senior consultant and solemn, ren is clear--the purpose of training a successor group. Allow more people to participate in the discussion of major issues, key is not a conclusion, but in the course of discussions,Can fully participate in and learn from reaching a consensus.  In Stern's view, from the perspective of the cultivation of talents, implementation of EMT rotating President for 8 years, Huawei has trained a large number of managers of the supervisor or above, which attended the EMT Conference floor strategic understanding of executive-level managers, strategic and implementation capacity, have been upgrading and training. However wot power leveling, renShould be very clear, COO and CEO biggest difference is, which put more emphasis on "leadership".  If the CEO rotating presidency system, may mean, future CEO of Huawei, strategy development and strategic decision making, will not have a lot of. Ren also said: "it's better than the company's success to one, defeated the human system is much better. Each shiftCEO during the shift to the tread, traction company. He has deviate, shift arrangements for duty the next CEO will promptly correct the course, enabling the ship to set aside earlier is the bow. "Built green consulting Chief Consultant of Shenzhen Huawei Wu Jianguo, Deputy Chief Executive in charge of human resources, former, CEO of Huawei rotating system, should be to" ren still controlledSystem Board (final decisions of the dominant shareholder level) "If in the future, if any are non-exit, the CEO will terminate the rotating presidency system, to implement international CEO, the CEO is accountable to the Board, secondary acting mechanism of the Board of Directors is accountable to the shareholders as a whole. Wu Jianguo said that any enterprise needs a true leader, and China is noException, "be bankers by turns", there must be a transition mode from rotating COO to the rotating Presidency, CEO, has embodied the Huawei succession plans step by step. However, Huawei's replacement will not necessarily come from within, from outside the possibility still exists. In any organization, at the time when not to, cannot be directly declared candidates from outside, otherwise people will beLost power, even when determining the future, must be taken "equality of opportunity for both internal and external" model.  If that is the case, Huawei's succession plan, similar to the successor selection of GE. Next, ren's retirement will be a gradual process, during their continued control of the company, he will pass the practical test, picked the eventual successors. DangSo, different from GE, Huawei's successor also could come from the outside.  Controversial "fuye" ren the public talk about "succession", triggered such concern, and after about "Huawei's successor" of the many rumors about. End of October 2011, that is, ren made this article a month ago, according to several media reports,"Huawei, Ren Zheng unintended force, current Chairman, Sun Yafang, ren ping pave the way for a smooth succession for his son."  13 years, has served as company Chairman, Sun Yafang, Ren Zheng long tacit cooperation, has been in the industry a "non-right-left Fong" in the world, Sun Yafang succeed ren is also considered one of the strongest candidates. There are rumors, ren zhengfei in 2007,2010 twice proposed to let their child ren Ping in EMT, but it was veteran leaders, including Chairman Sun Yafang Huawei's objections.  Ren's daughter later boat, had entered Huawei's Board in April 2011, and as the CFO. "Huawei's successors" still up in the air, also has cited examples of IBM Watson family as saying,Ren "in waiting for his son to grow up". Stern said, traditional family business succession, second model, a selection as ren, because Huawei was founded by ren zhengfei operation. However, "If ren children incapable of succession, succession, second mode will not work", and that "even if the child ren have the ability to take over, but thisSuccession, second model, also gives the impression of enormous contrasts with Huawei, Huawei and adversely affect the operation of shareholders and executives had to consider the impact ".  Wu Jianguo said next, ren zhengfei, children may only become Board members of the company, did not took over as the CEO of Huawei. "If we agree that ren would likeHuawei's long-term stability of ambition, Huawei was founded by ren zhengfei life pursuits, select a range of successors must be global rather than within the family. Huawei's current size and standard of management, their children no longer have the ability to control "," Huawei's replacement on a global scale is not selected, then let the sons and daughters of succession, amounts to ruin the company.  "Wu Jianguo said. OrAbout Buffett ren is a very good example. Set now Berkshire, "Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Investment Officer of" triple roles like Warren Buffett, has made it clear that the end of 2011, as these three roles to find a suitable successor, his son Howard. Warren Buffett, the future will take over Berkshire"Non-Executive Chairman", but Howard does not participate in Berkshire's management.  However, the duo, the big difference is that Buffett now owns Berkshire cent of interest and 23% the right to vote, and by the end of 2009, ren holds a stake in Huawei 1.42% only. According to the company's internal processes, Huawei stake staff election "Unit staff representative ", holding employee representatives elected to the Board of Directors. Board of shareholders, the management company, the company's management team, after you determine the direction of the Board is responsible for the implementation.  Ren zhengfei, Huawei, the authority of the final farewell, whether their family members can continue to control the company's Board, will become a huge question. "Successor" tests of the future,Regardless of who becomes Ren Zheng non-true successor, he or they will face enormous challenges.  Huawei is a "follower" becomes "leader", and it is "not clear, not sure" of the future.  In fact, this challenge has come. In 2010, the company complies with "market and customer-centric" business change, set up operationsCommercial network services, Enterprise Business Center for four major business operations, terminal operations and other business.  Clearly, compared with 20 years ago, today has been a great company at the operational level. Business is facing the operators of the Huawei started as communication services, therefore, Huawei, enterprise operations, terminal operations and other businesses, including software, are fresh pickedWar.  Huawei, communications equipment manufacturers, this is from a, to a comprehensive IT enterprise group in transition.  And external environment of the company, the market situation has become increasingly uncertain, in this case, for ren and his potential successor,, how to lead the company to break through, is now the most urgent and most important. Stern believes that ChinaHelm needed for the most important ability is the ability to cope with uncertain situation, and dances with the will and ability of the uncertain situation. Ren also explicitly required in the article: "as a rotating Presidency, CEO, they are no longer focused on construction and operation of the internal, and also to look to the outside, the world, to adapt himself to the operation of the external environment, the pitfalls. ”For rotating, CEO of Huawei, led Huawei to break through, is the touchstone of a component. Last two years, company development, seems to have been contrary to ren zhengfei, adhere to the principles of care and attention for many years, not only separate enterprises and Terminal two business groups, but also in more than a year neizhao more than 30,000 employees, staff expansion near one-third, evenPropose to go beyond Google and Cisco (microblog) "great leap forward" goal. In Stern's view, this is Huawei's "helpless".  "If the company can successfully enter the United States market, diversification of maybe having to start so early, but the rise of protectionism, but allows the company to market of mergers and acquisitions in Europe and has repeatedly frustrated". However, Huawei is good at operatingMarket to new market outlets, which means from the blue sea to the Red Sea, meant a completely different business model, it can obtain the probability of success and how much?  Stage success even if it can be made, and whether it is able to promote the company as a whole to "long-term value contribution"? But to the present stage of development, Huawei may have straight, no longerBacktrack. Perhaps this is why, ren is the title of the article is the spring water to the East of the River, and wrote at the end of the article: "through the rise and fall of many things, river water to the East, flowing through the Pacific, through the India Ocean, sth Do not look back. "Of course, for Huawei's rotating Presidency, CEO, as well as other potential successors, this also means that aOpportunities.  If led Huawei to breakthrough success, perhaps this will help him or her from this "Huawei succession contest" win.  During this period, these "potential successors" trial-and-error of space still exists, Ren can also act as a last line of firewall, avoid Huawei for rotating CEO strategic missteps, are in crisis. After all, As ren himself said: "leading the way is a process of exploration, in this process, because of unclear, uncertain about the future, you may pay a tremendous price. "--Excellent coverage, sharp point, see Sina science and technology of the deep reading.

