2012年3月18日 星期日

tera gold 129756477872812500_245 - EEF

129756477872812500_245Summary: at one time lived at his home and the other six younger sister of the wife of panic and ran out of the room. Murderers did not ignore the six younger sister of the wife, went straight to the Tan Furen. Tan Furen went to narrow in the small courtyard tera gold, has been crowded in the space of no place to hide, Wang zizheng Tan Furen shooting. The military life of General dream didn't die in a desperate handIn the. The abstracts from the following Mao Zedong: memories of my father on the founding of Chen Shiqu, say: Chen Renkang, arrangement: Jin-Shan Chen Yi wind, Publisher: people's publishing house (1) father and Tan Furen said Tan Furen in the jinggang mountains is the head after the founding of the assassination of the highest level, in the Madhouse: he died in the cultural revolution. He met with his father in 1928The spring is the father to participate in the battle of xincheng. That is simply a battle to fight pretty, an entire battalion of the enemy didn't run away, but was shot dead outside became a Training Unit of the captive. My father was in the Red Army as a captain and instructor taught crew, after the end of the battle all the captives over to teach the team charge. Red Army in favour of prisoner of policy at that time, all captivesHave been well treated, will receive timely treatment for injury, property of them all in their own custody. The Red Army was also has a purpose, just to pick some from these captives was good and people who are willing to go with the Red Army, and later into their education and training in the company of the Red Army. One day, my father suddenly heard someone in the upstairs of the captives in singingInternationale. Songs attracted the attention of my father, because at that time the enemy battalions is not singing the Internationale, this song is only sung in the forces of the Red Army. This is obviously a prisoner is not an ordinary prisoner, immediately ran upstairs to my father, trying to find the captives of the singing. The Internationale has a magical charm, my father said to me, he has no musical cells diablo 3 power leveling, butIs to have two songs in his life often let him passionately, tears, a is the March of the volunteers, because in the difficult years of the war and the establishment of the people's Republic, the song gave him so much encouragement and Association. Another first was the Internationale, father says of the Internationale in encouraging proletarian and smash the old world at the expense of all was the pinnacle,To Lenin do for a proletariat revolution mentor is know The Internationale under in proletarian in the of component of: "a has awareness of workers, regardless of he came to which national, regardless of fate to he threw to where, regardless of he how is themselves is foreign country people, speech does not pass, unaccompanied diablo 3 power leveling, away from motherland,--he are can with The Internationale under of familiar of tunes, to themselves found comrades andFriends. "Father is suddenly heard the Internationale distance gap on the prisoners. But seeing my father went upstairs, songs will be shut down. My father had to ask: "who sings this song, please stand up! "A slender young prisoners up and replied," I sang, Chief Executive, if the prisoners are not allowed to sing, I do not sing! "My father says:"No, you can sing, you sing very well. What is the name? "The young man said," my name is Tan Furen! "My father said," where did you learn this song? "My father asked, Tan Furen tears up immediately. Tan Furen Mei County in Guangdong Province, and took part in the surge of Dongjiang River for the second time under the leadership of the intifada. During the uprising, he learned to sing the Internationale.Meant for "British Turner male Nile" struggle in the end, did not expect rebellion suffered a huge setback, had not obtained what results you have to as the uprising forces fled.

