2012年4月7日 星期六

tera gold a boss in the Zhejiang Hangzhou usury - GTP

129773438967656250_1091CNS, Hangzhou, March 26 (reporters Gu Qizheng and and Bai Lou)-a few days ago, a boss in the Zhejiang Hangzhou usury, due to the more than 500,000 employees salaries, went to avoid creditors in the field, ultimately be Kent prosecutors arrested for the crime of refusing to pay remuneration. This is the People's Republic of China criminal law amendment (h) implemented on May 1, 2011Since the first case the crime of refusing to pay remuneration in Hangzhou. Kent man Choi, aged 34, school culture tera gold, in 2004, the partnership with friends in Kent started a textile factory, by friends after exiting, CAI an enterprise into a joint stock company, their legal representation. Enterprises producing trade blankets, cushions and other products, hiring more than more than 60 employees. These employees are generallyPiece-work wages, under normal conditions, wage a quarter at a time. In 2009, home textiles factory lacks funds to purchase raw materials, operating status appears. A CAI for personal credit, loans from banks, under the last resort, only think twice about borrowing working capital. CAI with the money to maintain the factory production and operation, however, generate profits even at the plant to pay highFacilitate the loan interest is not enough. In early 2010, started people ask a debt to CAI. Cai Mou knowing becomes insolvent, threw the brother company, since the race to avoid creditors to Shaoxing. He has a sister-in-law in Shaoxing textile processing, he in Shaoxing to help manage your business, from time to time transfer to Shaoxing Kent home textile factory machines sold. Of course, not with Choi employee revealedReal situation of their liabilities, right through to the new factory in Shaoxing banner, "makes sense" from Kent disappeared. Employees that do not know the truth, has been kept in the dark, thinking that new factory boss business busy, so only rare appearances at the plant. But since then, they never got paid. A brother of Choi Choi a "spokesman", the company hasConditions, by a brother of CAI to convey, Cai Mou I still refuses to show up. Employee unpaid job situation lasted until the end of July 2011. At that time the company has been 1.5 years did not pay, employees can no longer support than, began the long road of unpaid wages, enterprises also were forced to lay-off. In August 2011, Jiande city, staff to the labor dispute arbitrationMembers apply for arbitration, request a pay wage arrears totaling more than 500,000 yuan CAI. But Choi from start to bujianzongying, but wrote a letter of authorization, delegates handle this matter elder brother. On August 9, 2011, the labor dispute arbitration after the Arbitration Committee in Jiande city, forming an arbitration and mediation, request a wage arrears paid Choi Choi a delay movement.After about half a month, Choi a phone outage, simply disappeared. Staff contact Shangcai, tight tone is always a brother bite Choi, claimed to not know the whereabouts of a CAI and contact information. End of August 2011 tera power leveling, employees apply to Jiande city people's Court for compulsory execution, CAI was still unmoved, become unlawfully at large as the field refused to pay wages. February 20120 days, Jiande city Jiande city, people's Court for the removal of the case Public Security Bureau investigated and dealt with. On February 15, 2012, Choi was arrested and brought to. For malicious arrears of wages, Choi said a corporate funds was used to repay, pay interest, and so he has not paid wages, upon receipt of the arbitration and mediation, he pulls the chance, could drag the drag. RootAccording to the People's Republic of China criminal law amendment (h) 41st article: evasion of payment by transfer methods such as property, become unlawfully at large as the worker's remuneration or have the means to pay, but not to pay workers ' wages, large amounts, paid shall be ordered by the relevant government departments are still not paid for three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention tera gold, or fine; causing serious consequences, To three years in more than seven years in prison, and fines. Units committed the crime, and imposing a fine on units and their supervisors and other personnel directly responsible for, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be punished. In view of the present case the Cai Mou criminal suspects to refuse to pay huge sums of remuneration, addresses people of a wide range, and many times in the relevant government departments to be ordered to pay is still not paid,No penitence, the Prosecutor considers that his arrest necessary. Eventually, Choi refused to pay remuneration in Jiande city Procuratorate approved the arrest. At present, upon further review of the case. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

