2012年4月17日 星期二

tera power leveling journalists went into MinistryAmong the common people - UEJ

129788443019375000_162Increasing consumption, the key is to let people have the money to spend, money spent. In recent years, average incomes in China have not a small growth, income growth at the same time, however, cost of living continues to rise, the pressure increases. Many people sigh: monthly income has $ life is still not easy.  In this case, the expansion is not easy. Recently, journalists went into MinistryAmong the common people, understand their consumption, reflecting their common aspirations, exploring the idea of enhanced consumer confidence, consumption growth, approaches. Retirement – prices will be too much for the elderly "vegetables and fruits prices are going up, save old couple nearly more than more than 4,000 yuan a month salary, and even some of the constraints. "--Electric powerAunt retired workers of the company "4 apples will be more than 10 dollars, fruit can't afford myself. "On April 9, in front of the yanjingxili market, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Liu aunt complained of had just bought food, in each month in the cost of eating this ratio is always high, and along with food prices rising. Previously to the wet market, 10 dollars can buy many vegetablesFood to markets now feel free to look around, feel free to pick up some twenty or thirty dollars. Aunt Liu side vegetables in finish, talk with reporters. She lives in hongmiao in the North, Chaoyang District, 70 years old, has a son and daughter. While the children are very obedient, but taking into account the personal convenience, she and his wife had no children and to live together, both husband and wife are from Beijing electric power Corporation retired. ChildrenComparison of official work, income stability, from time to time give them the old couple some pocket money.  Normally, aunt Liu take care of oneself old age, life should be rich, but she currently lives, it also has something to say. "Vegetables and fruits prices are going up, save old couple more than more than 4,000 yuan a month salary, and even some of the constraints. "Aunt Liu said,This price increase, of living drop down, let happiness after retirement a lot of discounts. Liu aunt had just bought vegetables to reporters come on such a square: 4 tomatoes to 8 Yuan, 4 apples more than 10 Yuan, more than half a catty pork more than more than 10 dollars, add garlic sprouts $ 7, up more than 30 dollars ' worth of vegetables and fruits, it is enough for the old couple eating 1 days. "This is notIncluding daily necessaries and flour, plus, living expenses of at least a month to more than 1000 Yuan.  "Aunt Liu said. In the yanjingxili market, the reporter found, as a unit of 500 grams Apple $ 3.5 to $ 6, banana, Strawberry $ 12; 16 of pork, lamb $ 28; and vegetable prices were not cheap: $ 4.5, pepper tomato $ 5.5, And green onions $ 4.5.  While in the vicinity of a supermarket, higher prices. Aunt Liu said, though the old couple still in good health, but older, a little trouble is inevitable, to go two or three times per month to the hospital. Sharing most of the medical expenses of medical insurance, but it is up to something like their own bear the medical expenses, almost each month nearly 1000Yuan.  In addition to meals and two large medical costs, costs of water, electricity tera gold, gas for each month to more than 500 Yuan, combined with human affairs, and also spent almost a month's wages. Aunt Liu said, she likes to swim when I was young, in spring of this year tera power leveling, she was to have a swim, each exercise once a week, but with the recent increase in living expenses, had to temporarily easeA slow. "The cost of living, life always has a lot of worry about the future. "Aunt Liu said," fear of poor health in the future, there is nothing serious with hand and don't have much savings, afraid to give children an additional burden.  "She said, pensions have risen a lot in these two years, want pensions increase faster, easier day after retirement. Urban white-collar workers-Spend-money can't buy a house "in addition to socializing, having to expenditure expenses other than of bounden duty, other consumer is province to province. "Fubenbo--young software engineer from Guy fubenbo, Jining city, Shandong province in 2009 graduated from Northeastern University, and then to Beijing, Haidian District, a software development company. Just work for 700$ More than 0, nearly 3 years, wages rose 3 times now each month's wages before taxes reached $ 12,000.  In the view of many people's eyes, is it a higher income, but he is not. Fubenbo said that although income per month is not low, but spending a lot: the rent to $ 3,000, meals to more than 1000 Yuan, transportation, communication around $ 800, whichCompare fixed and, in addition, there is less fixed expenses, such as gathering of friends, is not a small sum of expenses. "Such as wedding gifts of pleasure made me a headache. "Fubenbo said, now takes the corporate sector more people, together with many of the University students in Beijing, but rather almost all age of marriage. In this way, he even married, every monthKids socializing and spending is about more than 1000 Yuan. Party colleagues, friends, leisure time spending a lot. Every weekend, there will be a colleague organization activities, collective activity is not too easy to refuse, to several people restaurant sitting dinner sing sing, take a look at the film, day, AA, everyone also has nearly 200 dollars spent. "Watching aMovies will be seventy or eighty bucks, it was kind of reluctant.  "Fubenbo said. Normally, over more than 40 worth of food every day, just by the side of the fast food restaurants fill the belly, the fubenbo seem to have been regarded as "big spender". "When I just graduated, meals only $ more than 20 a day. "Fubenbo said, now he wants to save money, save money every day, in addition to not pushActivities of these remarks, he is the province. Little loves playing tennis, like to travel, "a fitness card is more than 2000 Yuan, traveling there is thousands of dollars less and thousands of dollars, these to me, can only be a ' luxury '.  "Fubenbo said. "Is not in fact afford, but think about the pressures of life in the future, is also a point to spend saved up some money thanBetter. "Fubenbo say, save, or do you want to save money to buy a House. In the House on this matter, parents can give him limited support, more to their own efforts. House prices remain high at the moment, he can save deposits of about sixty thousand or seventy thousand dollars each year, can gather a few years down, buying a house in the suburbs, "hope that the price will drop a little more. "Young parents –Child rearing pressure "before not to have children, two life pressure or not. Since having a baby, apparent enough money to spend. "Sun Xiaotao--a Beijing institution employees" not to children, two very small pressure of life. Since having a baby, apparent enough money to spend. "Working at a public institution in Beijing Sun Xiaotao in mindSaid costs of raising children to become head of household spending, easily becomes nervous, had just become the father he does not fit. Sun Xiaotao in 2007 to work, get married in 2009. His wife and his, in Beijing to work in public institutions tera power leveling, although the wage is not too high but relatively stable, wages for two each month add up to 1Million Yuan.  He and his wife are Beijing people, with the support of both parents, address the House before marriage and the car's two "problem". In this way, after the two of them get married life can be easier, each month there will be some balance of income. Usually less when eating at home, most are outside restaurants; weekend arrangements are quite rich, often to seeMovies or go out for a drive to self-tour. "In October last year, after the child was born, life can be much difference.  "Sun Xiaotao said, after having a baby, taking up time to understand, but the cost of raising children is so" unexpected ". Sun Xiaotao probably calculated from child birth to household spending in the recent half a year now: total expenditures of $ sixty thousand or seventy thousand – wivesProduction of public hospital beds could not be found when, finally found a private specialist clinic, spent more than 30,000 yuan, confinement month her sister-in-law took over more than 10,000, to buy children a cot, milk powder and other daily necessities, food and took up more than 20,000 yuan in Sth "Month to hit 5,000 yuan in the bank card, now running out. "Sun Xiaotao said, say that buying their children do not wet the urine and milk powderThe same, add up to more than 2000 Yuan a month. On top of that, you want to buy a toy for children, nannies, commercial insurance on sth "If children accidentally suffer from diseases such as fevers, a trip to the hospital, at least to thousands of dollars.  "Sun Xiaotao said. Sun Xiaotao said that now they couple in order to save money, go out can not drive it won't drive, not a taxi is notTake a taxi, and more choose to ride the bus; basically does not go out to play over the weekend, meet up with friends, travel, and other entertainment activities, reduction of reduction, province to province.  However, sometimes are "living beyond its means", depends on both parents Zhou JI. "Listening to friends, children, kindergarten fees are not low, less that twenty thousand or thirty thousand dollars a year."Sun Xiaotao said that raising children is the responsibility of parents should be made, the flowers will have to spend, but now most of children spending as a share of household expenditure, is also burdensome. Want the Government to pre-school childcare costs down, to young parents "reducing decompression". Others:

