2012年4月3日 星期二

tera gold a mother of Lee holding to buy milk powder for granddaughter - JWO

129770966707656250_26"I was thinking, she gave baby feeding (poison) drugs, ye can go under, that is her own daughter sth" yesterday afternoon, zhouzhi County zhongnanzhen Pang Bao village the villagers looked at Lee's home, eyes and tears rolled. On March 22, the villagers to a wife of Li Ren Lili drink poison drug, and twin daughters feeding poison, Ren Lili killed two womenAlso in emergency treatment. Rat poison found in the home of the deceased Pang Bao outside employment of most of the young men of the village, in the village only a few old people and women left behind. Lee a door was open, "Chris, and Chris sth Talk to you! Me, I had to! "At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, Ren Lili's sister-in-law had just arrived from xianyang zhouzhi, into the central room, shouting across the coffin of his sister-in-law name. "ThingsIn the morning of 22nd. "A neighbor said, on that day, in the morning, villagers left behind leaders arrived at the Lee House," has pretty much, we hastened to save her two twin daughters. "Pang Bao village said Pang Quanmin, Director, 22nd at around 10 o'clock in the morning, a mother of Lee holding to buy milk powder for granddaughter, came to son House, knocked a long time no door, Lee aMother turned a section of low walls, from the backyard into the son, neighbors soon heard a cry for help. "When the phone call came, saw Lily and her two children are on the baking. Chris heads to the North fell asleep, it looks like not breathing, two children a heavier, fists clenched, crying does not cry, kept on twitching; another is crying, I asked to be twoSend a baby to a hospital. "Pang Quanmin said. Deputy Director Wang Puji village open handlebar has two children to zhouzhi County Hospital, after gastric lavage, and transferred to the Hospital of Xian. Subsequently tera power leveling, Pang Quanmin Ren Lili were found in the home of rat poison, "it appears that they are drinking poisons. "SMS: nothing alive in the eyes of neighbors, Ren Lili usually get along with husband, mother-in-lawYes, and the neighbors got along relatively well. Normally not a very reserved person, "two days before the accident, and people talking and laughing, not seen in the unusual circumstances. "A villager said. "They couple feeling good. "Pang Quanmin says, get married in 2007 for the wedding. "Both of them are 27 years old this year, a twin daughter is 2 years old. "Pang QuanIntroduction, usually working in Xian Li, once back in two or three months. The day of the accident, a working at Xian Li, only Ren Lili and two children living at home alone. "Putting rat poison on paper was found in her home, there is a mug, she just put the poison in the mug, open drink of water, there is also a small spoon. "Pang Quanmin said Ren Lili in a mobile phone, And left a message diablo 3 gold, generally feel alive and nothing is meant. Such evidence then zhouzhi extracted by the police. Ren Lili, wood was smashed a hole in the closet, makeup mirror was broken into pieces, "drink tablets, she must be to give up the home. "Pang Quanmin cannot figure out that Ren Lili just to vent their pent-up emotion, or forOther things that anger. Preliminary judging Ren Lili zhouzhi County Police Department committed suicide, according to a preliminary understanding Ren Lili feeding their children with HIV, the specific case is under investigation. Villagers cannot accept mothers feeding daughters poison more villagers were unacceptable, is when Ren Lili suicide also fed her daughter down the poison. Villagers have speculated that said: after Ren Lili is your poison, began to give children fed, fed a childA little more, their drug seizures in the Middle, so another daughter to feed a little less, so lighter symptoms. "Heart is too hard, to baby feeding poison hand shake when you have a spoon hold? "A villager said Ren Lili two daughter, tears in eyes rolled. Reporters attempted to contact Lee subsequently failed. "The two children had been rescuing, nor do I know there is no out of crisisInsurance. "Pang Quanmin said, remained in hospital yesterday to help villagers waiting to call him to the phone, two children may be systemic change. "This is worse for in a farmer's family tera gold, where so much money. "Pang Quanmin said, according to villagers from the doctor about, if you want to change, a child needs at least $ 40,000," treatment of two not 100,000 refuse to come down meSth "Pang Quanmin long sigh of relief. Reporter he Jie (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

