2012年4月8日 星期日

tera power leveling and Zhang master in Road South by West to East run - GKN

129773438982968750_1131Sometimes, the public is not easy for a taxi (expansion) reporter Wang Xiaofeng's photography, Jinan, a taxi reservation hotline open 4 years a few display phone call "failure" responsibility centre on July 6, 2008, the provincial capital Jinan, more than 4,000 vehicles started trial operation of the taxi GPS system, Jinan passenger tubes (now the City Department of transportation and distribution center in Jinan) and Kai96,576 phone call service system. To date, more than 8,000 vehicles in Jinan City taxi, other than a few old cars, the vast majority have joined the call for a taxi service. When interviewed by this reporter recently found, which runs for nearly 4 years service a few decorations, people call for a taxi almost about to taxi. Press interns Ren Xiufang Zhang Mengyao Zhou XiaoRan people reflect over much of the road is called, but about people, Mr WONG was not reflected to reporters he once called experience. One evening last month, he will be seated at around 8 o'clock in the evening of high-speed rail to Bengbu. Because he lived in the more remote the Jingshi road, fear is not good for a taxi in the evening, day 5-point him to the 96,576 line, the staff told him, not in advance soMake an appointment for a long time, and can go more than 10 minutes before an appointment. Wait until 7 o'clock in the evening, he once again to the 96,576 line tera power leveling, staff operations after the reservation system, no taxi driver should be about, about the car failed. Mr WONG carried baggage from the community, has adopted several taxi from a ten on the East. "Near empty through a lot of has tera gold, whyIs about less cars? "After one taxi, Mr WONG to talk with a taxi driver on this issue. The taxi driver told Mr WONG, he would rather empty car running, will not accept the appointment of 96,576. Jinan day at about 8 o'clock in the morning during the two sessions this year, journalists from the Jingshi road to the 96,576 that the service line. Seat workers call halfIn the diameter range of 1 km, no idle rental accept an appointment. She subsequently called radius extending to within 5 km, after waiting for a few seconds, is still not smooth about to taxi. Finally, the staff told reporters that she will continue to make an appointment, if you did not call within 3 minutes, notes the reservation fails, let the reporters think. Within the next 3 minutes, rememberStill haven't received a call from any taxi driver. After a few minutes, reporters through a hotline, same result as the last. About 15 minutes later, unloaded a taxi after travelling from East to West, and waved reporters got into the car. Reporters experiencing 35 times a successful dege unwilling to hire a car only "single", this was no accident, or general behaviour? Yesterday afternoon to eveningReporter heading in opposite number to the PC experience. In between from 18:02, journalists make 35 calls tera power leveling, of which 20 phone call "seats is busy", after 14 phone calls get through, there are no taxis "orders", only 1 is up and around to the car. 18:02 yesterday, reporters dialed 96,576 service hotline for the first time, after the wait, Staff told: "there are no taxis accept an appointment. "Staff, will continue to call, if the taxi driver" orders "will call a press conference. While never got a call. From 18:10 to, the reporter has called 19 calls, 10 of them a call through to driving, but no, 9 phone calls says "seat is busy". Taking into accountDaily until 17:30 is rush and transfer time, journalists from 18:45 to try 12 phone call half an hour car, 2 phone calls get through was not about to board the bus, another 10 phone says "seats in a hurry". Between 19:35 to reporters once again make two calls, busy,Second time around to a taxi. 20:10 yesterday, reporters last dialed 96,576, wait a while, staff told reporters that there is no traffic in response to, she will continue to call the region's vehicle, such as a taxi should be about, and will respond to journalists. But then the results, like the more than more than 10 times before, journalists did not receive any call. Dege passengers can't wait"Stand up" should be about why taxi unloaded rather unequal contract "order"? Springs House for rent company surnames dege asked reporters: "who orders now? I almost never 96,576 of dial-a-ride. "Master told reporters, including around him and almost all familiar dege does not accept booking from 96,576,Almost every driver has many times been the passenger "stand up" experience. Conley, Jinan rent-dege said, when we were in a taxi, temporary call. Temporary lower success rates. Master said, "once I drove near the Olympic Plaza, Jingshi road, see car GPS was displayed on the screen in a nearby car, I pressed theButton, ready to pick up passengers. "But, due to passengers in road north, and Zhang master in Road South by West to East run, although GPS distance displayed he of car and passengers is near, but to open to front junction u then arrived passengers by Department of location, Zhang master out to probably has three or four km of road," I also fear delay passengers of thing, tight catch slow arrived has local, can no found peopleThrough 96,576 asked for a moment, passengers said he had hit the other car. So I couldn't say anything, a trip can only be white. "" Itself is by taxi in time to earn, if you ran a ride on time to pick up passengers, but didn't show until the last passenger, and drivers must feel loss, a situation like this, who would also like to live like this? "A taxi driver,Admits, phone called car for dege,, is a "do has no benefits, does not do no harm" of thing, "if by has apply button, last because special causes no received passengers, passengers, does not to drivers may on will complaints, this on drivers, also is trouble, so many when drivers even see was phone called car of information, also unwilling to to apply. "" When the driver presses on departureButton, inequality is actually signed a contract, dege if unable to arrive in time, would have received a complaint from passengers, but if the passenger fails to sit the rest of the car, we could do nothing, only worse. Over time, we prefer to run. "A dege told reporters. Department response to passengers unable to constrain drivers no enthusiasm from the Jinan traffic transportTransportation Department passenger transportation management center understand that "phone call" service, present Jinan is "hire a car a lot, but the drivers are not willing to take." Centre staff told reporters that dial-a-ride is a customized service, and now there is no Beijing, Jinan and other cities of the "electric charge", which makes the taxi driver when you apply for a lack of enthusiasm. "Not coercive measuresIf a driver is not, there is no way. "96,576 a seat of the hotline staff told a press conference yesterday, if the spring city square, in downtown, taxis, and passenger fails more drivers are reluctant to answer the phone, and if the passenger is in a remote place, chances of success. "Call is not successful, there are many reasons. "StaffAnalysis says, "the first was due to driver and passenger sides caused by bad faith, and this is mostly to passenger who fails. "It is understood that the current customer call centre to apply for telephone service taxi drivers have" blacklisted "and" red list "," apply but if driver fails by passenger complaints, we informed the company criticized the education to drivers, will also be consideredThe importance of service integrity, then arrange car service to special caution when this driver. "Passenger fails the driver encountered white ran a trip, customer information centre will also keep in mind that this driver," reservation airport further living, we will give priority to these drivers. "In addition, the call is not successful because there are economic factors. "Drivers drivingMoney will certainly consider the costs and returns, in the case of no enrollment fee, and who don't want white ran a trip. "Staff also said that although in theory, passengers of bad faith can be included in the telephone" blacklist "," but as a service industry, we have not done. "In addition, the staff said, as the taxi industry of Jinan City authorities," plus an enrollment fee"They" being considered ". "This is not a Department in charge of us, requires multisectoral linkages, we also pay attention to this issue, currently under investigation and consideration. "Business car" out of "customer call center to blame car service is now" out ", formed overnight, but a little sick disease results. The reason, ultimatelyJinan municipal transportation Bureau Centre did not manage well. First is the Centre for the management of taxi driver is not in place. Dial call service for passengers, in a near empty but does not respond to, for this behaviour, as no punishment measures to the competent authorities of the taxi market. While waiting for complaints, then criticized the education for taxi is a very passive mechanisms. For aSome good, positive response to dege, Centre for appropriate incentives. Award-winning penalty in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the taxi driver. Present Jinan on taxi's reward and punishment are not in place, a taxi driver on electrical deaf ears, hire a car service in name only. Followed by supervision of passengers is not in place. "Passengers cannot be bound" is actually the absence managementA finger. Just like banks, lenders if you repay the stain, banks can no longer continue to lend to him, and not to individual loans people bad, bad, to punish all the lenders. Perhaps this analogy is not accurate, but for a bad faith approach to the passenger is not without constraints. When the passengers reached the cars hotline, is in fact a solicitation services, managementProvides a high quality of service, but for the bad faith of the passengers should also be restrictions, such as blacklisting them or bright yellow. Aim is to have the integrity of quality of service for passengers. Create a health service system, needs to dege and integrity of both passengers. As a head of Department, customer centre in Jinan on parties to a contract should have the appropriate management measures, should not be"Can't control passenger" as an excuse to give up the monitoring of the service object. Only the driver and passenger both faith in Sir Center to take management measures, drivers to pull away from his recent passengers, passengers can take the shortest amount of time to wait for the door of taxi service. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

