2012年4月8日 星期日

tera gold for example - HRQ

129773822083906250_43Coal fights like a magic spell, again reciprocating, still no solution. On January 4, contract coal network totals have been completed, the results seem happy. According to preliminary statistics, key contract totals approximately 1.2 billion tons of this year, with the framework of the national development and Reform Commission 834.6 million tons compared to contracting excess 44%. However, this seemingly significantThe results, but have a blurred vision, real contracted amounts may not be optimistic. Yanzhou (600,188. S-h), for example, on February 1, Yanzhou coal mining company limited announcement said the company had signed in thermal coal contracts for the sale of 7.72 million tons in 2012, down 1.275 million metric tons or 14.2%. National focal point of signingElectricity sales contracts to 4.29 million tons of coal, and flat to the 2011 contracts.  This is a special case, there is a universal phenomenon? "In recent years, the meeting reached agreement on a contract, and very few. Downstream of the coal enterprises is a separate visit, steelmakers and chemical industry enterprises in electric power enterprise, a contract, particularly big users. "The Managing Director of a large coal enterprisesTells of the excellence of the journalists, their customers are still in the early days of the old customers, scene at the end of last year coal contract summary does not bring new customers to the enterprise.  Now that the Conference cannot play a significant effect, so, why electricity and coal enterprises keen to field joint? "Although the supply contract is a separate two-party check, cannot be implemented, but both supply and demandFear is a good thing. Downstream, peers, just wanted to find out from the side of the coal industry scale and production organizations, to organize their own coal market.  "The Board considers that, this is a meeting and joint Council. Indeed, this year's Conference, in terms of rise in prices, but conform to starts before the end of last year, the national development and Reform Commission's thermal coal pricesTemporary interventionsThan the 2011 national focus on coal sales contracts, the average benchmark price with tax, $ 25.19/ton or three per cent. However, "in accordance with established practice for many years, the contracts to perform what it is hard to say. Key state that several major power plants is supervised by an electrified coal, and in fact does not stop online power plant, other plants are also veryMore, they are also in need of protection, does not guarantee the play down.  "The Board considers that, coal price signed orders, performance has been poor.  More balance between supply and demand contract coal price rises are not high, also appeared to be on the spot market have been fully confirmed this year. Bohai power coal price index: January 18, Bohai area 5500 kcal market average price of thermal coal comprehensive 782 Yuan/ton, compared with the previous reporting period fell 5 Yuan/ton.  At this point, reducing its overall average price has been the 12th consecutive week, the cumulative decline reached 71 Yuan/ton. In addition to prices continuing to fall, a coal stocks have also increased. As of January 30, Qinhuangdao coal stocks increased to HK $ 7.67 million tons,Year high since mid-August. Coal prices may be low, it will continue for some time. "Within six months, rising coal prices are not likely to" excellence for these directors, told the press conference. This is because the coal supply situation is changing, 2011 serious imbalance between supply and demand, demand far greater than the supply, but this year, the forces of supply and demand may occurChange. "Consolidation has basically completed the Henan coal enterprises. All off hundreds of small coal mines, construction of technological transformation and production safety. Almost impossible for hundreds of small coal mines last year, and this year is in a stage of technological transformation and production complex. Although not many new projects, but of small coal mine production capacity will be released, so this year's yield is sure to enlarge aSome, coal prices hard to rise before the fall.  "These directors say. If you simply supply exceeds demand, adjust the supply is not a very difficult thing. Coal enterprises who asked not to be named told reporters of the excellence, unwritten requirements within coal enterprise, so we will exchange on a regular basis in order to ensure coherent. "You say this is in the monopoly or form a small coterie orBut everyone is in compliance with the provisions of the unwritten. Because an enterprise cannot shake the markets, so we adhere to the step, not you, and I do not control. "In Guizhou province and Inner Mongolia and some coal in coal enterprises, has according to the oversupply situation, production or even discontinued. As Lin Bo Qiang tera power leveling, Director of the research center of Xiamen University energy economy says, coalCarbon in underground save safe, out now selling low price, why sell for a high price but time. However, coal production not only this time release affect prices and downstream sagging, further reduces demand. "Can maintain existing prices are good. Because the situation is not optimistic in the lower, demand for coal is not as strong as in previous years. At present, steel,Edge of the chemical industry are at a loss. "That is why 2012 year coal contract summary results, one reason for the relatively better than in previous years. "Coal enterprises, also see the economic situation this year, fearing that prices decline. Has signed a contract that is practical, production can have peace of mind. "Excellence for these directors, told the reporter, recession of the lowerUse of key contract bundling market coal in coal enterprise sales model to a major.  Contradictions and still no solution to rising coal prices lack of motivation, but "still is weak in electric power enterprise". Coal contract over the contracted amount of 44% is nothing but painting on paper of a pie. "Key contracts and market coal price difference is large, even focus on coal accounts for only total contract amount20% per cent, is already a very high proportion. Power company would have thin profits, if contract coal works, a balance can be achieved, but if you do not perform, the profit is negative.  "Lin Bo Qiang said. "This year's coal enterprises signed some contract, but want to be able to set the capacity, because the pads are also planned. "Lin Bo Qiang regarded the contract asImplementation and results obtained, "can perform the contract, in addition to credibility, must also have a price. But the contract is defective, there is no price, it lacks the execution. "In fact, even if they do not exist for any defect of contract, refusing to execute, there are many. "Breach cost is not high, shall be investigated if the electric power enterprise in coal enterprises tera power leveling, can beA sum as compensation, but you'll never see coal next year, no one is working.  "Declined to be named business people who told reporters of the excellence. However, coal companies are more willing to sell coal to other provinces. "Beyond the delivery of coal to the province, from the economic interests, is not obvious, but the big advantage is that selling to provincial capital turns up in time. Worry in coal EnterpriseDeal poor economic efficiency of enterprises, when not paying money, even to take on bad loans. "The Director said," foreign enterprises to buy coal, coal after the first payment. Normally does not cause bad debts. And also like to maximise added value of coal in coal enterprises. "So, what is the solution of the dispute between coal and electricity? Lin Bo Qiang that "coal linkage" is now in an emergencyApproach. Although electricity firms in expanding their own coal resources, but it requires a process, coal is now an emergency way linkage, to concentrate the contradiction to the power grid. Tariff to coal linkage, and that's the power loss. Then Governments impose a windfall tax on coal situation, direct subsidies to power grid. "This way, coal and electricity linked up. And coalEnterprises of a windfall profits tax, it can adjust the output of coal enterprises selling high prices rather than sell.  "Lin Bo Qiang said, however, the obstacles to the introduction of a windfall profits tax is needed by local governments that hurdle. In fact, apart from the coal and electric power after the linkage, coal direct-purchasing model to solve the contradiction of a bright spot. As far as I understand, Jiangsu, Liaoning, ongoing direct power-purchase pilot. "We have also beenLining of purchasing electricity for electric companies to directly from the great power companies to buy electricity. However, this would be tantamount to sacrificing the interests of power, so there's a little intimidating. "But the Director considers that the electricity companies, is undoubtedly the lightening," in the case of electric power enterprise, 1 penny might decide life and death. "It is worth noting that is, some energy-intensive industries, a result he cost pressures areTransfer to the border areas. "Because there is rich in resources, dozens of tons of coal, and hundreds of blocks, what competition? So everybody in the transfer to border areas tera gold, because the play down. ” Others:

