2012年4月10日 星期二

tera power leveling to experience all kinds of misunderstandings - KLV

129762893033906250_65Wang likun Naiwen Li in the nest together to reproduce the wedding between love and survival NetEase entertainment on March 14 directed by famous writer Lindley won the first cylinder, Wang likun (microblogging), Naiwen Li hold hands [sleeves] television series starring the married nest tera power leveling, today (March 14) landed in Beijing television channels. The play revolves around "after the marriage," the social hot topic discussions about Yang Xue (Wang likun ornaments) and Yu Zhiyuan (Naiwen Li ornament) on generation yCouples due to the marriage tera power leveling, put on by the "caught in love and life". The nest marriage to "the marriage" that reality elements as a starting point, about from the small city of Yang Xue and smooth married boyfriend Yu Zhiyuan, to experience all kinds of misunderstandings, not only put up with all sorts of unreasonable demands from her mother, to afford the enormous remodeling costs, between ideal and reality hard to move on. TheOpera has to realistic technique reconstruction of the present a lot after the marriage State, proceeding from a cross section of the community shows of today's urban living beings. Wang likun, Naiwen Li first join hands to build a "young couple distress", through their love of "naked marriage", "price", and many other social phenomena reflected by disputes over the complexity of the story, a young couple in a groupExperienced in the process of building a family and marriage troubles and happiness were interpreted by two people most vividly. The play Director Lin Lisheng had said in an interview to the wedding House is the starting point of the nest, but the end result is emotional between people and people. Actress Yang Xue's experience in the play makes many young people feel, desperate dreams since childhood came to the big city is out on your own,Harvest perfect love experienced material difficulties, how to strike a balance in your love and marriage, the ideal and the reality is that many young people need to learn in real life and thought. As hand-picked by the play women first, proven history of Wang likun, interpretation of her next faced the pressure but still optimistic liberal "after the best daughter-in-law" appear vividly screens, believes in theNest after marriage you will be Sun snow thumbs up. In addition to the upcoming broadcast of the wedding of nest, another masterpiece of the Green blind Wang likun, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Tianjin four TV hit, in the psychological war spy drama Wang likun up cold one military doctor Wang Ling in the rain together Hewei Yu tera gold, sand spilled two power star put on a new love triangle odd. Others:

