2012年4月14日 星期六

tera power leveling the Mainland release again in good faith - NVC

129779512039843750_22On April 1, the CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Vice Premier Li keqiang met at Boao, Hainan Province to attend the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 Taiwan Straits common market Foundation the highest adviser Wu Den-yih. New Cheng Jiapeng photo taken April 1, was held in Boao, Hainan Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012. The Taiwan consist of "2012 delegation of Boao Forum for Asia "members of more than 50 people, for over the years to participate in one of the largest. Straits common market Foundation the highest adviser Wu Den-yih served as the Honorary Chairman of Cai Hongtu, hongren Group Chairman Wang Wen-Yang, Chairman of Cathay life insurance, Foxconn Chairman Terry GOU, over more than 10 Taiwan attended by hundreds of senior executives in large enterprises with mission. Media on the island believe thatSize the table clearly demonstrates that Taiwan attaches to the Boao Forum. Build cross-strait exchanges "pipe" on March 31, Wu Den-yih and his party took a direct flights fly to AO, on April 3, Wu Den-yih and his party took a direct flight back to Taiwan. Media in the small details on the island has seen big changes in the relations between the two sides. The "Central News Agency" reports that in 2008, the Foundation for the common marketChairman Vincent Siew to attend Boao Forum, is transit through Hong Kong to take Charter flights. From the turn to direct, witnessed the cross-strait relations from melting ice to spring for 4 years. Periods of relative stagnation in cross-strait relations, Boao Forum for economic exchanges between the two sides to build a platform. Starting from 2003, the first annual meeting of the Boao Forum, Straits common market Foundation Board Chairman Vincent Siew led a delegation to attend. 2008 of April, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Hu Jintao at the Boao meeting with Siew and his party, Strait and caused great concern among the international community. Two months later tera power leveling, the resumption of talks between the two sides. Public opinion in Taiwan generally believes that Hu Jintao meeting with Siew's new situation to improve and develop cross-strait relations, and promoting the cross-strait economic cooperation, had a very important positive significance. The Mong Kok report refers toOut, gradually became important economic forum Boao Forum, have gradually become important for the exchange of "pipeline", playing a special platform of economic exchange between the two sides. Wide space for economic and trade cooperation on April 1, the CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Vice Premier Li keqiang met with Wu Den-yih. Mr Li said, two sides of the Strait should make concerted efforts to promote cross-StraitInnovation on the economic cooperation in a new starting point, to better meet the needs of economic development, to let more people share the peace between the two sides for development results. He stressed, to step up the promotion of ECFA follow-up consultation, striving to sign investment protection and promotion agreement between the two sides as soon as possible; speeding up cross-strait cooperation in the financial field, start deliberations to establish currency clearing mechanism between the two sides as soon as possible; strengthening cross-StraitIndustrial cooperation, and jointly promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. Wu Den-yih said in the "consensus of ' 92" on the basis of consultations have so far reached 16 agreements, cross-strait economic situation to achieve a steady development of the global economic downturn. Situation of peaceful development of relations across the Strait is worth jointly cherish and strengthen. Hope that both sides uphold the differences and peace tera gold, have faith and promote good will on both sides, people's livelihoodFirst idea, further expand Exchange and practical consultations, strengthened cooperation tera power leveling, seeking well being for the people on both sides, for the prosperity of the Chinese nation, as sons and daughters of China open spirit. Taiwan media said, the Mainland release again in good faith, ECFA follow-up consultations, the establishment of mechanisms for monetary settlements, to negotiate the insuring agreements, and so is the highest in industry voices on the island. Further strengthening the economic and trade exchanges across the Strait, about twoBank maximum well-being of the population. China entered a new round of the "Twelve-Five" plan, Taiwan also hopes to build the "golden decade", wide space for economic and trade cooperation between the two sides. Concern cross-strait economic and trade cooperation is important in the relationship between the question between the two sides, who will face the future cross-strait economic and trade and mutually beneficial win-win with continuity and future significance. Hainan Airlines Group, April 1 and Taiwan Foxconn group signed cooperative associationOn the 3rd "Strait Roundtable" heldLine. Wang Yi emphasized that should further the maintenance, strengthening and deepening of mutual political trust between the two sides of the Strait, to the promotion of economic cooperation, as well as solve the economic problems in the field of providing stronger protection, and create a more favourable environment for more solid popular support, produce a more continuous power. In response, Taiwan media observation is: Boao Forum focusing on financial topicsAt this stage between the two sides along the "after the first political" path. However, deepen cross-strait peace and development in the future, political mutual trust is the key. Features of the China Times, said, "All gone with the wind, current specified road, peace-the best! "Is snow Wu Den-yih rewrite of that year Mao Zedong qinyuanchun * pan. Peaceful development of relations between the two sides on the island gradually became mainstream recognition, the future development of relations between the two sides,Track this is how to make the peace, deepen. Should be tested on both sides, and also need to accumulate more conditions and good will. Wood Stringer said, Others:

