2012年4月4日 星期三

tera power leveling market development - HMB

129777246156875000_372005 Spring Festival party, called the decoration pieces of impressive, Gong Hanlin owners looking for a street decoration of the Honourable Andrew WONG, resulting in destroyed new homes. Art comes from life, in fact, the problems consumers encounter in reality far more essays in the complex, the renovation has become a lot of pain for decoration. In a survey, press random interviews with 50 consumers, Reflecting the decoration problems more than 50%, know of relatives and friends have decorated dispute over 80%. A few days ago, has been installed at home mopagunda East js published prospectus, plan to issue 134.3 million shares, landing the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Reporters discovered through prospectus tera gold, Tung js expansion due to extreme, there are unavoidable limitations. Franchising expansionRisk as far as East js official website shows so far, Tung js group has officially employs more than 3,000 people, has established branches in 30 cities throughout the country, and in 71 cities authorized the establishment of the 65 franchise organisations. Prompting the prospectus, the company's business model to copy, can be implemented through franchising, franchise low costExpansion, with its franchisee service system of management and control is the key point. Due to the company and franchisees signed the franchise agreement franchisees can be paid using "eastbright js" brand, our company and franchise-related risks are mainly from franchisees to provide customers with products and services cannot be consistent with this company. If the franchisee to provide products and servicesAnd quality requirements of our company there is a large gap tera power leveling, will harm the brand image of the company and "East easy js" reputation of the well-known mark, giving rise to the risk of the company into disrepute. Operational efficiency or hard evidence to show the prospectus, the company's business has developed rapidly in recent years, in 2009-2011, the company's net worth, the revenue from core businesses as well asBoth work with varying degrees of growth. As business continues to expand and scale of rapid expansion, raise funds this investment project implementation and in particular after the rapid expansion of the decoration business, company management, talent, technology innovation, market development, will face the challenge. If the company's management, talent cannot adapt to the size of company to expand rapidlyNeeds organization and management system could not be adjusted with the increase in the size of the company and improve the efficient operation of the company will be difficult to maintain, and thus weaken the competitiveness of company. Unavoidable limitations of the experts in the industry, decoration "franchise" hidden dangers and problems brought about by is due to limitations of the industry has not avoided. Beijing wide reachDecorate think Vice President Wang yinghua, features significant decoration industry is a labour-intensive traditional industries, to ensure that the problem does not occur among the chain expanded quickly, mature model just is not enough, must have good management mechanisms and personnel system tera gold, otherwise it is difficult to control, easy out, a problem also makes it easy for the parent company is in trouble. Famous economistsProfessor Zhong Wei thought: home improvement industry by providing value in the low added value stages, barriers to entry are low, it is easy to be imitated and copied. Zhong Wei, home improvement companies expanding national development franchise brands, its core competitiveness of financial control capacity, and so have not yet formed, home improvement company's top priority is to highlight development services and systems integration, forming productionStandardization of products, and eventually improve the core competition. (Cloud) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

