2012年4月9日 星期一

tera power leveling and lighting - FTK

129774133141718750_125As the "market control" further implementation of the policy, "economy", "price", "marketing" has become a popular vocabulary in the real estate market, most of the developers in order to accelerate smoothly, have made concessions, prices also fell. As one of the buyers, how to ebb scattered in the property market tera power leveling, selected to suit your own House?Not only for home buyer tests of vision, experience, but also to the buyers of psychological tests.  Estate four feats--"look, smell, and asked, cutting," teaches you how to house the pulse. Mong-overview of today's real estate market-power, not every developer is honest, trustworthy tera gold, in the property market there are still some uneven development of enterprise buyers of "fog".From "flat yy", "building crunchy" to "floor, running" are constantly reminded to buyers, buying brand developers should be selected. This does not necessarily mean, brand developers do products will absolutely not a problem, but at least in the event of problems, buyers can find activist objects, so as to reduce their losses and, secondly, as a famous brand developmentBusiness, more experienced, and also pay more attention to their own reputation, and quick reaction after the problem occurred, giving a relatively reasonable solution.  So, buyers in the purchase, desired "look" good developer power, don't make their own interests being compromised. Smell – word of mouth word of mouth, as the name suggests is: oral is praised, overnight and complete. That, asReal estate enterprises, can be verbal praise, so naturally, the old owners and personal experience of the home crowd, also without the developers the comprehensive level.  Therefore, only those service perfect, the developer has the experience, strength, and developed project to reassure buyers buy. Q--contrast is the so-called, shop around, buy a House nor horsesTiger, to at found problem, over comparison, large to community location, and Community scale, and community supporting, and Community price, and lines area, and green rate, and community education, and property service, and around environment, small to type towards, and layer high, and floor, and elevator, and lighting, and room layout, and purchase offers, problem tera power leveling, are should considered comprehensive, while integrated itself situation, to select to purchase of House. PurchaseHouse also take more access to expertise in buying books, so familiar and don't want to be sellers one-sided interpretation of the gains. – Start your balance when you sure you want to start with House, and so on to the last step, which is the most important step, signing of the purchase contract. Decided to pay the down payment before signing the contract, to make sure the project's complete documentsYou can view these documents in their sales requirements, only complete documents will reduce the risks of the purchase or apply for mortgage loans, and note whether the purchase contract signed by the property management Department of printed standard real estate contract and, if so, must be itemized in accordance with the terms set out in the text article by article to fill in, should not be sloppy, the signing of the purchase contract mustAs detailed as before will understand the information added in the annex to the contract, in order to reduce unnecessary losses. Others:

