2012年4月5日 星期四

tera gold increase the intensity of demand for owner-occupied housing support - NSG

129771798620718560_46Shenzhen tera gold, Xinhua News Agency March 24 (Xinhua Zhao Ruixi) new housing construction planning in Shenzhen said the 2012 implementation plan, new arrangements to raise 40,000 to build affordable housing in Shenzhen this year and "pilot in tenancy by the entirety of the original rural collective economic organizations to raise funds, the village villagers build into the effective supply of affordable housing".At the same time, "studies on general merchandise goods such as houses and villas, Penthouse, large scale housing implementation of differential taxation, credit and loans for Provident Fund policy." To combat speculative housing demand, closely watched housing differential taxation policy on the agenda. The plan suggested that "accelerate research to establish long-efficiency mechanism progressively to market adjustment mechanism to enforce the demand categoryBoot. Studies on general merchandise goods such as houses and villas, Penthouse, large scale housing implementation of differential taxation, credit and accumulation Fund loan policy, crack down on general commodity speculation in housing investment, reasonably reduce the first set of general housing and living costs of the purchase of goods, increase the intensity of demand for owner-occupied housing support; large villas, Penthouse, goods such as housing, promoting trade and maintainAspects of tax reform, guide the development of housing to meet the housing needs of residents. "The planned 2012 Shenzhen new arrangements have clearly raised 40,000 to build affordable housing, an area of 2.62 million square meters, and will supply of affordable housing to rent, sell 20,000 units, and increase the intensity of monetary subsidies to implement, to eligible low-income residents of household registration andTalent 100% payment of monetary subsidies. In addition, Shenzhen will pilot the "farmers" into the "affordable housing" in the supply. The plan suggested that "actively promoting the rural collective economic organizations to raise funds and village the villagers build a unified into affordable housing program. Combination of housing and planning, industry development, in ensuring the quality of housing, fire safetyThe premise, the pilot as a whole room to raise funds by means of leasing the original rural collective economic organizations, village the villagers from houses into effective supply channel security housing, housing difficulties to provide to eligible families and talents. "The plan also suggested that" more power to clean up activating organs and institutions built housing, housing and Social Security Department in charge of developing and implementing the city's unification of Qing dynastyBack provisions, installed in housing priority for recycling of this unit complies with talent and employees living in the housing security standards. Strengthening industrial zone, supporting dynamic idle hostels managed, by industrial park or street boundary range, intensive tera gold, reasonable adjustment of the idle industrial facilities of quarters. Enterprises, units of memory access conditions of the construction of public rental housing, the planning, design, construction, GeneralContent and layout, as well as distribution operations management. "Under the plan of arrangement, Shenzhen commodity housing demand to carry live this year, construction housing 60,000 sets of goods, gross floor area of approximately 5.4 million square meters, supply of new land (an area of 1.2 million square meters, construction of 15 tera power leveling,000 sets) major construction of small general merchandise housing units. Mobile phoneNumber: name: price of intent: Please select less than $ 5,000 $ 5000-6000 $ 6000-7000 $ 7000-8000 $ $ more than regional of intent: North South your intention of the Yubei yuzhong Jiulongpo shapingba real estate: yourInterest area: Others:

